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Posts posted by Eclipso

  1. And that is the issue they where told repeatedly by the test players that this would happen.


    BW does not seem to appreciate that those who attend test and the general populace are very very different players in terms of attitude.


    Testers warned them that there was a very high chance that the myriad of idiots in the community would indeed do this but again shoved under the rug as has every bit of PVP feedback on test.


    Another game where the devs who have failed time and again still believe they know better than those testing it, paying to play it and giving feedback.


    Its no suprise, they didnt listen durring closed beta any phase, they didnt listen durring open beta any phase.

  2. NO


    Im on a "dead" server, PvP issues are too many to name, I voted with my wallet also and cancelled, just waiting for enough changes to happen or my sub to run out.


    The real part that burns me up is the fact we told them about 99% of the problems / lacking (what most of us feel is standard) features durring closed and open beta and it didnt seem to matter.

  3. Anyone else wondering when BW will release same faction based pvp? No, Huttfail doesn't count.

    EG. A rogue sith lord / republic general (haha not enough repub players for same faction anyhow) starts a war on some back galaxy planet... insert pitched battles, without any particular objective except to kill... kill... kill... Something... Anything! Just...Not... huttfail.


    It seems that most of the republic players have rerolled as imperials, or rage quit anyways... Eg. of typical day on Black Vulkars (empire fleet 190-250 players / Republic 44).


    Why not just call the game SW: The Old Empire and let those who chose the Dev loved superior side enjoy the game and not have to deal with the QQing of dirty hippy peace loving Republic scum?


    I'm a Darkside (insert class) and I want to kill Imperials!

    Let the anarchy begin.


    I feel your pain, on Dargon Trail its the same thing, I actually switched from IMP to Rep so I could stop playing huttball 90 times in a row.

  4. Whats up Eclipso? She told me. It's good to hear from you old friend.


    As for the Moors vs Ilum debate, is there really one to begin with? Some things should be so clear as to not have the ability to spark a debate, and this is one of those instances.


    MOORS>ILUM all day every day!


    First and foremost, the control points in Ilum make zero sense to me. Why are we allowed to stand there and bazooka them to hell and back with zero resistance?


    Exactly why do we need a notification system telling everyone in the zone where everyone else is? What purpose does it serve other than to lag the zone even further?


    Why is there no voice in this game? People are talking as if there's some strategy involved in Ilum? Forgive me but I find it highly unlikely that a whole lot of strategy is being used out there without voice comms. Those groups using it are at a decided advantage. This is 2012 and there is ZERO excuse not to have voice in a game that cost this much to make.


    Meh, I could go on forever with this really. The game is very young and I have patience, but there is much more that needs to be done in Ilum to make it as fun to be in as the Moors.


    I agree with all of this, lets hope they continue to make strides forward and actually evolve it into something fun.

  5. I love how people assume that those who think the speeder spawn in this game isn't obnoxiously fast just keep butting their heads against the same node time and time again.


    You can try pretty much everything, but if they've got both nodes and merely 6 players who are just DETERMINED not to sacrifice those points then you've lost.


    To take that point realistically is down to throwing everyone on your team at it and leaving Mid vulerable which they usually take if you've been successful or not in taking the side-node.


    You can try all kinds of maneovres, all kinds of tactics like 'drop down left, run over and assault right', etc and it comes to nothing, nada, zero time and time again.


    While your right your also wrong which is the beauty of the setup. Its all dependant on your team:


    * Focus fire

    * CC (without actually breaking it, a concept many dont seem to understand)

    * Positioning around the turret in relation to the speeder (when capping)

    * Body stacking / layering (harder to target)


    Add numerous other things you could come up with and create, Now I believe alot of this is hindered by the lack of in game voice but typing still is effective if you have a team of players with the same goal in mind which is to win.


    Now I would be just fine if they decided to move the speeders landing spot back 10- 20m or so but other then that I belive they would be hurting the WZ more then helping it.

  6. yup, lets take out all tactics from game, and make it a zergfest like ilum. The idea is you hit hard on one node, then switch, but most people dont understand this, which is why I LOVE alderaan xDDDD. the side bikes are fine, I'd prefer they focus on things like turrets firing first for empire, and get that fixed.


    If you play alderaan properly, you should be holding one of the edge nodes anyway, if you're not, you're not capping/peeling properly(as a team, which i understand can be hard with puggers)


    it then becomes a game, of hit mid/switch edge/hit mid 'till you create an imbalance.(or someone ninja caps, you'd be amazed at how many times i've capped a node because opposing players prefer to finish their kill first xD)


    I agree with this, leave it how it is.

  7. Yup this is pretty much all true. I will however say that my heal spec Sage had some 1 v 1 time with the double bladed saber style inquisitor (like the Infiltration mirror) and once he used in-combat stealth there was pretty much nothing I could do to find him.


    Tried my knock-back but he had already got out of range. Then the only "reveal" I have is using my AoE and hope I find him. Seeing that this uses quite a bit of force I don't even bother. I'm not entirely sure it would be a good thing to give sage's stealth detect though... but stealthies shouldn't be able to disappear forever.


    Yes they should be able to disappear "forever", It's your responsibility to make sure you do everything you can to keep them from gaining that advantage over you, if you choose not to do so dont react quick enough or have a skill on CD then thats on you.

  8. I am also a battlemaster on my main that typically runs with a premade so I know a lot of the people on the server...at least the main regulars. I never thought this was much of an issue so I was curious how I would perform with a fresh 50.


    I am going to be running into something close to this here shortly, my IMP is decked out but its a IMP heavy server so me and some guildies have rolled some Republic players for PvP and were around 45-47 in level and I am also wondering how its going to be not gearing up with everyone and being the one who needs to aquire his gear.


    I am curious indeed, wondering how Ilum will play from the Republic side knowing all the Imps are doing is circle jerking the middle.

  9. As someone who played before Mines of Moria, I would like to point out that Trolls didn't exist when the moors first came out. And I'm fairly sure they had a limit of 1 troll at a time when they did. I do remember the expansion well. It's what caused me to stop playing the Ettenmoors for a long time. We would have 5 of us for every freep and when the freeps did show up some idiot would pull a troll. That and I never hit level cap on my freep ever again after the first level increase. The PVE was just too unbearable.


    BTW Landroval was my server as well. Andius was my main but he was only in the moors pre-Moria. And I had one creep of every class but I enjoyed my warg Argmoor the most.


    I have no doubts Bioware can do better than the Ettenmoors with a half decent try, but as you said they have things they can learn from them. NPC guards for keeps, and PVE content to keep people occupied with the fighting is no good, are two things I think they should consider.


    Trolls did exist, they were introduced in book 10 and at the time you could roll up to 3 trolls and 3 rangers at a time, book 11 was the purple freeple eater etc etc etc.


    Regardless of the flaws the moors has it is still superior to Ilum in all aspects.


    Jaiyne, tell Lee I say hello please.

  10. QFT.


    Luc R12 Champion of Landroval


    Every day in SWTOR I ask myself if I'd just be happier going back to finishing up R13. Every day.


    I'm being held back only by 2 things.


    1> My friends playing SWTOR

    2> Promise of a better tomorrow.


    To those saying the moors is worse than Illum...I'd say this.


    I CAN have fun in the moors. Will I always? No. But I CAN.


    I cannot fathom ANY way to have fun in Illum. It's a terrible PvP mechanic from top to bottom and just a trainwreck in the middle of a trainwreck of a PvP system.


    Luc old friend good to see you post something here, As an Landroval player as well the PvP experience here has been a absolute and total letdown in many, many aspects and I will second the post you had quoted and what you are saying.


    On my server it is so heavy Imperial I (along with some guild members) rolled a rebel so we can atleast have a "target rich" enviroment and MAYBE actully have a good time not doing huttball 1,000 times a day in WZ's vs Imperials anyway.


    Now I am only back up to 40 but thus far the PvP experience (open world as well as WZ's) has been better 100 times and in a already horrible system is good but its far from enough to keep me playing as well as everyone else as well all know.


    I have thought about dusting off Eclipso and logging back in to Landroval lets see if that itch becomes one I absolutly have to scratch or not.

  11. On my server (Daragon Trail) I got so tired of Huttball and the circle jerk of Ilum with the crates that me and a few guildies rolled some Republic toons, We figure we will have a target rich enviroment. How long till server transfers? I think we will be looking for a new server with some form of balance once it becomes avaliable.
  12. I think Sorcs/Sages are a bit more powerful then Merc/Commando.


    haha, only if Sorc's/Sage's were wearing heavy armor I would agree. I have taken some 5k hits from tracer missle, I would say taking a hit around 2k is about normal so I would say leave the skill damage and cast time alone and increase the CD time on it.

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