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Everything posted by Inokis

  1. Bugged on my Smuggler Scoundrel. Tested on my first character from launch; bugged on them also. A simple fix they could implement: Right click on portraits acts the same as activating an npc on right click thus accepting the quest(s).
  2. I do it by keeping my character at Dark Side 2-3. Otherwise you can use the Cartel Martket to unlock trhe yellow eyes for all. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2051997498839461151/2A16ECFDFBF24D39763F41573738D690D215338C/
  3. World Map The filter dropdown box doesn't work right. It keeps disappearing after each selection The Magnifying Glass does not line up with the map area it is supposed to magnify. (Please fix this soon. For some people it's more important than any other fix) World Map Overlay The map does not display half of the time, it just draws a transparent area.
  4. This is the first time I've experienced it going down outside of maintenance since ive been subbed the last 3 months. I do work a lot though (9 pm - 530 am) so maybe its down when I'm working?
  5. "Youve been logged off due to inactivity"... but I'm not even logged on....
  6. Today the World Map Magnifier is out of Alignment with where it is supposed to be magnifying. Map and Magnifier Alignment
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