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Posts posted by SaiyanElite

  1. I can see where you are coming from, but I on the other hand had no history with Revan (didn't play any of the KotoR's games). So to me the book was pretty good, could've been better yeah, but it was still a pretty good read.


    I just started reading SW books and from the last have read I would rate them in the following order;


    1. Bane series

    2. Deceived

    3. Thrawn Trilogy

    4. Survivor's Quest

    5. Revan


    I just finish Betrayal and Im not quite sure what to think... I found the writing to be boring, but maybe it was because its the first of a 9 book series.


    I completely agree on the Bane place in your list, and Deceived as well. And considering this to be your introduction to the characters I can understand why you may like the Revan book better than myself, with that in mind I can understand how its the last on your list. Also, you should give the Kotor games a shot, if you feel so inclined.

  2. I actually liked the Scourge part and read through the book incredibly fast. From what I've seen, a lot of Revan fans were upset because he lost and they felt he should have roflstomped the Emperor.


    I kinda liked the Scourge part also. But, I didn't buy the book to find out how Scourge became who he is. I bought it to find out the secret of Revans final days. In regards to the roflstomping, I too have seen Revan fans up in arms over this, however I'm not upset that he lost, I'm upset that Drew, the writer of the Bane trilogy which to this day is my favorite of any star wars books, should've been more than capable of writing a better story, a gripping tale putting all readers on edge. I didn't want a curb stomp from either side, regardless not once in the entire fight did I feel they had a chance at winning. He dropped the ball, he had Revan and Meetra, and the way he handled them, it almost seemed like they were an afterthought, as if he wrote the story and then remembered he had to include those two. Never mind anyone who played them, they have canon history, they each made decisions that shaped the galaxy, and Drew just threw them away. The writing these characters started with was top notch, what they ended with was, sad. The Emperor didnt defeat these two, Drew did.

  3. I thought it bridged the gap fairly well. I think it was semi-important to shift the gaze off of Revan since his role in SW:TOR is so muted.



    Given Scourge's role in SW:TOR's Jedi Knight story (and the fact that story was done by the same author) it was probably a little self serving. Since my first character was a Jedi Knight, it felt very much like the backstory / prequel and I'm VERY happy I read it prior to beginning the story.


    While I understand what you're saying the book is called Revan, it's misleading to take a big part of the books focus off the title character, regardless of his role in the game, the book is called Revan, people who know the character buy it to find out what happened with him, and people who didnt play the KOTOR games likely expect the focus of the book to be on this guy in the mask, but I feel we can both agree, We were deceived :cool:

    Oh for the record, loved the Deceived book.

  4. Clearly, my intervention saved you from them!


    Anyways, the reason is that they seem to dislike the book for one reason or the other. (most likely because their divine figure is not the invincible god they had always thought he was)


    The characters of Meetra and Revan left no impression on me like they should have, especially given the back stories they already had, Drew made Revan and Meetra boring more times than not. Now I may be wrong, it's been some time since I read the book. But, going in I was expecting a story about Revan, what I remember getting was, some revan, some Exile, lot of Scourge, Which really, to be fair the book could have been given a different name, a more fitting name, because, while yes the book tells us what happens to Revan, it was clearly not the focus. I didn't want invincible god Revan, but I didn't want boring either. I'm no fanboy but the book was just poorly put together and dragged more times than I was comfortable with, and it was rather forgettable.

  5. I don't think so really, Rebels is gonna be showing the symbol of the Rebellion(or well an early version of it, shown here) that isn't Galen's family crest and the writers/producers have said that the show will focus on the formation of the Rebellion. So...I don't think it's gonna have anything of TFU in it.


    I can dream.

  6. They also produce adult movies.


    Such as:






    Captain America



    Some of their more notable studios that might interest you are


    Touchstone Pictures


    Marvel Pictures





    You are right about that. It's my fault, I should have been more clear. I meant to say Disney Channel. Isn't Disney XD geared towards 13 and under something like that? Those movies you mentioned, to my knowledge hasn't been aired on Disney channel.

  7. The trailer doesn't look awful, I kinda like it. But this is Disney...now I admit, I don't watch Disney, but most networks that market to the younger audiences as far as I know, follow the trope, Never say die to awkward lengths. This is taking place between 3 and 4, and I say this without having watched all the clone wars (just starting) but there is no such thing as a kid friendly war, isn't this about Rebellion? I have this picture in my mind, that Disney is the worst about death in todays world. That being said, I'm morbidly curious about how they are going to go about it.
  8. It's not, Rebels is gonna be introducing the Rebellion, the origins, etc so on.


    This sounds accurate, however I'm holding out hope that TFU will be upheld, It's not impossible. I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home, they're not much bigger than two meters. As I recall hearing the Rebellion wasn't a big thing for some time, it was a lot of rebel factions fighting the Empire the best they could. Whcih means they very well could use the Starkiller story. I like what I saw in the trailer for Rebels, and just think, Starkiller vs Kanan. And they could go into Starkillers past more with the new series, it has potential, whether or not they go for it, and they probably will not, is completely on them.

  9. This doesn't even make any sense. Sith and Proteans don't have anything particular in common. You could just as well switch the Twi'leks with the Bajorans.


    On another matter, there is someone else you could easily switch the Sith with...


    While you are correct, you can switch anyone, the topic is Sith and Protheans. No disrespect intended, but I'm not sure if them having things in common is relevant, I mean yeah they are rather different, but that's the point. Though they do have the whole "extinct race thing" in common. But while we're on it, who else could we switch the Sith with?

  10. They Nihlus would say in ME1:


    "Their legacy remains, the Citadel, the Mass Relays, your ship drives....they're all based on Sith technology." :rak_02:


    Also the Sith would have exterminated the Hanar on the stop, not taught them how to speak.


    The Sith would have a thing for seafood. I think the genocide of the Sith would take longer.

  11. Personally Id love to see EA add in ME races, classes, lore as a third faction (maybe 4th)


    Would be a huge draw and with it you would most definately be able to start having RVR pvp and move away from the trash warzones that now pass as SW:TOR PVP.


    I know some will complain its two different games but I dont recall Voss in Star Wars, dont recall Tron errr Gree honestly.


    Already president to add non star wars races and content to game and Mass Effect stuff would bring a whole new level of intrigue.


    But I expect ME is to mature for them to combine with Teen SW:TOR


    I agree to a point. Like if they made a "what if" for some ME races. But I wouldn't really want them in Star wars cannon.

  12. Well for the most part, Sith aren't significantly more powerful than Biotic users. So the question comes down to whether their ideology and culture would be better suited to defeating the Reapers. I imagine the Sith would be more willing to use extreme tactics involving sacrificing their own people to stop the Reapers, but I also would expect quite a few Sith to try to use this as an opportunity to advance themselves, which would be quite detrimental to their forces.


    Most people I know would agree that the a Force user is superior to anyone using Biotics. Even if others feel differently, the two abilities are different. Would the difference of abilities give the Sith enough of an edge to win? I also feel that while your last point is typical of Sith, the threat of total genocide might stall most infighting.

  13. I was thinking of TOR Sith initially. Even the original Sith though, in the ME universe, would their force sensitivity help them succeed where the Protheans failed? Would the Protheans have been any better against the Rakata or the Republic or even in the SW universe in general? Or even, if you want to go a bit further, if the Sith were around with the ME Reaper genocide. I admit maybe this should have been in the original post...that's my bad.
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