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Posts posted by alcek

  1. Most people complaining about PT's are not well geared.


    My Assault Vanguard is in BiS gear and can kill players in BM gear or less without blinking an eye, but when you encounter a Mara/Sniper/Jugg/Op in BiS gear for their class, you're going to be in a lot of trouble. Even fully geared WH Sorcs hurt A LOT and cannot be ignored.

    I was BiS dps guardian and there is no way in hell i can beat a semi-competent pyro.

    Not doable when you lose 150% of your hp when he loses max 70% of it /with me healing with the wz heal, and still dying/. Pull the l2p, team, "bad" card no matter how many times up. You are OP, there is no question about that.

  2. @Rompdomp

    With this explanation, it may be the case. But it wasn't pre 1.3, it happened the other day.

    The lag is so bad in certain wz's, it feels like some guys sometimes cause it. All goes normal, green bars on the lag meter, but it takes 3 s to activate anything, and looks as if the enemy does unseen feats.

    Whatever it is, hacks or server desinc, they better fix it fast. Most people i know just stop playing when the Lag King rules.

  3. It's because people are bad and think they should blow their stuns for anything and everything. Don't keep your stuns and CC on constant cool down guys...

    Because you are dead loooong before the 99% reduction if you don't blow the cc's, but we have discussed this a lot with you already, Xerain.

  4. Also, explain to me, how a char can get up from 3% HP, to full, in 1 second, with just 1 healer around. Even with wz medpac, and crit heal for insane amount, he cannot go from 600 hp to 20 000 in 1 global.

    It was a powertech that did this.

  5. I can answer the PvP question. I have no problem 1v1ing a Mara / Sent as a focus spec Guardian. Even if they get the opener, They are squish. Pop ur Def CD's early to negate the burst thats pretty epic from them and ur golden.

    I doubt that you can do that with consistent results to any half-descent sentinel out there.

  6. It is mostly their servers, i have lag in wz /slow ability activation, desinc of chars, all the nasty stuff/ even with constant 80 ms ping on my side. The "good" thing is that it isn't only me lagging, we all do.
  7. @TonyDragonflame

    You have such a wrong set of ideas, that i started wondering - are you a BW dev?

    Everything what durhame said is spot on, and on top of that is exaclty what me and many other experience.

    But i will be here and pointing stuff at you when you finally get nerfed, be sure.


    But in case you need further proof here are the same players in a quick Novre coast 100-0 which is a "quick" game with a sentinel in the mix to satisfy you.

    Low and behold the DPS tanks outperform everyone again.



    Big sigh. Enemy kills - 0. ZERO. So an undergeared team of noobs on the enemy side got farmed non stop by a geared team, probably on vent, coordinated, getting heals and guards. This isn't a proof, it is a slaughter.

    Your other screens look similar.

    200k dmg + 200k guard in a game is possible for every tank, in tank spec and gear. EVERY tank.

    Don't wanna start the screen war with pics of omg performing sentinels, immortal ops healers, insane powertechs and so on.

    The sentinel in my team is better for guarding nodes than me, dps "guardian". He lasts longer, does better 1v1 when needed, heals like a half-healer. He does better damage, the regular margin is 1.5 in his favour.

    The exact same applies to the shadow tanks.

    And the vanguard tanks.

    All of these are at least 2 times better overall than poor juggs/guardians.

    But you come here and start flaming a mediocre class with a single semi-playable tree, that gets evaporated when alone and does okish in a group with support heals, but this is true for any other class in the game.

    The only time i feel op is vs a sage healer, and it very much depends on how good is he and are my cds up or not. If i am lucky with my moves, i could kill one /pre 1.3, i doubt i can do this now/ inside ~15 seconds /both with top gear/. But, as u see, this is more of a sage healer issue than a guardian one, because i think they need a little buff, either in defenses or the healing.

    I just read your last post. To add more things to the topic, the dps sage in my group outdpses me EVERY game, regardless of whether i stay in combat all the time or not.

  9. So, you are pointing a Void star 30 min stalemate gang aoe fest as a proof? Where their whole team was conveniently bunching to get sweeped to death? In a match where there wasn't any competent mara/sent or a powertech? The same powertechs that can go 550-600k damage every game, not just zerg aoe fests? While having the same amounts of guard? Or a mara that has 600k dmg and 100k SELF healing?

    Believe me, jugg/guardians are the least of your problems.

  10. And remember, just because you got pwned, doesnt mean the class is actually OP. It may just be you and your play style thats really pwning you.

    Quit this nonsense already. The forums are vomitting at this type of "wisdom", no one needs it.

    On top of everything, it is wrong.

  11. Cheap shot there. 1.3 is full of stuff that the players want.

    Yeah, legacy nonsense is truly more important than bugs and class balance. Stuff like this can be ok to have around, but only if the other very important things in the game work relatively well. Like the server architecture, that gives server lag sometimes of 3-4 seconds with 200-300 people on fleet.

    But yep, 1.3 is full of stuff that players want.

  12. The other day I was able to leap to a target and get a 12k master strike (3k+3k+6k) off that the poor half recruit...

    This is quite rare, if you run with 30% crit /high estimate/ the chance this to happen is 0.3x0.3x0.3 = 2,7%, which means that if my sleepyness doesn't blur my mind, 1 out of 37 master strikes. This is rare, so rare that you can ignore it as a factor. And if you drop the crit chance to 25%, it becomes 1 out of 64 master strikes.

  13. The FOTM mentality isn't larger in this game unlike OP says.


    Most of players I meet and play in WZ are sages or inquisitors simply because so many rolled them early on. I'd like to see example of game where there would be neither at all.


    I remember WoW having real FOTM problem. People really rolled warlocks when they fine. When rogues were better they were everywhere. When paladins became OP they were everywhere. Then Deathknights etc.

    Not my experience in swtor. When i enter wzs, they are full of fotms - marauders, powertechs, shadow tanks. Often hard to beat purely to class balance, not that they are something special as players. And when you encounter players that combine fotm+skills (yes, few of these exist) it becomes hilariously unbalanced.

  14. I see what you saying, and i agree. When rate war zones come out i can see some classes not invited because of lacking such things like, Pulls, leaps, intterupts, bubbles, guard, cloaking, sprint or good DPS. and then you look at some classes that have 80% of all these.

    So you will be skipping the best classes in the game to organise a Hutball only winning team?

  15. On my old server we hardly ever lost any games to the empire the last 2 months, due to most of their good pvpers leaving. When we transferred on our new server, i was a bit worried how pvp will go in the new environment. To my surprise there wasnt any drastic change, me and my team are still winning a lot. Seems the guys on the server aren't used to this, so they cheer when it happens.

    There was just 1 full fotm premade, with powertechs, shadows, slinger healers, sentinels /imperial equivalent/ that wiped the floor with us, but anyway, you cant beat what is imbalanced.

  16. It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, but I know it will, FotM Marauder/Sentinel rerollers are in for a RUDE wakeup call.


    Maybe when more players actually experience them at lvl 50 PvP and realize the grass isn't more OP on our side, some of these utterly misinformed QQ threads will go away, or at least be replaced by calls for Operative healer nerfs.


    Operative healer nerfs is another issue, that doesnt justify the godmode of the other fotm specs.

  17. Juggernaut tanks are AWESOME in PvP

    They aren't.

    And about the 2 globals kill on 0 expertise, it can happen with a bit of preparation, at least by 2 classes - focus sent/mara and focus guardian/jugg. Jump-rooted-sweep-master strike-dead. This will take 6 seconds from the point of view of the guy getting killed. Start(jump)-->1.5s gcd(sweep) --->1.5 gcd(master strike, 3 s duration)-->dead.

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