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Posts posted by Darth_Vampirius

  1. I can say account wide Valor titles would be nice, because a lot of us have worked hard to get those. I agree on the sense that we need cross server pvp, queues are long and honestly some new blood would be great to have thrown in the mix.


    However, on the note of valor ranks, I'm sad to say that it would not fix a thing. If anything breaking it up into Valor ranks would slow down the queue at the higher valor levels. Because in so doing you're cutting out most of the people queueing, ending up increasing your wait time. Also, here's the main sad thing. Valor means NOTHING. It's literally a patience meter, it takes no skill in any way or form to reach valor 100. You grind out enough games, you will eventually reach rank 100. I mean no disrespect to those that have reached it and have worked hard to show that you have earned it. But I can remember back in the Battlemaster days when that was the big thing to get, I knew players that had it and had little to no skill at all. They sat around complaining, no contribution to the team, never called incs, we all know the stories. I'm pretty sure everyone remembers the Ilum days of people mass farming valor when it was bugged, that was messed up as well. Saying Valor rank ensures a smart team? Yes and no on that one. If Valor was truly skill base? Yes, but because it is not? Also no. Just my two cents worth.


    You make a couple of interesting points. Of the first point, I can say that Bioware would need to have a broader gap in how they break up the higher brackets. Now, when they merge warzones in 2.4, queue times should be a lot shorter, of course.


    To the second point, you may get people at high valor ranks that do not have the skill to match, but it is more often the exception rather than the rule. Besides, at least they will know how to walk around on the map, which is a start.


    In the end, my ideas aren't perfect, but let's face it, even though it has flaws, any system they implement will also have flaws. I propose that my suggestion is vastly superior to the one that is currently in place.

  2. Interesting approach there funkiestj.


    I thought I was pretty clear that one input action must equal only one action in game, but obviously not - so please find below red X's next to the correct answers.


    Enjoy! :jawa_biggrin:


    One of the examples features Huittball. Now, on Ebon Hawk, we have a guild or two who like to point out the words of Baron Deathmark "cheating is encouraged" when they hack. It's not hard to find. They talk about hacking on the forums, and even named their guild after a cheat device.


    So, while cheating in huttball might be "against the TOS", it is certainly being allowed.

  3. Playing with the bads over this weekend, I have come to understand that the queue system is severely broken. Many of us would end up being on a team with horrible players, while facing ranked teams with vent and some coordinated efforts to dominate the WZ. There is nothing wrong with ganging up on people. That is normal play. There is something wrong with the queue system, however, so I propose a few changes:


    #1 Make valor and titles account wide.

    This is crucial, because it lets players know who they can trust to give good advice. Yes, there are some players with high valor rank who aren't that great at playing, but at least they have done enough warzones to know the difference between snow and grass. Some of the players I encountered this weekend do not!

    #2 Cross server PVP queues

    With these, we may lose individual server identities in PVP, but the queues are woefully long late at night on some servers, often in excess of 5-6 hours. This has to change. They are supposedly changing this in 2.4, but I hope it's not just for ranked players.

    #3 Valor-based brackets

    This is the main thing that my post has been leading up to. This weekend, I grouped with a lot of terribads who didn't understand anything about PVP. Some explaining may occur in a Warzone, but as someone who does nothing but PVP, it gets old. Fast. If the brackets were broken up by (account-wide) Valor rank, it would guarantee that you don't end up with a herp derp team every time.

  4. That is not Bioware's fault, that is down to the player base and when they are joining the queue. Not sure what you want done to be honest.


    Did you even watch the video? You can scroll down and select from a list of game to join. Bioware could do this, and they should. Their queue system right now is crap.


    Your response shows me that you just hit the reply button without even trying to figure out what I was saying, at all. Gee, thanks, dude :/

  5. I am in the USA, East Coast. I work at a hospital, 7p-7a. There is no getting around this. On my nights off, I like to play SWTOR, late. I like to PVP. Here is the problem: There is no PVP!


    Sure, there was a buzz when the expansion hit, but now? The queues are between 2-9 hours after Midnight. I can't do anything with that.


    There is a game, which I do not want to play, that does it right.


    Why can't SWTOR be like this? Instead, I am stuck not playing at all. But, it's a mystery. I complain about queues, only to find out that someone else is getting 10 second queues, or less. Why? I'm about to unsub and uninstall, for real. This is garbage.

  6. Hey maybe if we scream louder for another 50 pages someone will change their mind, sheer logic isnt enough obviously. Btw most of us serious PVPers are close to min/maxed already (lvl 54 purples ROFL) and could care less but just the lack of logic is beyond mistifying and then let me do a comparison of our complaint and your reply.



    I can buy a 6 pack of beer for $6 but you want to charge us $8 per beer if bought seperately?



    We did this to make it easier for you to get drunk cheaper!


    Community response

    What the .....

    Yup. And here is what kills me. This same team is coding thousands upon thousands of lines of code per day, yet a simple first grade math problem like this eludes them? Umm...?

  7. Please bring your OMGQQHAX!! complaints somewhere else. There are about 5000 other threads in these forums to complain in. For the record, this looks like a pretty clear case of someone being pushed onto the ball spawn and being instant killed. It's also a pretty clear case of someone not knowing the nuances of this game and blaming others for their lack of understanding... please please please, do your part in making this thread a no-QQ zone. Thank you.


    Nah, I was just drunk off Gentleman Jack and Blue Moons IRL and wanted to annoy Animousity, who ordered me never to speak of it again. But, I'll take it to another thread next time.

  8. competitive PVP


    If you mean, teams of friends ganging up against others, I am for it. It creates challenge and legitimate competition, and fosters the spirit of PVP in a multi player game. Unfortunately, this is not what PVP in SWTOR stands for, especially on the Ebon Hawk server.


    PVP on EH means ANY HACKS and CHEATS necessary. Game Genie/Guerilla/Zen = "cheats are all encouraged, per Baron Deathmark". All cheats "are encouraged."

  9. It was epic. Somehow, both Starorchid and Kintago got knocked through a barrier onto the bridge on Voidstar, but the bridge wasn't out yet, so they were fighting out on the scaffolding like some strange epic pirate duel. People were like "lol." Amistar was like "Dafuk."


    It was a good match, and then we had beers.

  10. this change is just dumb, and yet another way the devs are catering to bad players. my personal concern with this change is that DPS will start to lose its importance in a highly competitive environment. with the CC break being reset on death, killing your opponents will actually make it easier for them to defend a node/pylon. in that situation, the focus will become CC'ing your opponents to force them to use the CC break, and then waiting for their Resolve to deplete in order to CC them again.


    in that situation, classes with multiple CC abilities and group utility skills are going to be much more valuable to the group's success than straight up DPS. in that environment, why would you take a sniper? or a merc? classes with multiple forms of single target and aoe CC will be much more valuable. it just happens that tank specs have a lot of these utility abilities.


    I don't see the down side of this.

  11. I'm not sure why hopping from one losing game to another is anyone's definition of fun. You do know that the most likely game you get into when you solo queue is the one where your team is badly losing?


    There's really no gain whatsoever for leaving and people trying to rationalize are just finding excuses. If you have to leave fine, but you're coming out way behind on this. WZ consumables are dirt cheap now anyway. You get 5 of each type for finishing the second daily and it'd usually be obvious when using them isn't going to turn the tide at all.


    If anything the kind of game you should be leaving are the game where you know it's going to end in 10-0 Alderaan and you're on the side with the 0, but bizarrely enough very few of the self-proclaimed pros ever actually quit in such a game, even though this is complete waste of time in every sense of the word. You'll be fighting for 20 minutes and ultimately losing without any realistic shot at winning for about 100 comms which is pretty much the worst possible way you can spend your time. Heck, sometimes I want to quit even when I'm on the winning side, as 140 comms for 20 minutes of fighting is still pretty bad.


    Good post. Selective quitting never happens. It's always these stupid rage quits, which set the quitter behind.

  12. I don't get it, personally. I mean, I strive to win every time, but as a PVP PUG player, I accept that it isn't always going to happen. Honestly, on Sundays or Mondays, you might not win a single match if you PUG. Why? Because there are lots of premades out there, partial and otherwise.


    Anyway, there is no sense to leaving a Warzone. Let's take for example, an average 55 PVPer. Here's a breakdown of events:


    #1 Joins a Warzone.

    #2 Soon realizes that over half his team is wearing War Hero gear, and they have no other healer.

    #3 After an initial push. player sees that the other team has 4 members of the same guild, and 3 total healers.

    #4 Player quits the warzone.

    #5 Warzone ends 12 mins later. Please note, the queues are 15 minutes long. The players who lost got some valor, tokens, and practice.


    The player who left, is still in queue chasing that white whale Warzone that will give 4 billion valor or whatever. His next WZ, the premades are still rolling strong. He starts to get stomped and leaves again, and again, and again. This is why I pride myself on having a fairly high PVP rank. It shows that you are wise, practiced, and thoughtful.... Moreover, you are not a useless quitter who wastes his/her own time, and the time of the group.

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