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Posts posted by Evilpuppy

  1. My Suggestion:


    In the short time that the LFG Tool has been available I have had a horrible experience. Here is why and here is my suggestion.


    The few times I have used the LFG Tool, I have had Tanks who are DPS Speced, Healers who are DPS Speced. Who join my group and think they can tank/heal This might be ok level 30 and under but 30+ this becomes less doable.


    I have found my self ALT F4 or hitting my power button far to often. I play the game for enjoyment. being teleported off my planted into a group that I was in que for, for 60 minutes. To have the healer be a DPS speced is beyond frustrating.


    So I think my suggestion is clear by now. We need spec checking before a user can select a tank or healer role!


    nuf said, I personally wont be using the LFG Tool anymore. Unless I am truly bored to tears.

  2. I dont mind that the servers are down.. "well I do but I can understand the need for a reboot, for the greater good" I am a network admin not at your scale but I have about 23000 users. I have NEVER just shut down a server let a lone ALL servers.


    BW EA whom ever makes that call.. needs to communicat. Let users know even if its only 5 min. Send a broadcast. Make a post, make something appear on the launcher.


    Your communications dept should be sacked for the BS that has occured over your short lunch period. So much of the community fuss could have been fixed with simple communication.


    If your communications dept had a clue I would see 50 posts all ready just in General about Servers being down!

  3. Yesterday , 04:50 PM | #1


    1. What is your favorite aspect of SWTOR that keep you playing everyday?

    There a lightsabers...

    2. What do you personally feel makes this game better than other MMO's?

    There are lightsabers

    3. What are you looking forward to the most, or what do you hope will someday make it to the game? (characters, content, features)

    Ok not lightsabers... id like to see more class story's.. id rather see longer/stronger class story's that keep going even after the level cap (50). More so than just other random quests. I want to continue my epic adventure!

  4. ......wait for it..........Space. This is Biowares one and only shot at really hitting a home run. Only two other MMOs have really even tried space. Eve and Star Trek Online. If Bioware can pull Space off right, this game will explode so hard.....will make that other game look like a merry-go-round at the park. Id say 20 million subs would not be out of the question...(it would take a perfect space launch on a scale we have never seen...but possible). Discuss? Do you agree or disagree with me? What would you like to see in the Space launch....(while the missions are fun....thats not really space. thats space commendation grinding material).


    P.S. However space is all or nothing. if Bioware fails space. this will stay a million to 750 sub mmo. only populated by us star wars nuts....


    That is some real interesting market research and hard numbers! BW should hire you. Clearly you have a strong knowledge & understanding of what players around the world want.

  5. what separates us from the knuckle dragers of the world. Is our ability to think for our self's and form our own opinions.


    Play the game, get to level 50 then decided if you want to keep subbing.


    Or read half the trash on the internet, cancel and be a knuckle drager.


    the choice is yours!

  6. I hate huttball. Does anyone else? i think it should be in its own queue. that way the people who dont want to play that idiotic, lousy excuse for a warzone, can not worry and just play the other awesome warzones!


    .. Normally id say I want what your on.. but in this case I don't. Your nuts Hutball is the best PVP arena ive played in any MMO. I piss off my wife everytime i get into Hutt ball. I shout out YEA HUTT BALL because its just that fun!

  7. I can't see why they can't announce their plans in advance, or why they can't let us know when we'll see the next batch of transfer avenues opened.


    They did post it on the community forms.. Can you read? It was posted weeks ago it was going to be gradual. The next batch of transfers will be in days.. again read the first post on this thread.. WOW people really.. L2 Read


    literacy... look it up people.

  8. Id love to see a few elements from SWG brought into SWTOR. "The things they did right" Not the many "and often publicly" did very wrong.


    such as:

    • Day/Night
    • Wide open "GTA" Syle open terrain
    • Random world events that occur, such as a beasts attacking one another
    • Ship customizations "like housing in SWG"
    • More NPC's! "no they dont need to do a dam thing" The world just needs more filler to make it feel busy. Even a strange hermit in the middle of Tat.
    • POI "points of intrest" on each world. "such as the sarlac pit on Tat from SWG"
    • a little gravity on speeders so when you take a jump you get "a little" air
    • More animals. What happened to all the animals? did we eat them all?
    • More Sound FX. If I am in a market I want to hear people bartering/trading "Sound team get to work!"

  9. Just an aside note. If the Lightsabers in question were Orange. You can always take the Mods out and place them into a Lightsaber that you can use. Only the item self is bound to a type of faction not the mods inside it.
  10. is anyone else thinking this game will be dead by the end of ther year due to the lack of content they have at endgame ?

    iv leveled the toons i want, iv run every flashpoint over and over again, i have cleared all raids apart from EC HM iv farmed the hell out of warzones, what else is there to do ?

    the only time i log onto the game now is 3 times aweek when i raid and i was chating to some of the social members of my guild yesterday and they are boared as hell with nowt to do and they only play a few hours aday.

    just this year you have tera , guild wars 2 , fire fall , diablo 3 , COD black ops 2 , starcraft expantion , warcrafts kung fu panda, lineage eternal , the secret world , neverwinter and im sure iv missed some.

    i play on 1 of the busyest EU server and of peak ur have 50 people on fleet and peak ur have 100 ish.

    please dont think im a troll or a swtor basher because i really like the game and dont want it to fail but it needs more content.

    look at patch 1.2 it added 1 new flashpoint and 1 new ops ( only 4 bosses ) and 1 new warzone so what is there to do if its not a raid night and ur dont want to pvp and u have the gear from all flashpoints ?

    you nkow the game lacks alot of content if social members are quiting due to not haveing anything to do and with all these new games coming out this year i really cant see swtor weathering the storm, these other games have more to offer aswell as having the oooooo new game factor on there side.

    IMO 1.2 should of added 3 new warzones , a new type of pvp game like free for all or somthing, 2 new ops each with a minimum of 8 to 10 bosses each, alot of mini games and 1 thing a few guildies would like is some sort of collection reward thing ( collect 100 difrent mob ids and get new titel of orange gear)

    atm you have warzones , flashpoints and ops there is a huge gap they need to fill with content

    try and help guyz by posting ideas as i know BW troll the forums and might see somthing they like


    Have you tried to meet a woman? If you did I bet you wouldn't be so bored with the game. Because you would have paced yourself more.

  11. On the May 4th Q/A the question was asked about "the process behind the recent damage boost to Snipers/Gunslingers" Were you explained how everyone has a "target" you went on to explain "How we identify outliers and how we determine which is the most egregious is... another bigger topic." Can you elaborate how you determine which class is most needing a buff or nerf process?
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