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Posts posted by Carloes

  1. Sorry to say, but the review is not on point at all.


    Calling Huttball bad because you can pass the ball? Really? It's actually a rather good idea, expecially compared to other MMO's where most of the gametypes are almost exclusively about doing damage. Huttball is actually one of the better PvP forms - expecially if you compare it to the BGs of WoW.


    The lack of an autoattack actually makes the gameplay far better - it forces people to choose. Am I going for the Focus-using ability for the damage, or pick the Focus-building ability, but have a much lower dps?


    I guess this game is just not for the OP. That's OK - but don't act like some of the choices (like Huttball) are bad simply because you like WoW style BG PvP more; that's called taste.

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