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Posts posted by golfwang

  1. One simple fix for pvp is to correct the problem of being chain stunned. Currently this is Stun Wars not star wars...


    But yes i can see the pvp crowd leaving. Over this issue and others mention on this thread.



    Is resolve still buggy?


    I don't think BW is going to drastically alter the ammount of CC classes have, I'd guess we won't see too much more added to the game, at best.


    I feel your pain though :(

  2. This blows SWTOR out of the water (not that you can swim in SWTOR anyway...bam!)


    Everything about this game is what SWTOR should have been. Instead they chose to pour their entire budget into cut scenes instead of advancing the genre in other ways.


    I agree, and the hype has been mind-blowing but it's never felt so justified. I kinda wish Areanet made SWTOR instead of Bioware.


    Can you imagine a star wars game done this way? I'd never see sunlight again.

  3. GW2 is garbage in Beta, and will be when it hits, Mediocure at best as alot have put it...


    Great! So it won't be a big move coming from ToR then :)


    edit: Here's a consolidated list of all the press information after the embargo dropped this morning:



    Enjoy bb

  4. I know a couple people in beta. They tell me it's mediocre at best.



    I had big hopes for GW2 as well but what I've heard has not been good =(


    So I'm supposed to take the random opinion of someone who may be in beta over all the official information I've been given?


  5. After reading/watching the initial GW2 press info all I can say is...believe the hype. I'm officially a fanboy (god help me). I really think SWTOR screwed itself out of the pvp base. GW2 will probably steal a chunk of pvers too.
  6. There are still other hybrid builds that are perfectly viable. BW wants players to explore the talent trees. It's their game. Their word is law, deal with it.


    That's my point. Apparently the Gabe hates hybrid specs but a bunch of classes still use them and sins still have a few sub-optimal ones. What I don't get was why the pvp team went out of their way to nerf sin hybrid specs but leave everything else as is...


    Don't be a mindless fanboy. Question the system.

  7. couldn't speak for how others feel, but if 1.2 doesn't do alot for PvP in many areas I don't see myself sticking around much longer.


    1.2 pvp changes I know of:

    -New pvp gear progression system (no more daily dependence)

    -New Warzone

    -Maybe Rated Warzones

    -afk vote kick

    -deserter penalty


    I don't think it's enough for most pvpers tbh (and I might have missed something).

  8. Dear OP,


    If you thought a game made by Bioware would really launch with a rated PvP system you're not very bright. However I was shocked to see it launch with no cross-server platform because every game that has launched post WOW has failed without it. Bioware is adding cross-server technology and will probably add a rating system with it eventually. So cheer up butter cup:)


    Dear Troll #2345465,


    If you didn't read my original post, kindly do not waste space in this thread or bother addressing me. You've nothing to add to this discussion but a thread bump. Thanks I guess.

  9. Point to any mmo that did not take 5-6 years to develop.


    Ilum has been groundbreaking, whether that is a positive statement or not is personal opinion.


    Again, unique is a personal opinion, I haven't seen many bounty hunter players in other games nor have I seen a cover system.


    Oh and mass effect 2 was based on another engine again, most of the stuff had already been made or coded, story had been written, and they had more money this time. So yeah it had better graphics, but to be honest even if it looked the same as ME1 I still would have played it. Not everyone is shallow about the looks of a game. Also keep in mind that again it is a pretty focused game that is meant to be enjoyed for maybe 20 hours a run not SWTOR's 300 some hours. Makes a tiny bit if difference.


    So in general yes I know some things about game development. Not an expert and probably won't ever claim to be but google and simple logic goes a long way.


    How has Ilum been groundbreaking? Where in it's design is it innovative or even successful?


    Bounty Hunters were in Galaxies and cover was first in Tabula Rasa.


    I don't care about game graphics, I'd rather have an awesome game engine anchoring the entire experience. ToR doesn't have that and at the end of the day it's a huge indictment of the developers.


    You clearly know nothing..

  10. Well, there even is an interview that you can google where they say Ilum in its broken form is a good thing and will be fun.


    The guys that made Ilum do not understand PvP. They do not understand it because they do not understand PvPers and what they want from a game.


    There is no way Ilum was designed by someone who knows PvP. They probably had someone make it that had no clue, then later they realized their mistake, put in the Mythic staff but it was too late to fix it cause the zone was done and no time to change it (and lets be honest, the zone would be a complete redo from scratch).


    ****ed it up, realized too late, looked for someone competent, no time left -> Ilum.


    Something along those lines probably.


    I completely agree. In fact, take a listen to this interview of Gabe Amatangelo (head of pvp) from November of last year:




    The most absurd moment for me is when he expects 20 players to willingly fight against 100. Clueless.

  11. To be fair most artists working for Bioware probably don't have art degrees, that's just how the video game industry is. Actually, Bioware was founded by doctors I believe, you could say they had to business in creating a company, either?


    I'm not defending Gabe, though. Ilum is obviously terrible, and if they put resources to it they could revamp it in two weeks, but they're not, for whatever reason.


    I imagine there's only a skeleton crew working still working on SWTOR.


    Art is a rather murky field. You don't really need a degree to be successful or produce compelling work. It certainly helps.


    Lets be honest, founding a company and being put in charge of operations you've no experience or education in are very different things. Most people (with no business background) who're able to pony up the cash don't run their own companies because they don't know how, so they hire someone who does.


    OR, they do their due diligence and learn how to run a company. At the end of the day whether or not a competent individual is behind the wheel is almost always evident.


    I don't think anyone feels happy about who's driving pvp forward right now.

  12. Unfortunately NONE of them ever go into game design, or I'm sure they'd be able to turn their genius into the ultimate PvP system, which everyone loves. Can you point to that game?

    I really hate backseat game designers.


    It's funny because a lot of game designers don't actually study game design.


    Ghost crawler? Marine Biology. (WoW)


    Gabe Aamatangelo? Marketing and Screenwriting degrees.


    What *********** bussines do either of these people have being lead anything in MMOs?

  13. Why was the Sith Sin darkness/madness hybrid singled out and destroyed?


    Why do other classes still have their hybrid specs in pvp?


    What about 23/0/18 required immediate attention? It certainly wasn't drawing community ire.


    When will the developers pull their heads out their asses?

  14. BUMPITTY BUMP. Bio seems to be closing other threads talking about game mechanics and using this one as a reason to close those threads so I thought I'd bump this one. As for this threads topic? Cant lose whats gone. My servers population is down a good 50%. Less than 40 in fleet at prime time last night (down from well over 100)and I'm betting it wasnt pve'rs quitting that caused the population drop. Soon there will be one less cause my sub runs out pretty quick. As for Bio-you guys just never listen/learn do you? You had Rift and Aion go down the crapper and you didnt look at those games to see why? Cause the pvp'ers left for all the exact reasons they are leaving your game plus some. To their credit they might have had bots and that was annoying but they NEVER had the level of exploits and hacking that you do.


    I don't think a lot of the pve homers who openly hate/are casual about pvp fully understand this: Think servers feel dead now? What until SWTOR has actual competition (GW2, TERA, etc...) and what little remaining of the pvp base leaves. The whole "It's just been a few months!" argument is pretty foolish in light of this. I don't think most people are going to be so forgiving (pvp-wise).


    Like one of my guildies said: "First impressions matter." and ToR has made a very poor one on the pvp base as far as I'm concerned. That alone is enough for people to leave and never come back but I'm hoping the March patch is awesome for us and BW is able to get it together before competitors start releasing. ToR is not a game I want to see fail, as disappointed as I am right now.


    It's clearly not possible to avoid server mergers at this point and that's a shame.


    I'm disappointed BW ended up making a lot of the mistakes previous WoW clones made. I know it's their first MMO but there's no shortage of failed releases from the past few years to learn from. I didn't want ToR to fall by the wayside like those other MMOs did for the pvp base because the IP is awesome.


    Anyone have any idea when BW announces the amount of subs ToR has? Just interested.

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