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Posts posted by Kumata

  1. I always thought Anakin did bring balance to the force, I mean, there was a **** ton of Jedi at the time, and they were super strong, it was the Darkside that was overwhelmed. The balance came when the Darkside got stronger. Balance isn't "Darkside got defeated" That isn't balance, balance is when the Lightside and Darkside are on equal footing.
  2. Lol this game is worse than WoW was at release in 2004.


    Atleast WoW had a working UI on launch. It's now 7 years later and Bioware can't even get that right!?



    The mobs in WoW wandered around and talked to eachother, the mobs in this game stand their lifelessly waiting for you to kill them. WoW had live mounts at launch, Bioware has cited "technical difficulties" in bringing live mounts into this game. WoW had swimming, day/night cycles, sitting and lying down, critters that went around and actually attacked eachother, a combat log, and a TON more little details ON LAUNCH.


    WoW did NOT launch with critters interacting with each other.


    The mount statement is retarded. This game launched with more mounts per single character than WoW. This is not WoW. They have other types of mounts. Just because you ride animals in other games does not mean you gotta do it in every game.


    WoW had horrible server lag. For 6+ months. Some going down for hours on end.


    It had 1 endgame dungeon (BRS) with no endgame gear sets. (added later)


    Sithilus was the wonkiest zone ever, and had to be redone.


    Loot lag would force you to relog.


    You would fall through the world.


    Skinning bug where skinnable MOBS would evade.


    NO Battlegrounds at launch.



    WoW was down so much I got credited 17 days on my account during the first 6 months.


    This all happened the first YEAR, this game hasn't been around a month yet. SHUT THE **** UP.


    Gamers have the attention span of a gnat. WoW had a rough launch. It happens in all MMO's chill out, ***** about the game after they've had a chance to fix ****.

  3. This is the same **** that made WoW unbearable for me. *****ed *****ed *****ed until the game is a waterdowned down syndrome esque game with no challenge.


    I hope that posting access on the forums is restricted to paying accounts. Not sure if it is or not.



    The problem is people that *****, are more prone to come to the forums, opposed to people who enjoy the game that are actually playing it.

  4. If you don't like it go away, you and people like you are the cancer that destroyed WoW for me, and I don't want you destroying this game too. The tools are there for you to use. Ignore him.
  5. If its just shutting down it is 99.9 percent sure, overheating.


    You can try blowing it out with canned air or a vacuum to get some dust out. Make sure you are playing on a flat hard surface not your lap or the carpet whatever. You could also try one of those cooling platforms that have fans built in to set your laptop on...I've never used one so I am not sure how helpful they are.


    I hope this helps...usually a good cleaning with a vacuum or air can do the trick.

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