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Posts posted by shaclad

  1. @OP


    All Force attacks have 100% hit chance by default. It is non-Force attacks that benefit from +hit towards the cap in PVE.


    In PVP, having additional hit (past 100%) counters the defensive stats of the opposing player. Every 1% over you have cancels out 1% of avoidance they have.


    I don't know if NPCs have defensive stats, it seems very likely, but if they do it should work the same way as it does in PVP.

  2. - Im sorry, but I don't think Sith Assasins should get lightning. They are nimble, stealthy blade wielders. Not masters of sorcery.


    Umm, they are Inquisitors, which are masters of Dark Side powers. You are using trickery, and are relying on Force powers constantly instead of brute force. Shock, Saber charges, our stuns, are all manipulations of lightning which stem from mastery of the Dark Side. There are very few "blade wielding" only abilities, and they are just fillers for the good stuff or are enhanced by the lightning based abilities. If you want a blade wielder, roll Marauder.


    Plus, assassins are not rogues, were never intended to be rogues, and will never be rogues. If you wanted to play a rogue class I recommend the Operative which has "Backstab" and also can stealth. If you want to draw a comparison to another game, think Enhancement Shaman.


    In Beta I questioned the Devs about why Sins even had "Stealth" to begin with. There is no storyline reason "Why" to back it up, it is not shown in lore at all and it doesn't tie in with the utility of the class at all in the big picture. The Devs were very kind to respond to me saying that it enchanced the playstyle and allowed a greater variation of the role to seperate it from Marauder as a force wielding DPS class.

  3. The male Imperial social gear set is incredibly ugly and the hat takes the cake.


    In contrast, the female Republic social gear set is actually very attractive and the headgear has a snazzy feather decoration.


    Too bad that the gear is so inconsistent in appearence so as to be visually appealing for both factions. The Republic gearsets are far nicer and stimulating than those of the Imperials.

  4. I would strongly disagree with both of these points. If you are already top of the aggro list, taunt does nothing - save it for an emergency. Simarilarly with a stun, save it for an emergency, especially as Maul has quite poor threat for the cost without Duplicity procs, which you won't have whilst tanking. Furthermore, it's much better to stay at roughly the same place and only move when you need to, as it allows (melee) dps to not have to reposition, let alone haelers.




    It's only worth it if you're going high Deception - it's far less useful for both Darkness and Madness builds, due to the buffs to DC/LC, so 'no matter what build you are' is a bit misleading.




    No, it's not, EL and TTL are. Incredibly small increments of health (3 points in SoD amounts to about 400hp at level 50, which looks to be far less than a mitigated and shielded attack from a boss mob) will not affect TTL in any fashion with large incoming damage/spike damage, especially if you're going to be topped up by healing anyway. See here for more on this. Also bear in mind that if Dark Charge's healing scales with damage, my napkin maths suggests that EE is better for TTL than SoD, especially with SS taken.




    With Harnessed Darkness, Force Lightning is fantastic, dealing very high damage/threat for force cost (actually being better than force-neutral) as well as providing 12% healing. As you can avoid whilst channeling, there's no reason not to use this if you can get it. 3s of standing still is par for the course in most boss fights, anyway.


    I appreciate your feedback. I am not familiar with some of your abreviations, so bear with me.


    To your first point, how do you know you are top of the agro list? I didn't see a threat meter anywhere, and if tanking a pack of mobs, unless you already have Wither or Deathfield, taunt is your insurance policy. You won't need it for emergencies if you are already using it, there won't be an emergency. If there is a pat that aggroes or someone pulls an errant group then you may need the taunt, but then again, be a good tank and clean it up, taunt or not. Also, if you stun the target, run through him, pop a Maul and then run back through him, it doesn't change your position at all, it takes about a second and by the time the mob is unstunned you are in the same spot. Yes, Maul is expensive unless spec'd, but sometimes if you get bored it makes things a bit more exciting.


    Your second point, my first words were "unless you are a tank", hence using it for Darkness is irrelevant. Also, the DoT that is applied from Lightning Charge is a tiny amount of damage, and even though I do agree that the extra crit rating is pretty awesome when you use the skill points to buff your charges, so is the armor penetration, especially when it means your maul is going to basically melt people (again, this was a dps tip).


    To your third point, Dark Charge does flat healing, it does not scale at all. And any amount of bonues health is good, no matter how small. Percentage based increases are the best, because any modifications/buffs/upgrades you get exponentially increases your health based on the percentage modifier. At lower levels it is almost un-noticeable, but at high levels it counts. 400 health is like having an extra 40 endurance, so if I showed you a piece of gear with an extra 40 endurance on it would you say "I don't need that, not enough extra health to help me, I will stay with less health." Of course not.


    If you can find the Force power or space in your rotation to use force lightning when tanking, then good for you, but I guarantee you are skipping other moves to make room for it. If i use shock+thrash+thrash it does almost triple the damage as force lightning, plus extra threat, in the same amount of time for the same amount of force. Why wouldn't you do this instead? Also, Discharge and Lacerate are really expensive moves that are necessary, are you gonna sacrifice them for a force lightning? Also, if I am tanking an operation or flashpoint and I need to self heal, there is a bigger problem here with my healer. In pvp, this is fantastic and useful and awesome, self healing is clutch, but it caps at 9%, not 12%. The fact of standing still in this game is trickier than you might think, most of the bosses rely on movement mechanics to make them challenging, case in point would be the last boss in Hammer.

  5. Firstly, there are three aoe moves you can use to tank without spending skill points: Overload, Discharge (only in tanking stance aka Dark Charge), and Lacerate. These moves are either really expensive to your force pool or have a long cd that makes them hard to use often. Only if you get Wither or Deathfield do you start to have sustainable aoe damage.


    Secondly, your single target rotation will rely heavily on Shock and Thrash. Do whatever you can to buff these two moves.


    Thirdly, we need a ton of +Hit for melee attacks, but force attacks already have 100% Hit chance built in. This means open up with force attacks when tanking, like Shock, that way you are sure to build threat on targets early in the fight. Know which mmoves are Force based and which are melee so that you can be more reliable in building threat.


    Fourth, spam the crap out of your taunts, even if you are already taargeted. This will guarantee that mob is not going anywhere else no matter what anyone else does. Use your stun moves also if you have the Force available, its really easy to sneak around the back and pull a dirty Maul or two even if you are tanking. Use all of your cds whenever they are up, and NEVER let your Dark Ward fall off.


    Fifth, Overload is great for two things: 1. Knocking mobs off of ledges/cliffs 2. Creating breathing room so you can sprint away. You are going to piss off a bunch of dps if you use this while figghting a pack of mobs. Do use it when fighting Bosses though, because most of them are immune to knockback anyway and it isn't too expensive for your Force pool.


    Sixth, unless you are a tank, you should seriously consider getting Surging Charge, no matter what build you are. It really, really brings the pain, and is worth the investment.


    Seventh, as a tank, health is the ultimate prize. 1% more health is peanuts at level 20, I agree, but at level 50 it isn't, and because it is percentage based it will scale with any other buff you have to your Endurance, including stims or buffs from other players. Any endgame tank will just about punch you in the face if you skip a skill point that grants additional health.


    Eighth, force lightning is great for PVP for lots of reasons, and useless in PVE for lots of reasons. Yes, it looks so freaking cool, and I have been dreaming about doing it irl since I was in grade school, but it doesn't help your DPS or tanking, and frankly as a mostly melee class, anything that is channeled should be ignored, especially as a tank.


    Ninth, use stealth to open pulls, position mobs for pulls and when you get your cc, use it to make cc better too, use it when you run away, sneak in the girls bathroom or to just avoid other players. Stealth in between every single pull as a tank, make your healers work for it.


    Tenth, last but not least, ALWAYS rub it in that you have a DB Saber and nobody else does.

  6. In order for me to help you with a build I need to know a few more things about your playstyle.


    Firstly, do you want to use a lot of damage over time abilities?


    Secondly, are you looking for a PVE build or will you be in need of a PVP build?


    Thirdly, how do you feel about kiting?


    Fourth, are you aware of how lightning charge works vs surging charge?


    Fifth, do you plan on using a lot of crowd control while fighting?

  7. Opertaive can be more like a rogue, but their real strength is healing and kiting, their melee is mostly a gimmick and would be impossible to be effective as an operative if you only used melee.


    Fair point though to mention them as an alternative to marauder, but then again if he wants to use the force, marauder is the choice.

  8. Shield generators proc your shield if you are in your tanking stance. That is why only classes that have a tanking stance can benefit from a shield in the first place.


    When you enable Dark Charge it puts you in tanking stance and therefore automatically activates your shield chance, which baseline has a 20% chance to proc. This is instant survivablity, and is critical to a Sin's survival since we only wear light armor.

  9. Look for the social vendor, will be a totally different outfit.


    Plus, for the first 20-30 levels all of the outfits are pretty generic. Once you get past Tatooine things start to really mix it up.


    The cool thing about being a Sin tho is that we usually get scary masks as headpieces, instead of some headband or breathing regulator thingie.

  10. No, when you use Dark Charge you are pulling threat because it puts you in tanking stance. Other mobs will ignore Khem Val and attack you. Khem has an aoe taunt that he uses, which is ignored if you are using Dark Charge.


    If you are using lightning charge, they attack Khem Val. Until you pull them off of him one at a time.

  11. First off, I love the guide :)


    Second, Shaclad I read your post and I have to disagree.


    Assuming a lvl 50 Sith Assassin got 10.000 health, the 2 points in "Shroud of Darkness" you'd gain from removing the points in "Swelling Shadows" would equal to 200 health. That's not a lot of health gained, and I believe that (when doing the math) it's a bad tradeoff. Not sure about it though, just a hunch!


    "Force Speed" is on a 20 sec CD talented, the "Unbreakable Will" is on a 2 min CD, so the "Disjunction" talent aren't wasted. Furthermore, the "Force Shroud" aren't limited to stealth only as far as I could see on [Torhead, it just doesn't break stealth.


    You also mention removing the points from "Harnessed Darkness", a mistake in my mind. The "Force Lightning" ticks 3 times, and with the talent it can't be interrupted and heals for 3% for each tick, that's a 9% heal costing 30 force.


    Lastly, "Spike" is an ability with a 2 seconds duration, and a 30 seconds CD, so while the 9% increased damage from "Nerve Wracking" is amazing, then keep in mind that your teammates in the flashpoints/operations can only get 1 ability off in that period (or, with amazing timing, 2).


    I appreciate your response.


    In endgame at level 50, tanks will have closer to 20,000 health, not 10,000. Most classes should have about 10,000 by the time you hit level 40, or possibly sooner. Also, 2% health increase is better than less than 1% mitigation, so it is a better investment.


    My only point with Disjunction is that it gives you an unecessary bonus to a situation where you will not need it. There will not be a fight where the tank gets trapped somewhere and needs to break cc more than once every two minutes. How do I know this? Because every tank AC has to be equally viable in end game, and the only move that every tank gets to break cc is Unbreakable Will, so in order to level the playing field this is how they design the enncounters. In PVP, you will need it every 5 seconds or so, having a 20 second cd won't seem like enough. Might be nice when leveling, or even in some other situations, but not when main tanking, it will go completely unused.


    And yes, Harnessed Darkness is a waste, because you will not use Force Lightning while tanking. Never. You will not have enough force power if you have a good rotation. The only time you would ever use force lightning is if you are somehow stuck and cant move and are slightly out of melee range, which as a tank would be bad news anyway. Also, if you need to be healing yourself, then you need a new healer. Again, its a PVP tanking move, where self healing is important because you never know where the next heal is coming from. In a flashpoint or operation you will have a healer at all times just for you. Why won't you use force lightning in rotation? Because Shock + Thrash + Trash is almost three times the damage in the same amount of time and uses the same amount of force power to complete, and generates extra threat. Also, moves like Discharge, and Lacerate are kinda expensive, but necessary, and will destroy your force pool. You will find that Shock is the main electric move, leave force lightning for the Sorcs.


    Lastly, in an Operation, lets say you will have 10 dps, and lets say they are doing about 1000dps each ( for easy numbers, since tank dps is also included). For two seconds, that increases your raid dps from 10,000 to 10,900. Not too bad, considering you can do this every 30 seconds. Thats an extra 3,600 health the boss loses every minute. In a 10 minute fight, that is 36,000 health, very formidible if you ask me, its like having a whole extra dpser in your raid.

  12. There was a bunch of number crunching by us 'Sin tanks back in September and October, when we were having the debate over which tank would be the most viable.


    The first conclusion was that Jugs were about 8% more survivable from a pure numbers standpoint. Then things changed, and Sins became about 5% more surviveable. Then things changed again and the classes were almost exactly comparable.


    With the release build, BW has stated that any fully spec'd tank is equally comparable to any other fully spec'd tank. The same applies to healers and dps. If you choose to hybridize your spec then you no longer fall under this blanket statement, it was made clear that you have to be using the final talent point in a tree to be considered fully spec'd.


    What I can tell you is that playing a Sin will be far more fun than a Jug. Being in stealth, for one, makes so much content so much easier. Having the choice of using melee or ranged attacks, as well as being able to kite and escape, gives you less repair bills and greater variations in your playstyle. Oh yeah, if you change up your saber charge and your offhand, you will even be a pretty formidible dps.

  13. Does Harnessed Darkness proc from twinned Shocks generated by Chain Shock? I'm thinking that instead of Raze, you go Harnessed Darkness, something like this:



    Death Field seems like a better option than Wither anyway, due to short cooldown and Wither's limited range.




    If you are boss tanking then Wither is far superior, because it has the added advantage of reducing target damage by 5% (huge) and it is a high threat move. If you are PVP tanking then your build gives greater flexibility.


    Either way, Harnessed Darkness is not good for PVE tanking because you will never use force lightning.

  14. The only problem I have with this post is the talent point builds.


    Having played an assassin since my Beta invite in July, I have experience with all three trees. I understand how they work together and how they work against each other. I also fully understand how some abilities get spammed and how others get ignored. It is entirely accurate to say that careful management of the limited force pool is the best way to maximize your rotations, however in some of your talent builds it seems that there are points being used to support skills that will not be used, which is wasteful, and becomes contradictory to your original statement.


    Although I do agree that your PVP builds are effective, most people will be completely hybridized in PVP since they can use many of the bonuses from the different trees that will enhance survivability and burst damage.


    That being said, you give the link for Darkness 31/0/10 as:


    There are many wasteful talents in this build, and many that need to be used:

    1. Remove the 2 points you have in Swelling Shadows, it is a moderate increase for a negligible ability. The effect is so negligible, I once did the math, that it amounts to less than 1% overall damage mitigation gained.

    2. Instead put these 2 points in Shroud of Darkness and get the extra health, which since it is % based it will scale with your gear and endurance.

    3. Disjunction is a pvp tank ability more than pve. In fact, considering that a. you already have a cc breaking move, and b. Force shroud only works when stealth and benefits Maul attacks more than anything, something that won't happen if pve tanking, these provide comforts that will go unused in almost every pve tanking situation, but will be used in almost every pvp tanking situation.

    4. Take both points out of Harnessed Darkness. You will not be using Force Lightning when tanking, I repeat, you will not be using Force Lightning when tanking. The fact that it is channeled and is a huge drain on your force pool makes it a waste when trying to maximize your rotation. Having this talent is boosting something you will never use.

    5. Instead, take the 3 points you freed up and put them in Nerve Wracking. This makes your spike target take 9% more damage from ALL sources. Wow, single best debuff in the entire tree, no brainer here.


    The 10 skill points in the Madness tree are appropriate.


    The second tanking build is designed for AOE tanking and is very, very effective, but suffers from the same misplaced talent points as the first build. You can even take that Disjunction point and put it in Corrputed Flesh in Madness for a bonus damage reduction.


    The DPS trees are all so subjective, I won't even comment, people should be able to mix those around at random, and still have great results.

  15. If you are basing any of your profit projections based on the Beta economy then stop.


    When people play Beta you have one of two mindsets:


    1. "Don't spend my credits on the GTN or don't bother with improving my character." - This is due to a number of reasons, the main one being the characters could be wiped at any time, so why bother spend credits or wasting time looking for upgrades when you can just level and do flashpoints and collect all the upgrades you need.


    2. "Spend all my credits because I have nothing to save for." - This is due to a number of reasons, the main one being the characters could be wiped at any time, so why bother saving for anything, you cant take it with you if you dont spend it.


    Also, populations on Beta servers were much smaller than acutal live servers, severely limiting the potential for these markets.


    The bottom line is, wait until a week or two after launch, let the servers fill up, and let people revert to their normal MMO spending before deciding how cost effective these missions may turn out to be.

  16. Firstly:


    Reverse Engineering a green item enough times will always produce the blue quality schematic of that item.

    Reverse Engineering a blue item enough times will always produce the purple quality schematic of that item.




    All mission skills have random chances to drop random schematics you cannot learn from the crew skill trainer. Any mission skill can drop a schematic for any crafting skill.




    Mission skills do provide specific items for specific crafting skills, but they also may provide other random materials for any other random crafting skill.

  17. Gathering and Mission skills having level restrictions. Since these are the skills that farm your mats for you, not being able to get the higher level mats is going to prevent you from being able to craft the higher level gear.


    Crafting is not limited by level, just by skill progression. However, you have to be able to get to the fleet to train the crew skill in the first place.


    Lastly, farming can be an extrememly expensive process in itself. Mission skills and gathering charge you credits per mission that you embark you companions on, which in turn becomes an enormous credit sink the further you go in the game.


    So in conclusion:


    Yes, you can have a "twink" crafter, but only if you first get him to the fleet to train the skill, and only if you keep him supplied with mission and gathering supplies.


    Also, since you can only train ONE Crafting skill per character, you will be locked into only producing these items.

  18. As somebody who tested Biochem in every build since July, I can tell you the following:


    Green quality stims/adrenals/medpacs that you produce typically provide the same benefit as the purple quality items, but the purple quality items are reuseable.


    The blue quality items are the ones that have extra stats or provide increased benefits, but they are only useable once.


    The purple items are not BoP but typically do require a minimum Biochem skill to use them, basically limiting them to fellow Biochemists. The only exception would be the very first set of purple items, which in the last build had no requirement except a basic level requirement to use.

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