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Posts posted by Aesri

  1. HD 6850, XP sp3, 4gig GSkill DDR3, blah blah blargh.


    Ran like buttah before 1.4. Now it runs like crap. Stuttering camera movement, hitching audio and video on any movement. INSANE load times for some reason and the fact that the bloated exe doesn't cause endless CTDs shakes my faith in causality.


    It's crap. I'd expect better from an "optimized" engine.


    Fix yo' %$@#, BioWare. Fix it now.

  2. Why is this class called smuggler? We don't smuggle. Unless you call the bland concept of "go here, effortlessly land and magically move a large item through a city to it's destination without ever so much as SEEING a customs agent or local authority take any interest in the BIG item being dragged behind you as you jot through town on your 1-man speeder, get paid" true smuggling. No effort, no challenge, not really smuggling.


    I'm not speaking of a sandbox idea. The story has ZILCH to do with smuggling. It BARELY has a criminal flavoring.


    *** Bioware? This is officially now the second game where the class should have been named "bland criminal". A little truth in advertising.

  3. The only thing these varied class looks are going to do is sit in the database....never to be used by the modest majority of players that are used to the visual styling of Star Wars over all.


    This is a bunch of poorly designed, artistically failing suits of armor better suited to the floor of the conceiving artist's (or the suit that ordered them) office, to forever remind them that this is BAD.


    The pseudo-sickle sorc, the beer-holder cowboy hat, EVERY single set included in this is bad, and those that green-lit them should feel bad for doing so.


    Damn, BioWare, usually you've hit close to (if not directly on) target on the subject of equipment look and feel for a given IP, but this stuff looks more like the sad cousin to some dirt-poor cosplayer's worst dream.


    At least it can be said that when you fail, you fail big. I'd hate to have seen these somehow sneak their way into the loot-tables to the shock of all.

  4. OP,


    Way back when, when they first announced the damn game, they spoke to the fact that their target market were BioWare fans, Star Wars fans, and those that might not have played an MMO before.


    No-where in there is included the idea of "hardcore raiders" or whatever.


    Them not wanting to lean on the metrics you call for is simply them saying that unlike Blizzard, they don't want to be coding themselves into a corner that forces them to create and deliver content that must then take said metrics into account...ie: content creation that is driven by such metrics...instead of said content being created within their extant content design philosophy. That being that they want you looking at what's going on around you rather than at a given window buried in the UI.


    Therefore, this was never going to be a hardcore raiding game in the first place.

  5. Actually, no I won't.


    After reading what Lucas said regarding our feedback on how he's personally treated the saga, I personally won't ever give a damn if I never enjoy another product from anything other than licensees regarding the Star Wars IP. The live-action series can die in a fire. From now on the books no longer draw my attention and with this raving mad idea to 3D-ize the worst of all 6 movies he can go choke on every dollar he ever made off me.


    Bioware's dalliance in the IP is one of my last sojourns into the IP, if not THE last. After this...well I just don't know for sure, but it won't be the same.

  6. I agree, I'm pretty satisfied with the game overall thus far. The patches haven't been of a negative impact on me and mine, and we're all set on the fact that change comes in it's own time.


    No need to apologize for liking it, OP. Don't you apologize one bit. Don't you dare. You like something. That's not an affront to anyone, it doesn't cost anyone anything, and it does no harm to anyone.


    Enjoy your ***** off.

  7. And I think that is where the silence is coming from.

    The problem is that SGRA content is really, really unimportant from a GAMEPLAY standpoint.


    To you. Nice "my opinion is objective fact" mental gymnastics. In a story-based RP-centric system, the emotional quotient of the title is supremely important to more than a few. As evidenced by the substantial and consistent support for swifter feedback if not overt action regarding the issue at hand.


    Right now they have screaming fans that VASTLY outnumber you that are upset over crashes, blue screens of death, ability delay, stuttering animations, poor performance on machines, etc.


    These are issues that affect the GAMEPLAY of 100% of the player base. SGRA's are affecting a NON-GAMEPLAY element of the game for a minority of players.


    o.O What are these that affect 100% of the player base? To date, of gamebreaking issues that I've either heard complaint of or seen mention of, I've personally experienced....


    ...one. The Mako social bug. That's it. I've played every class at least to 35 with the exception of the BH. Way to make sweeping generalized statements that aren't supported by objective fact.



    I know it is tempting every single patch to hop up and start screaming about being ignored, but we are not even 90 days out yet and Bioware has a LOT of nearly gamebreaking issues still needing resolution.


    Just as I know that it's tempting every single thread of which you do not support to hop up and start screaming about somehow being set forth as being less important than you claim to be.



    It's not that I claim there are NO issues of equal or more import, but your attempt to devalue the point-of-view here is sloppy and as fallacious as the legend of the Easter Bunny.

  8. Did you ever play CoH? It sounds like GW2 is taking part of their approach to the no trinity.


    I played CoX...and can't agree on it actually being a non-trinity title. That title is SO steeped in the trinity it's unreal. Not by design, but by rote-of-those-playing.


    You're a tank, DPS, or support. I played every slot over 16 characters, and when I took my Controller (a damage/control/healing build version) out most often I got the biggest kvetching from Tanks screaming about how I'm not just spam-healing like a good bot because I'd taken Empathy(healing) as a secondary and that was more important than my PRIMARY...a damage/control set. Like their bars dipping slightly more was some personal affront to their purity or some such dreck.


    Seeing as I held a Stone Tank up for over a half hour when Statesman's Task Force first released the first day it launched (meaning when none of us had a clue of strategy) while containing Recluses adds and kept the REST of the team up as well until we downed him with only two deaths overall, I felt that my approach to build was strong enough. :)


    But to be sure, that title is SO not a good example of a non-trinity title. Regardless of the mechanics, the player-base can and more-often-than-not will manipulate team-play into it BEING a trinity title. CoX is a living example of such.


    If GW2 can avoid such with it's player-base, mores the better and it has all my good wishes for it. But mechanics aren't guarantees of how play will be/feel/be driven to be sure.

  9. now you're just being silly. I mean that i often log off and check the numbers,and the numbers are grim. IF you wanna keep fooling yourself as to be playing a game that has 7 million logged at the same time, dont do what I do, or you will get frustrated.


    EA is a known liar and a thief. The game is from Bioware. Remember that EA commited crimes against DAOC users issuing fees like 20-30 times per month , per card. And didnt even apologize. And then, months later they suddenly started lying about the population when it began to sink. Expect more of that, since they got away with that charging crime. The old motto: "if someone has already been caught lying, there's no reason to believe them anymore", is valid to the not-so-stupid person.


    Wow....I mean it's like I'm listening to Alex Jones talk about the game. :p

  10. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEE? the same ol'... no , brother they didnt do that. The initial boom is due to everyone falling for the hype of a new MMO. After 1 month, when ppl level and reach ilum, they just hit unsub. Ilum is a catastrophe, i think no one who is sane enough would disagree with me on this one. And people like us, who still kept subbed for some time, and would give them the benefit of doubt of magically fixing all ther flaws, gets nothing in the end.


    Does anyone else get the same sensation I do reading this? It's like listening to AM radio conspiracy talk shows and how 2012 is the end of the world or that one guy on History Channel all the time saying that anything ancient that we can't currently explain how it was built MUST have been built by aliens?



  11. I think this describes hard core fans of any game though.


    Actually, I don't quite hold to that. Hard Core fans of anything aren't necessarily rabid, foaming morons as those described. I've been a hard core fan of Star Wars and Arthur C. Clarke titles for years, but that doesn't mean I hear someone put forth the neatness of anyone else putting out a title and start slamming it like it was an instinctual reaction.


    It's called poor impulse control and anti-social behavior.

  12. Well I think Trion worked hard for thier subs which is a lesson a lot of devs can learn from; I honestly think TOR will peak at about 2.5 mil and drop down to around 2 mil when GW2 and MOP are released I look for TOR to have a large loyal audience for many years to come and I have to find more time to game....TOR GW2 TSW Neverwinter so many games so little time.


    Much agreed.


    I'm currently just on a TOR binge but when ME3 and a few other titles hit I'll be torn on time.


    I think that with the numbers shown, it's a pretty safe bet that we're stable and looking at a long term title that should have the loyal fanbase and sub-base that should propel it into the decade healthily.

  13. "You're only as old as you feel..."


    Well, this 37-year old; disabled; security specialist feels 57 so I'll pipe in. My earliest memory is of seeing Ep. IV in the theater opening day in '77. I've been a fan ever since. Most people I know are.


    It's been wonderful reading through this thread. Age be damned. If you're down with the Wars, you're part of one of the best communities out there. Stand tall peeps, regardless of age.


    Can't wait to see how this thread evolves.

  14. Figures, go to the assassin forums, find my post, look at the link in the post.


    Or do you want to call bs again?


    There is an ability delay ISSUE, the devs ACKNOWLEDGED IT, so where do you get off calling bs it's your system?


    I run this sob on MAX with 60+ FPS. I was in ilum among 80+ imperials and the game was smooth as silk.


    Try again. Or should I make a video to prove you wrong, again?


    BS was called that and was backed up by quoting system specs. I responded in kind. If you complain and then back up complaint by specifically stating X when X isn't represented equally in an objective fashion, don't complain when someone takes it to the mat.


    I'm aware some people have an issue, but that issue isn't one that someone should backup by saying that "my system is X and IT has a problem" when lesser tier systems have no issue. Simply quoting that there IS an officially acknowledged issue would do.


    In other words, don't kvetch because the argument I quoted is framed like the Titanic.

  15. So when my abilities like stealth dont fire after 9 button presses my i7, 550Ti, 8g of ram and new motherboard are the problem!


    Do you people just defend EVERYTHING bioware does?





    I am going to call BS on you. How about I make you a video of me spamming my stealth and not entering it OR using maul, getting the animation but no damage, only for the gcd to fire and it become useable again?


    I swear some of you have to be plants, no on would be this oblivious to the blatant delays in this game.


    And I'd do the same on you, as my BF's AMD Quad with 4 gig on XP and a GTS 450 has absolutely no lag on abilities whatsoever. He's running tanks and I have to use his system to play on my account with no personal experience of lag at all.

  16. I would tend to think that Miraluka could see things like details of a computer keyboard or solid surfaces simply by way of the difference and displacement of the midichlorians present in all life, ie: microscopic life-forms. Bacteria, viruses, etc surround us daily and even in clean rooms it takes a lot to sterilize a given place. We all move though a sea of them daily with no effect, but to a Miraluka I'd imagine that they'd see such as a overriding "fill" of ...well...whathaveyou...that is broken and divided by walls, switches, etc. Even by details of a person's wardrobe.


    Letters on a screen? I don't know about that...but honestly, it isn't beyond the realm of possibility. Miraluka merely evolved in an environment that led to evolution foregoing physical eyes, but that doesn't speak at all to whether or not they still retain a visual cortex in their brains. Should they retain such, it's entirely possible that they could be able to link their force sensitive perception to filter through said cortex and thus allow them to read text, watch a holo-movie, etc.

  17. Out of universe explanation: They're physical staffs grafted to hilts and with exerting themselves as they do in that scene actors cannot avoid physical reality...it's merely a fact.


    In-universe explanation: Lightsaber blades are comprised of a coherent plasma arc magnetically bottled by an attuned EM field. This field has a quality that any magnetic field does...that being that it has inertia. As it also behaves quite similarly to a toroid magnetic field, it imparts this inertia to the hilt, regardless of the incredible focusing of said mag-field.


    Aside from the obvious reality of "swing a flashlight around and see if you ever touch yourself" it is THAT which is the most important factor in effort/force user requirement...correcting for the ever-present and never abating inertia being imparted to the hilt by the lightsaber's magnetic containment field.


    Just try imagining the above flashlight idea, only now the flashlight is trying to spin in your hand in opposition to how you move it and against the normal inclination of your wrist to allow.


    In effect, it's constantly trying to wrench itself out of your hand while it's active.

  18. Let me be blunt. You're not trying to exploit your CHARACTER, you're exploiting the CLASS SYSTEM as if it were an in-game combat mechanic. At character creation, you pick a class based off of the role you want to play and then eventually select an AC to specialize that role further.


    Flipping around at will for ease of use renders the class system moot. "I'm DPS, but now I'm TANKY and now I'm something else" fundamentally undercuts the entire REASON for choosing class/AC at all. We might as well just lump all the skills for each class/AC combination together into a single pudgy lump of a class choice and say to hell with it for all the rationale putting forth a choice and then rendering it moot at will makes.

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