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Posts posted by areto

  1. As I'm sure someone has already said make sure you're interrupting properly. It's a mechanic which you'll seldom use in any other combat but is more or less the difference between winning and losing those tougher boss fights. And remember to blow your big CDs and at the right time, but that's pretty obvious.
  2. There isn't a light-side of the force, only dark and neutral. LS is bull.


    In the films the only one to ever refer to the "good side of the force" was luke and that's what he said "good side." Balance is neutral, jedi are balanced. The equivalent of a "grey" player in this game is really someone who only indulges in the dark-side occasionally, not a true neutral.


    I know there is probably plenty of light-side mentions in the books and such but they are so spiritually unsophisticated I have to dismiss them off hand.


    The dark-side is a corruption, you don't consider a healthy body to be the opposite of a corruption within that body do you, it's a categorical error. And so it is with the force.

  3. It's not a matter of good and evil it's a matter of detachment and clinging.


    Any emotion is dark as it leads to wanting things which leads to jealousy and grief and fear of loss which lead into the anger and hate of the dark side.


    It's not that jedi hate emotion or think it's a bad thing, they just have a responsibility as force users to stay away from it because if they just happen to fall into the trap it's horrible for everyone.


    That being said there are "pure emotions" like compassion, respect, preservation of life, reverence etc. which are only emotions in name as they are arrived at via reason and meditation and aren't just a natural reaction to the world like the base emotions.


    Personally I think the jedi order tend to be pretty hypocritical (like any religious organization) and don't avoid attachment and emotion as diligently as they should, I propose that the jedi order was already in decline as they became fat with peace and politics and this is why the sith chose to reveal themselves and "create" vader at this particular time in their long history.


    I don't think anakin would of turned if it wasn't for this systemic hypocrisy, finally demonstrated most palpably (sorry for the pun) with what I consider to be the literal and metaphorical fall of mace windu when he demonstrates how quickly he lets his anger overcome him when the republic (which he is attached to) is under grave threat.



    As for the "mind trick" which if you think about it in the real world most would consider evil. It lies perfectly within the bounds of detachment, as your not bound to the "honorable" way of doing things, honor can lead to the dark-side if you become attached to it, just like anything else.

  4. I agree the fleets lack that 'wow' factor. It's not very epic entering a tin can.


    The fleets should have been more open, more panoramic space views with small fighter squadrons whizzing by and slow cap ships lumbering about.


    My guess is that the fleet's limited feature set is related to game performance. If Ilum can't handle more than 80 people, then a fleet with fancy graphics would probably cause computers to explode.


    Yeah a few more views of space would be a bit more epic, what views there are, are pretty cool though, for example when you go from the hub to other ships in the fleet. And it wouldn't even cost performance, which I understand is the main reason for the fleet being round (and incidentally also the reason for the labyrinthine designs of the cities in WoW).

  5. taken from http://tera.enmasse.com/game-guide/faq



    taken from http://www.swtor.com/info/faq#171060



    Just so everyone can see what you are talking about. As shown, the differences are NOT that great, how many people playing SWTOR today are sitting below Tera's minimum requirements?

    I'd say less then 1% of people currently subscribing.


    to be fair those are the recommended requirements for tera and the minimum requirements for TOR.


    these are the minimums for tera:


    CPU 1 Intel Pentium 4 3.2G

    CPU 2 AMD Athlon64 3200+

    RAM 2G

    Graphic Card 1 Geforce 7600GT

    Graphic Card 2 Radeon X1600XT

    Hard Disk Space 25.0G

  6. There are three basic parts to an MMO.


    back-end: The servers and all that junk.


    middle-ware: The tools the developers use to make the thing.


    front-end: The client.


    Basically it seems that the back-end for hero is actually pretty good, and something which isn't part of the unreal engine at all. (should mention, it's really really really good for smaller games companies as they'll even host the thing for you and only take like half of your profits.)


    The middle-ware is also pretty good and has some tools which are useful for MMOs specifically, ue3s development kit also has useful tools but they aren't as specific as heroes.


    And the front-end seems to be terrible with hero, bad shaders, yucky use of memory, weird use of cores and all that. This is where unreal really excels. But it's a bit unfair to blame this on hero, as bioware makes most of these choices.


    The unfortunate part of all this is that the players only see the front-end bit, and they blame the whole product.


    All in all hero is designed to be fast and easy, and it is.

  7. Good try, and good point. But you have to remember how spoiled todays generation is. It's the Me Generation, the "Occupy Bioware" Generation. The spoilt little brat generation. If they don't get what they want, no matter how rediculous it is, then there is no end to what they will do.


    I guess the color of a lightsaber crystal is the least of our worries to be honest with you. It's scary to imagine them in charge of something.


    Back in my day people just did what they're told and liked it. If cocacola said jump, we said how high! These spoiled ugly spiteful hateful neglectful ruinous young people, how are you s'pose to get things done when your too busy "caring" about things.


    I mean look at this video:



    This was my generation, see how we never asked for anything because we knew entitlement was the worst possible character trait anyone could ever have and that it's the greatest sin committed by man since the original fall!


    Bah humbug grumble grumble, youth!

  8. The problem is always with getting many player characters on screen at the same time.

    That is because players prefer their characters to be unique and for all characters to be recognisable from a distance.

    This means that the game has to spend an inordinate amount of available graphics card memory on player characters. At some point they are going to run out of memory and the game will have to start swapping in models and textures during rendering cycles. This effectively kills performance.

    The simplest solution is to reduce memory usage for player characters, by making them all look similar, by reducing the level of detail and texture quality, or by substituting lower quality models for characters at a greater distance.

    Or the game can limit the number of characters visible at the same time artificially by sharding zones more heavily or segmenting them more.


    The short term solution (and the one chosen by Bioware while they try to address the real problems) is to reduce the texture quality as that has the greatest impact on memory usage. They also move away from Ilum and open world PvP because in the instances they can controlhow many player characters are in the zone at the same time.


    The likeliest longer term solution is to implement a mechanism where distant models (and characters) are rendered at a lower quality, or to make the algorithm to do so more aggressive. If there are no lower qualtiy models and textures this means that the art assets department is gearing up to create several tiers of increasingly lower quality of every single wearable item in the game and every stationary asset (aka trees and pipes). This obviously is a fair bit of work, and coding needs to adjust the game client so that it actually uses those low quality models (which is not a trivial job either).

    They are not going to be done with that in a few days.


    maybe they should of thought of all that before they started coding.


    is there some sort of skills shortage in the games development market? since you seem to know so much about it. Seems like a lot of sw:tors problems come down to incompetence.

  9. Both HE and UDK are free to download and tinker with. Both companies encourage people to try out their engines for free.


    You don't need to pay anything as long as you are not selling something created using their engines. That's when licensing kicks in.


    This is every good for hobbyists who like to tinker with stuff. Now, if only Maya was free for hobbyists. :(


    maya is free!


    oh wait, only for students..but it's free in a very "captain jack sparrow" kind of way for everyone else if you get my drift *wink wink*

  10. Unreal 3 was mainly built with shooter games in mind. It looks great and runs great, but is not designed for MMOs. It's possible to use it for that purpose, but I'm sure it has its own headaches getting it to work well.






    The things people find to blame on the engine. It's called art assets and level design.


    the unreal engine is used for every possible genre of video game you can think of. It works awesome for MMOs just like it does for everything else. That being said I understand the hero engine has good tools for patching and shipping content and stuff like that, and maybe bioware felt like they needed that more then the graphics type stuff ue3 is good for.

  11. So you expected unlimited story content that you could never finish? That's totally reasonable... not.


    I agree with the other guy, it is a disconnect. You're very driven by story up to 50, there is a class quest which takes you to the new planet/area then you pick up the other quests and do them all together then the class quest takes you to the next place etc. etc. You're playing to see what happens. Then you hit 50 and it's like, the story is over now, and your kind of waiting for it to tell you what to do next. The end-game in this game is like all that extra junk at the end of the lord of the rings trilogy "How many times do you have to tearfully say goodbye?! go already!" because your done with the movie, the stories over, time for something else. And it feels that way in this game.

  12. Why should red be Imp only?


    You don't think the Pubs can gather red crystals also?


    There's two ways to look at this kind of question my friend. You can either make a judgement based on the lore, an in-universe position if you will, or you can make a judgment based on style,is this 'starwarsy' enough? is it consistent with the films and other media? in a perfect world a product can have both, but some things are imperfect.


    So, lore-wise it's pretty well established everyone can have whatever light-saber they want.


    But style-wise sith have red, jedi have blue/green.


    The two positions are of different orders and so one can't trump the other.

  13. Body type 4 may be muscular, but it's still obese - and the fact that the model apparently has a painted-on six-pack (which makes little sense unless steroid-induced) doesn't change it.


    I don't have anything against overweight people obviously, hell my closest childhood friend has some extra kilos... But the fact remains that it is not the best thing for a person's health and it does put a bigger strain on one's heart. Sumo wrestlers are mountains of muscle as well but they still face health issues later in their lives quite often.


    have another look at my post, I put a picture of body type 4 there as well, you can see it really doesn't look like a painted on six pack.


    i'll link it again, here: http://i41.tinypic.com/r0ccap.jpg (still in my clipboard yay)


    I think you'll be surprised when you take an objective look.

  14. "Still has issues" ROFLMAO...yet they went right ahead and knowingly sold their product to us, without mentioning that it "had issues". Effectively, our "newborn infant" has Downs Syndrome. Their fixes to date consist of removing the high end textures used to market their product prior to release , whilst telling us "oh, you don't understand, the HIGH button was an error". Next fix in the que, is telling us that they're going to add a switch so people can use super duper LOW quality textures to help performance.


    They advertised a Porche. We test drove a Porche. With racing stripes and one of those cool looking air thingies on the trunk. But when we got it home and popped the hood, it had an engine ripped from a Ford Pinto stuffed under the hood, and the dealer had ripped all the fancy options and spiffy comfort items out.


    So here we are. With an "MMO" that you can't get more than half a dozen people together without the engine hacking up hairballs, with texture quality comparable to 10 YO games. An MMO game that has zero community/guild functions, zero grouping tools, zero anything to be able to use the term "MMO" in conjunction with the game.


    But we're supposed to be nice. We're supposed to be patient. But most importantly, we're supposed to continue to send them 'mo, 'mo, 'MO of our hard earned money. Get a grip, they spent 5+ years on this turkey, knowingly sold it to us as is, and a few months is going to make everything A-OK?


    But hey, the single player game isn't all that bad. We can level our toons in solitary splendor...then turn right around and DO IT AGAIN! And did I mention, we can have SEX with our imaginary e-companions! Woohoo!!!


    The sex is good...if only it were a mini-game.

  15. I blame all the people trying to sell "get thin quick" stuff for people having this bad attitude towards fat people.




    look at this guy..he is an olympic athlete, he is fitter then you, deal with it.


    Body type 4 is obviously muscly all all hell, but all some of you see is his big round belly. boo


    and here's a picture of the hulk just for those people who were bringing him up:



    and body type 4..


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