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Posts posted by Inokis

  1. World Map

    • The filter dropdown box doesn't work right.  It keeps disappearing after each selection
    • The Magnifying Glass does not line up with the map area it is supposed to magnify.   (Please fix this soon.  For some people it's more important than any other fix)

    World Map Overlay

    • The map does not display half of the time, it just draws a transparent area.


  2. This is the first time I've experienced it going down outside of maintenance since ive been subbed the last 3 months.  I do work a lot though (9 pm - 530 am) so maybe its down when I'm working?

  3. Sony used to have a pass subscriber plan. 29.99/mo for access to everything.


    Until Secret World has a trial of some sort I won't be subbing to it. I learned that lesson with Warhammar Online.

  4. I leveled an alt completely solo, no flashpoints or pvp. With the class mission xp perks (which won't help you much), I had to do almost every quest +bonus objectives on every planet (excluding heroics) and a few bonus mission series and I was still 2-3 levels under the entire way.


    All of mine have been solo thus far and I'm still outlevelling the planet content. Im ususally 2-3 lvl over by the time I finish a planet.

  5. I have a new level 50 that never did anything but planet/class quests, the heroics up to Tattooine, and two flashpoints. She just finished Voss so she's not even done with the class quests, yet. I have another that's just finishing Voss at level 49 that has never done a flashpoint and has skipped all heroics since Alderaan. It's very possible to level your characters without a single PvP experience or doing flashpoints, operations, or dailies. It just takes a while. ;)


    I do the same thing. I do only planet quests and the class lines. It is also possible to lvl from the space missions.

  6. Don't forget the zeppelins and galleons as taxis. Or portals to other dimensions. Or frozen zombie-like kings. Or pandas. Pandas would make this game epic. But so would fishing.

    I want to fish with my lightsabre plz plz plz plz Bioware make it happen.

    Need to post "Beware of Fishing" on Quesh if that happens.

  7. I like the family tree aspect of the Legacy.


    I wish we could have multiple relation assignments though. For example I have a character that is the nemesis to my main, and he has a friend that is an ally to my mains mother. That would require multiple relationship assignments in order to show that dynamic; in this case a box.


    I personally appreciate the fact they enabled racial unlocks in the Legacy.


    I agree, it's fun to have but nothing to stress about achieving.

  8. I never asked to be put onto a super server, in fact I was fine with my low pop one. After i was forced onto the super server I have found that there are simply too many players playing in the same area.


    Please let me move to a smaller server, or let me move to an instance before it hits 150 people on the planet. I'm okay with not seeing many people, I have group finder now for heroics and fp.



  9. This player is just as important as the "Top Guild PvE'rs" Bioware needs to listen to them. Eyes closed, ears open.


    Lost you on that one.


    I was saying I can't wait to see how many times i get vote kicked off when I start participating in the finder.

  10. I can't wait to see how many vote kicks I wrack up when I start joining groups of people in end-game content. o.o


    I am not the greatest at any of the classes. I enjoy my characters and I have fun playing them. I am not socially adept either lol.


    in my future fun times i foresee

  11. I just wanted to say whichever team designed the Balmorran content, story, mission arcs etc did a hell of a job.


    I'm on my Jedi Guardian and there are so many interlacing arcs its an amazing experience to play. The entire story theme has me chained to my seat waiting to see what the next little mission has me doing.


    I see a lot of posts about people saying republic sucks this, republic blows that etc. Its an exciting story line with lots of great content.


    I have my game set up so that the quests are a narrative instead of text, combined with the camera blur conversation effects I feel like I'm playing my own little movie episode.


    Great job and thank you for the fun.

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