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Posts posted by chris_rw

  1. My DPS Juggernaut is my my favorite character. It was the first character I made and I consider her my main. I love leaping around, force pushing things and feeling generally awesome beating things with a lightsaber. But I can't help but feel very weak to most/all of the other classes I've played.


    I've gone through quite a few of the other classes and they all seem to have not only a lot more versatility, but just a lot more overall power and beefy attacks. My sorcerer rips through pvp maps sprinkling dots everywhere, has big attacks, area attacks and heals. With relatively similar gear, my juggernaut struggles to get to half of the damage the sorcerer deals out.


    Is it just me or am I just missing something (sucking)? Admittedly, I'm not capped on my gear, so I know that I have more growing to do there... but with other classes, even with lower end gear, I was doing much better.

  2. Overall, I'm really happy with starfighter and I adore the overall game, but I'm wondering if I'm missing a couple of really basic functions?


    Is there a way to switch to a cockpit view and how do I get functionality for joystick? These are some of they more basic things for any sort of a sim, so I can't imagine they would have skipped them, yet I'm not seeing how to do it.


    Also, is there a way to lock missiles? Mine just fly all over, but I see others getting a lock on me.


    Thanks everyone.

  3. I'm generally just a casual player. I've not put the time and 'seriousness' in like the boys do, but I'm reaching a point in Old Republic that I'd love to see a lot of the content that I've had to skip thus far. With things resetting a bit today (new tiers coming out), it seems like a good time to start gearing up and heading in that direction. I'm looking for a bit more information on it, in regards to story and progression.


    The first thing I'm wondering about is the the order of the story. Obviously the dread master story is one of the main threads, but what is the order in which the flashpoints and operations play out, story-wise? Is there supporting bits of quests between these?


    Do people still run the level 50 operations? I've been guildless the entire time I've been playing, but would love to know if there are guilds out there on Harbinger that are actively screwing with this content? I'm starting to work on my 55 gear (both PVE and PVP sets) and would love to become a more active member of society (here).





  4. As everyone sets off to Makeb, what companions are you planning on using? What are your favorites, both in terms of fun and entertaining or functionality.


    I tend to gravitate towards Quinn and Vette, but HK is a lot of fun as a companion as well. I wish the dark Jaesa had some better customizations.

  5. Where did you get that from? We still have the same flashpoints and they now scale to level. They also added another FP and OP as far as I know. I am not sure how you get that we have a loss in content as that is simply not true.


    I was going off of what was posted in this thread, that the flashpoints were dropping better gear, but only in helping level through Makeb's content (which I assumed meant 51-55, not end game play).


    So that goes back to my original question (which has been answered in two different ways now): Did all of the old hard mode flashpoints and operations scale up to 55, or are they still level 50?

  6. OP, the level 50 HM Flashpoints and the older operations now drop much better gear than they did pre-2.0, so they're definitely worth doing for fresh 50s who don't have Black Hole/Campaign level gear. <-- that level of gear will apparently get you through Makeb content handily. Short version: you now have a faster path to better level 50 gear.


    So yesterday, there were 8 or so Hard Mode flashpoints and 3 (?) operations for the end game in Old Republic. Today, the end game is 3 Hard Mode flashpoints and 2 operations? That seems like a pretty big loss of content. I can't see anyone getting raiding groups together to tackle the level 50 operations for gear to get them through the 51-55 content, content that green gear is probably enough to survive in.

  7. Hello everyone, I'm excited for all the next content, but I have a few questions. I was hoping we'd have a bit more time between launch and an expansion to give my slow butt time to get through all the content, but I didn't quite get there.


    - I didn't see all of the hard mode flashpoints, nor did I get a chance to get geared up enough (but close) to do the raids. Are these now obsolete, particularly the operations? Are things like The Eternity Vault pretty much gone, or were they scaled up to level 55 (giving us slower people time to see the content still)? Are all the hardmode flashpoints now 55, or were the ones that were previously 50 still 50?


    - Are the old warzone points the same currency for new gear? Can my saved coins be used for the level 55 pvp gear? Same goes for things like the Black Hole Commendations, what happened to those and what is used at 55 for gear?

  8. My main character is a Sith Juggernaut. I love her to death. I'm currently sitting at level 10 with my Jedi and I'm wondering which way to go. I told myself that I wasn't going to have any crossover classes (Juggernaut and Guardian), but I enjoy the Juggernaut so much, am I shooting myself in the foot by going Sentinel?


    I guess what I'm asking is the Sentinel class a lot of fun? Abilities like Force Push are very enjoyable... what sort of abilities do the Sentinels get that are fun?


    Would love to hear thoughts on the fun factor of these classes! Thanks!

  9. My Sorcerer hit level 50 today and I'm now trying to figure out what I want to do with the character for end game play. I've been switching from heals to lightning as I leveled and have enjoyed both. But with needing to start collecting gear, I feel like it's time to figure out which direction to head towards.


    I realize there is no answer to this question, but I'd love to hear opinions on what everyone has enjoyed in terms of end game play. I do a little of pvp and want to get into hard modes and some raiding.

  10. Hello, just hit level 50 with my Powertech and I'm trying to decide what to start doing for pvp. I've been a Shield Tech while leveling and there's a lot I love about it, specifically Jet Charge for pvp. Should I be collecting defense gear as I progress along or is that not a great spec for pvp (should I be focusing more on dps specs and/or gear)?


    Just hoping to get a bit more insight into how people play their level 50 powertechs in pvp. Thanks!

  11. I'm a huge fan of the game, but world design is the biggest issue for me. The artwork is incredible, but the design has a lot of issues. As many people have already pointed out, the decision to not allow exploration and only let players move along predetermined paths and valleys was a huge mistake. One of the big reasons why many play MMOs is for that feeling of inhabiting this huge online world. The planets in The Old Republic feel like a bunch of small pods that you can ride cutscenes to and from.


    I would have preferred them only making 4 or so huge planets, but have a lot more diversity on those planets. Imagine a massive Corellia, where you start out in the forests, move your way into its beautiful plains and finally moving towards the war in Coronet, pushing into the city from the outskirts... all in one zone. Or starting in the valleys of Alderaan, moving through its forests up and into the mountains to fight on glaciers, mountaintops, etc. But instead, we're stuck with small fishbowl planets with predetermined paths we have to follow.


    Hoth and Tatooine were the only two planets that worked on an MMO style of planet design. And even they still felt too small, riddled with exhaustion zones, invisible walls, etc.

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