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10 Good
  1. The reason I watched this video was to see more on Legacy Achievements and let me tell you, that was a rewarding .000000000000002 seconds all about it.
  2. Seriously we need at least one GTN Access on every planet. I understand you can get one for your ship, but why not put one in the cantinas? I think it'd help everyone out.
  3. Wouldn't really kill it. It would alter the economy, however. ALL prices on GTN would go down. Crafting mats would go down the most followed by crafted items. If the crafting mats are cheap as hell people can afford them at a higher quantity, hence there will be more crafted items available lowering their price as well.
  4. Want to make more money BioWare? Offer this phone app. Sell it for, I don't know, $5 or so. Offer it only to Subscribers, add a cartel market purchase for F2P that binds use of this service onto a character. You'll not only sell the hell out of the app but also increase both subscriptions AND cartel coin purchases. If you aren't currently working on this app, you're probably making a huge mistake. [/market'd]
  5. This doesn't just go with Smugglers and Bounty Hunters. There is a huge chunk of incredible lore missing with Grey Jedi. Those falling from the "grace" of the Jedi Order or those who are trained by Sith but just don't see eye-to-eye with their ruthlessness and lack of value in a life. Think about how big of a role two Jedi play in the Star Wars universe: Anakin Skywalker and Darth Revan. Also, you have some fan favorites like Quinlan Vos and Kyp Durron who struggled with the Order and pursued something more, well, neutral.. In fact, I have an Imp guild called Fallen Jedi just to sate this personally, but that doesn't do much of anything outside of RP.
  6. Just wondering, did it help you out at all poosticks?
  7. Kel Dor, Togruta, Quarren, Mon Calamari, Kiffar, hell, even Rodians and Bothans... With so many awesome species in the Star Wars universe, I can't understand why we don't have more variety. Most of all these I'm surprised there are no Kel Dor or Kiffar, Master Gnost-Dural is possibly the second most celebrated character by TOR (following Revan, I'd say) and we can't even choose his race as playable characters? Kiffar would be incredibly easy to implement. They're practically human with unique facial tattoos and dreadlocks. They have a very popular character example (in Quinlan Vos) not to mention two characters from one of the TOR-timeline novels (Shigar Konshi and Larin Moxla from Fatal Alliance). Simply put, we need more races.
  8. I was able to run on full high settings before a patch, don't remember which one, but after said patch, I was having massive lag spikes at random times (especially, of course, in high-population zones). I figured out a solution though, don't know if it will work for everyone, but I turned off scaling nameplates. Now, I'm back to full speed, high settings and super happy! Settings > Preferences > Name Plates > uncheck Scale Nameplates with Distance > Save/Apply
  9. We need Kiffar. Come on, Quinlan Vos is a beast. Two of the main republic-side characters in TOR: Fatal Alliance were Kiffar. It'd be easy, they are humans with tribal face tats and dreads and a distinct racial ability.
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