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Posts posted by GrumpySwe

  1. You would have a point if you could not just use Skype (or a similar program) and call them free of charge anywhere on the world.

    Right now it seems to me as if you are complaining for the sake of having something to complain about.


    Actually you cant call for free, it will use Skypes Land line rates.


    So yes it actually is a valid complaint, as the freaking CS calls often have several hours wait time this becomes more of an issue.

  2. And that's the thing, with primarily EVE being already there for space, years ahead of SWTOR in terms of content, BioWare had to make a choice. Regardless, they were going to be years behind on other MMO's. Whether that be in non-space combat, or in space combat. You cant split that up even further and practically have nothing concrete.


    It's simply not going to work out.


    If this was 10 years ago, developing both would be fine.


    Eve is tbh kind of a boring space combat, what I and I assume many with me wants is something similar to the X-wing vs Tie Fighter series of games.

    Is that to much to ask? Apparently yes, i still want it but not gonna hold my breath that its gonna happen.

  3. Agreed. You can read the post and guage the age level/mentality of the OP pretty well. He needs to stop thinking that everyone owes him something and the game should be gimme and very seriously and literally learn to play it... or better yet, quit.


    If you suck that bad at TOR that the only way you can figure out to improve yourself try to circumvent the combat system by using macros... you really shouldn't be playing it.


    Uhm, the OP is talking about the fact that people using macros are causing lag and performance problems. While I don't see why it should that doesn't mean it isn't happening (not a software engineer).


    Sidenote: I seriously dislike macros as well, I consider any game that "requires" macros to be horribly designed and I do not want em here.

  4. You clearly DID NOT read the post properly, or atleast you did not understand what I was saying. I, and most other people too, am completely okey with skipping random and useless thrash when it can be done safely without the risk of unnecessary wipes etc. Skipping "everything" including the middlebosses during the FP is stupid as those may drop something useful to some people and will drop comms which are useful in time.


    I completely agree with the other poster on this page with the point of casuals who just want to skip everything and get all the prizes with minimum to no effort at all. I myself feel very happy when I get the new gear piece for my char after I have done some work to earn it. That's how things work in the real life too, one does have to work for the goods unless one happens to be lucky enough to win in a lottery.

    Nope, didnt miss the point at all :)

    Middlebosses are useless and the ONLY reason I do the HM FP are because speedruns are fun sometimes and that you get black hole commendations.


    My point is this: fine complain about the muppets that leave or abuse people that don't want to do speedruns but don't claim that its the way its supposed to be played, Bioware could easily have changed the FP:s so that you cant bypass mid bosses or trash but they havent.

  5. Really, going complain about people trying to skip parts of a FP they have done MANY times already?

    The only fun thing left is shaving off time doing speedruns...


    Obviously I don't require people to do this when I'm using the GF with a non full group. But seriously, complain about the people that whine but don't go all high and mighty about how you have to kill everything and it should take a long time cause that's just BS. Ive got better tjhings to do with my time, like writing on this forum ;)

  6. 1) Has anyone used this mouse, with software to reverse the buttons to a right-handed setup and had it work in SWTOR?

    Why use some software, just change it in Windows mouse settings? Works just fine with Swtor but perhaps that was the software you were talking about?

    And yes ive got that mouse and its nice.


    2) Are there any other cheap (>$50, the left handed Naga is too expensive/overkill) left handed gaming mice with buttons (for additional hotkeys) on the right side, with the right and left mouse buttons oriented in a traditional right-hand style? Or alternatively, ambidextrous mice that people have actually used in SWTOR?


    The only other left hand mouse i know of is an old logitech wireless that is not very good for gaming.

  7. The biggest problem with pvp in swtor is the lack of players on the servers combined with the large gear differences.


    The lack of people increase the problem of gear differences when proper matchmaking can't be made.


    While I'd like less gear differences this is a much smaller problem than the lack of people, super servers or cross server I coudn't care less as long as there is enough people to make more even teams.

  8. EVEN on a pvp server you can get warned/suspended/banned for 'grieving' another player in this way. IIRC, even on a PVP if you type in /say 'please stop' or 'stop' or anything like that(requesting that they stop killing/camping you). . .and they refuse to stop. Then you can report them and they will get in trouble. I'm not sure if their rules have changed over the past month or two, but this is how it was(even for pvp servers) back when the game first launched.


    Sounds reasonable, everything goes until someone says stop.

  9. "Ridiculous DPS, and the best defensive CDs in the game" Heard it too many times...


    Comparing a Marauder to a Jugg, Anni/Immortal as they are both melee, because there is no way to calculate the "mitigation" offered by attacking from range. No it's not a CD. YES it is a defense. When you are attacking someone that can't hit you back, you are employing an advantage they do not have, that adds to your survival. Anyway...




    Undying Rage - 99% mitigation for 5 seconds, 90 sec CD, can only realistically use it when you're almost dead

    Cloak of Pain - 20% mitigation + some damage for 6-30 seconds, 60 sec CD

    Force Cloak - Vanish + 50% mitigation (should only matter with DOTS) for 6 seconds (run away use a medpac) 45 sec CD

    Plus we'll count the 1% healing on crits with Rupture




    Intercede - 20% mitigation for 6 seconds + gap closer, 20 sec CD

    Enraged Defense - 3% healing/sec for 10 seconds, 45 sec CD

    Endure Pain - 30% health buff for 10 seconds, 90 sec CD

    Invincible - 40% mitigation for 10 seconds, 180 sec CD


    AND - Now this is what most people don't account for...


    Soresu Form - 6% mitigation, passive/always on

    Heavy armor - 6% mitigation (over medium), passive/always on

    Guard stance - 6% mitigation, passive/always on

    Shield Generator - stats dependent on absorption/shield/def rating etc, passive/always on


    So before we even look at defensive CDs, Juggs are starting with an additional 18% - 40% PASSIVE damage mitigation over a Marauder. AND they get defensive CDs that protect 1/2 as well, but last 2x as long as a Marauders.


    It is because of everything in the "AND" section, that Marauders have the best (but not by a whole lot) defensive CDs in the game.

    Im sorry but thats just complete bs just like a lot about marauders said in this thread is bs.


    A tank specced jugg in soresu do fair damage if in dps gear but NO WHERE NEAR a marauder so yes they deserve better survivability. A dps specced in soresu gets kinda rage starved which limits dps.


    Second Intercede is ONLY 20% to THE ONE YOU INTERCEDE TO, not to yourself. I i remember correctly the tank gear has a set bonus that adds the effect to you aswell but thats the tank gear and then you do really **** damage.


    Shield generator, again if you use it you reduce your dps which offsets the increase in defense.


    Last but not least, enraged defense is not free, it costs 4 rage to activate and costs rage for each tick which also require you to take damage for it to trigger.


    So please, stop the god damn misinformation on both sides. Its just making the problem bigger.

    If you wanna compare cooldowns then atleast choose a dps spec which does similar if less dps such as vengeance.

  10. Well then u would have to also make all healing abilities tied to the healing tree of there AC. It wouldn't be fair to let dps scoundrels and dps commandos off heal and not let dps shadows and guardians taunt. People are already saying they prefer off heal dps over taunt dps for premades. If you take away the taunt it would amplify that even further.

    Frankly dps spec heals from atleast mercs/commandos suck epic ***, your better off killing your opponents instead of trying to heal an ally.

    So no its not a reason for not locking taunts to tank stance as dps specced tank classes can still go into tank stance and use the taunts anyway.

    I consider this a good change but meh, don't bother me either way tbh.

  11. Another example why it's sad that the situation is so bad that people like GrumpySwe believes that FRAPSing one's own game play every single moment, eating up hard drive space, from now until eternity is the a good way way to protect one's self from BioWare's CM monkeys. May god have mercy on the people who aren't technically savvy.

    Should perhaps have made certain that people understood that it was irony, my bad for writing badly :p

    Also you can make it save the last 5 mins if anything bad happened without constantly saving anything by simply pressing a button if its setup correctly, (well not certain if it was fraps or some other such program but anyway it exists :)).


    That said I would never do it since I think its ridiculous, if you don't trust the company your buying a service from (game time) then stop buying the service.

  12. Some kids in here had to be put in their place. They were derailing the true topic. What we all want to know is the PVP Server vs TOS answer. Not what they consider is pro from their mom's computer chair.


    You just keep digging your own grave ^^

    That last comment is exactly the reason why people dislike your posts, and frankly its human nature to want to disagree with people you dislike ;)

  13. This makes me wonder just how many of the "fraudulent" reports that the CMs "exposed" in the past were actually legitimate. They were all quick, "it's a fraud, we're locking this down" actions. It's a whole lot easier to shut down one legitimate person who never expected this sort of level of CM tomfoolery and falsely humiliating them by claiming he's a fraud in an environment with unscrupulous community members eager to curry favours with BIoWare Austin by acting like vicious pit bulls tearing at the wrongly accused.


    I think Seal Team Sith was fortunate that they had a lot of players present when this fiasco happened, took plenty of screenshots, and most importantly, had the tenacity to challenge a large company to fight against their wronging.


    This is really sad though, a whole lot of things happened with SWTOR over these few months. If my friends ever asked me about SWTOR and BioWare in the years to come, my answer will likely be: "I've never seen a video game developer make all the wrong choices and so thoroughly ruin their reputation with their conducts and policies that players need to view everything they say with intense scrutiny. It's frightening how much trust they've ended up losing in everything from being able to deliver game content, future features that community actually wants, game mechanic philosophies, all the way down to the legitimacy of their CM teams' rulings."

    Then start fraps:ing the whole time your playing if your so concerned, until proof of wrongdoing from BW is presented on a lot more cases il give em the benefit of the doubt.

  14. Ok. Lets get some things straight with the children that feel the need to spin this in negative light. First things first.


    The Fatman is THE pvp server to be on since launch. It has the last bastion of pure pvp to grace this game you all seem entitled to bash on(jealous much?). STS were called professional players by the ACTUAL pvpers from a variety of different guilds on this server. The only people bashing it were people who are clueless to this server and its pvp community. I'm sorry but thinking youre good at pvp on your dead server playing the same 10 people over and over doesn't make you good. So zip up, when rated warzones/super servers comes out, perhaps you'll be one of the lucky few who get taught how to pvp by our community. Notice how i stated the community and not just our guild? We have tons of competitive players here who would stomp down the majority of the self proclaimed good pvpers on other servers. Ask the rerolls about their experience in The Fatman's warzones. All I hear is pure jealousy from the majority of these posters who were the ones to quickly troll and bash our threads. Rather then own up and apologize for your blatant accusations you decide to come here and continue your moob fest in a ty thread to bioware.


    Second! Bioware have formally apologized. They have admitted their mistake(making the majority of you look really dumb). Don't hate on bioware for your own actions. Look to yourself. Ask yourself why you were so quick to jump on the lolfraud bandwagon and you'll see quickly why youre a negative impact on this games community. Some people in here act as if they were the ones wronged by Bioware. You weren't. They didn't call you frauds. Stop feeling entitled enough to say we aren't entitled. Just be happy that finally we got some headway with this gaming company. You're all so quick to spin this so negatively yet you forget the reason why it happened. The PVP Server VS ToS debate has not been answered. It got buried beneath all your rubbish. The most important thing is that it IS answered by an official to put this qq and cryfest to rest.


    Lastly! Retsam(along with many others in our guild) are all "professional" gamers from the bay area scene. Playing in multiple quake, counter strike & wow tournaments. Being "paid" to play these games. This makes them more professional then you'll ever be at gaming. They have actual credentials. They aren't just saying they are good. They have the resume to back it up. Jealous? Remember it wasn't us who made the first STS is pro claims. It also wasn't us who decided to spin that in a negative fashion when the players in this guild are considered it. Now get off your butts and go to a SC2 tourney so you can earn some right to talk back. Since all you kids know about these days is SC2 and WoW. IMO Counter-Strike was the be all end all of pure skill in gaming. If you don't agree thats fine. Enjoy making your zerglings and get off our nuts.


    Finally! STS is the first pvp guild to cause a live GM to take form in game and threaten that pvp guild with actions against their accounts. STS is the first pvp guild to get a developer of the game to call them a liar on a public forum. STS is the first pvp guild to get a formal apology from Bioware.


    Don't like it? See ya in rated.

    Im sorry but this is exactly the reason atleast I'm annoyed at you and your guild.

    It doesn't matter if you are the greatest gamer in the universe, act like a spoiled brat and I will call you one ;)

    And no I'm far from the best player at anything, decent at shooters but kinda crap at for example SC2.


    Just calm down and look at all your(your group not you specifically) and say that you guys don't come across as entitled brats? Whether or not you are I have no idea, you can't know people from a few posts on a forum.

  15. This was badly handled by BW, that does not excuse the behaviour of these so called "pros".


    BW needs to make amends but so should these people acting like little brats.

  16. Open PVP does not mean no rules do whatever you want. PVP servers are the worst for cheats, hacks and all out griefing. Ive even seen people in this thread bemoan the fact they cannot grief other players. Of course tho on these forums people will just blindly side with someone regardless of the facts. We have no idea except from the obviously biased source who started the article.


    This is why they do not allow this kind of thread normally. The GM cannot come in explain what they were REALLY doing because he is bound by a privacy agreement. Personally I think you air your dirty laundry in public you give up your right to privacy. It is quite obvious something was going on besides world pvp to cause this. People do world pvp everyday and do not get a GM to come and ask them to stop what they are doing.


    Pretty much this.

    Also spawncamping is NOT your right just because its a pvp server, in most games spawn campers gets banned, why it should be different in MMO:s ive got no idea. Design flaws by BW does not give you free reign to act like little brats.


    That said they should change the design so that invading a base doesn't mean your automatically spawncamping the only possible respawn.

  17. You would propose downtrading RWZ commendations to WZ commendations to buy BM gear? Downtrading is 1:1. Trading up from WZ to RWZ commendations is 3:1.


    If you are suggesting, for example, that I should have traded in my 3.5k RWZ comms for 3.5k WZ comms to buy Battlemaster gear, when 3.5k RWZ comms are worth 10.5k WZ comms, well, let's just say you and I have a fundamentally different understanding of basic arithmetic. I can't say it any other way without potentially getting flagged by the mods.


    It's far more efficient to spend RWZ comms on WH gear.

    I had 4-pc BM within a few days of dinging 50.

    Personally I would have bought the warhero implants and earpieces for your RWZ commendations as they dont need the battlemaster piece as a trade in.

  18. PVP is perfectly balanced, the only thing that is unbalanced is players skill level of playing their class.


    Im sorry but that is such bs. Balance isn't the biggest problem, population decline is but to say its perfectly balanced is just stupid tbh.

  19. What you are talking about is called experience, and i purposely left it out, because he has 20 freaking years of it.


    And experience is essentially RAW DATA, it takes mental ability to turn it into something actually useful.

    Not the point I was making, probably didn't explain well :)

    My point was that someone can be really good in theory countering abilities and strategies correctly but be completely incapable of doing the same when actually playing the game.

    Often capability in theory goes hand in hand with capability in practise but not always.


    So feel free to ignore this guys conclusions just don't ignore opinions simply because they isn't coming from a "pro".

    Hope I made that understandable :p

  20. If gaming was a physical sport, then yes. coaches have the knowledge but lack the physical ability that comes with extensive training.


    Sadly for him, and your bad analogy, gaming is all about knowledge and how to apply it. If he lacks that, he can't comment on game balance.


    You see, physical sports are two dimensional, they require mental ability and physical ability. You may lack one and excel at another, Gaming however only has 1 dimension, mental ability . If you lack that, well you're screwed.


    While less "physical" than FPS games there still is a big difference between coaching and playing even a game such as swtor. So while not a perfect analogy it still applies. Its about theory and practice.

  21. The only one that doesn't work are the two merc dps specs. not sure who else is lacking there.


    Agreed, id add rage specc juggs aswell tho. The damage is fine if a bit easy to avoid(smashes) but the survivability of a rage jugg is complete ****.


    Still think Maras have a bit to much but its better to be buffing these classes with serious problems first then maybe tinker a bit with maras.

  22. To PvP for 20 years, and never rise above average status. Is the epitome of fails.


    That alone is reason enough for not caring what he has to say about balance in any game related issues.... ever

    Actually being a good player and being able to comment on game balance has nothing to do with each other.

    It not like coaches could actually do everything he wants his players to do but he knows what needs to be done, same thing here you can comment about balance even if your not a "pro" yourself. You do need to watch/talk to good players tho but youd need to do that regardless of your own "skill".


    Not saying he is completely right, for example I thought the grind was far more annoying in pre 1.2 unlike this taugrim guy.

  23. You have the same burst potential (rage spec)

    You have the option to become more tanky (immortal)

    ^ so you can do those two things just as good or better.



    Ridiculous rage spec is crap, easily ignored by someone that knows how it works. And it still doesn't have your burst apart from not having anywhere close to your survivability. Rage spec juggs die like flies.


    Immortal is great, but the only reason you survive longer is that you have far more group control, if your focused your dead all the same. When focused a marauder can easily survive longer than even a tank specced jugg.

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