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Posts posted by Deprise

  1. What exactly is the problem? (not being malicious 'cuz I'm an Imperial)


    From what you said, your faction is losing alot and therefore its a design flaw? Even though its mirrored classes? (aside from the debatable tiny differences in animations, etc) I don't understand what you expect Bioware to do. Sure, cross-server might alleviate the stress - but that took even WoW a long time to implement.

  2. I get this too, and from what I've noticed its because you don't join the game with the "initial batch" of players. I even once started in a Huttball that was only a few seconds from starting and I didn't get credit for the daily. I don't know if its some Bioware prevention of easy wins, but c'mon.


    If you're gonna get put into a game in progress, chances are you are replacing someone who left due to the team losing. And somehow you and perhaps more late joiners turn the game around and actually win, you don't get credit? That's some serious flawed reasoning don't you think?


    Snap out of it Bioware, if someone is lucky and gets into a game that instantly wins, good for them and their luck. A wins a win, and it should count towards the daily. Enough said.

  3. It sucks.


    Opened roughly 25 bags - only have an implant and an offhand to show for it. I've seen a valor ranked 15 guy with near full champion gear, but then I see a valor ranked 50 with only an earpiece. I understand the part of MMO being that its a random number generating system, but seriously, when that scenario I just mentioned is prevalent.. you know something is messed up.

  4. I mean, CMON. I group with people, we have fun, then after match has ended everyone is kicked from the party - then have to make sure everyone drops queue after reinvites, then requeue.


    I know I've made plenty of complaints about this in beta. How can this just be brushed aside? Thought you liked us being grouped!?

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