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Posts posted by -Gorlock-

  1. I'm confused lol


    What are you offering now or are you guys taking a break? Is Pub side still available?


    Do you think you will offer some (at a higher price of course) after 4.0?


    We offer everything on the front page, dont think OP has updated the hateful part though.

    Sent you a PM

  2. Hi I sent you an in game message. Please let me know if the Hateful Entity/Crest raid can still be arranged. Full raid is not essential, I would just like to grab the Crest if possible.

    We are no longer offering Hateful runs, the last mass run was about 2 weeks ago, sorry!

  3. Are there going to be new augment kits in 4.0? There will most likely be new augments themselves, but I am wondering if we have to go to MK-11 now. If so how expensive will it be to augment one piece, I am assuming about 60k.


    Also how expensive will repair bills be now at higher gear levels?


    I am just wondering if they will scale down the prices as a new baseline and increase from there in future expansions.


    EDIT: Nvm on the new augments, little birdie whispered me so we gucci

  4. Like title says, is there a reason we cannot have training dummies on the guildship? I dont care if you cannot move them or anything but it would be nice to have a place to put them. There are training dummies on the fleet and on some planets so I do not see a reason we cannot have them on guild ships.
  5. no idea who these guys are




    but it didn't exactly take long to find. Theres also a few guilds selling runs on harbinger and shadowlands.


    Shadow Council, but I doubt we are going to get you through NiM Styrak just for the chest. We usually charge like 2m per token, but that is usually Dread Master gear. You would probably have to pay for something and just get the chest as a little bonus. Dragon Slayer title for example.

  6. You are aware it drops from HM REVAN? Only one guild has cleared that currently on this server so...uhm...I would say it's worth whatever they say its worth.


    I think he is confused with the Revanite Banner off of SM Revan, or maybe even the lights. Not sure what he means

  7. Out of curiosity how many times have you downed Revan/do you have it on farm mode?

    Already killed it twice this week, we decided to do this after each person on our team got a deco for themselves, so that is 8 times before hand. We should be able to sell two decos a week, maybe more.


    That only accounts for our team, we killed it maybe 12 times in total, I think some was on another team of ours.

  8. Weirder still one of our guild members has 15 High level Harbinger characters and cannot log in at all. He has submitted tickets over the past couple of weeks only to have them closed with the message (this should be resolved ... but it isn't). He is not a happy camper!


    More disturbingly, he can't seem to post (i.e. complain/share concerns) on the Forums either? He logs in to his account, goes to the forums then he is told he needs to log in but that takes him away from the forums. He then logs in, can read the forums (but shows as not logged in) and as soon as he tries to reply he is told he needs to log in again... which takes him away from the forums - rinse and repeat ...


    I'm guessing since he got 15 characters from early server consolidation he would need to delete FOUR characters in order to be able to create a new one to do the log in trick.


    Same thing was happening to me on the forums, I did a computer restart and it seemed to have fixed it. As for ingame I made a level 1 to log into, then switch to my higher level.


    Hopefully it gets fixed soon!

  9. Hi all, I moved a toon to the harbinger and when I click "Play" button in the character screen, it makes the noise but does nothing. Restarting the game does nothing and the only way to fix it seems to be to wait a while. I have toons on other servers and it does not happen at all.


    Any thoughts?


    P.S. I have a friend that has toons on the harbinger that is getting the same problem.

  10. Don't count Defender Program out of it yet! We're just starting our push on Cora since we downed MB last week. I think that this thread is still worth maintaining. Just my two cents :)


    My bad! I didn't mean to offend anyone by leaving their guild name out, as I do not have anyone of anything updating me on what all of these guilds are doing. :D

  11. I think this thread is now, how would you put it dead?


    Well, there hasnt been any progression for a long time now, besides Aisthesis getting cora and Shadow Council getting Revan, other than that, not much at all. Most guilds are running 5/10 or even 4/10 on the new HMs. I dont even know how much of them are still going at it. I know Pax Republica is working on it from now and then when they have raid days, but they are busy doing other things in the game and organizing events for the guilds on this server that wont do HM ops.

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