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Posts posted by Deslo

  1. I have a low level (17) Merc bounty hunter... the fun factor is good and such. but I always liked the look of the trooper. id like to tank, but i heard van is a meleish AC which blows imo... so commando looks like where id go, i know BH is a mirror class of the trooper, just looking for opinions about the fun factor for troopers.



  2. This would probably be very dependant on what server you're playing on, since the game doesn't use cross realm warzones. (At least I'm pretty sure it doesn't.)


    On my server "Infinite Empire", Republic has been doing very well from what I've seen so far. I've played about 8 games and have only ever lost once as Republic.


    I would say its about even. I am on infinite empire as the Empire :)


    and id say its about 50-50. whats your guys name?

  3. If you want to sit back and relax and let the enemy come to you while you do a lot of damage but not as good mobility, sniper.


    if you want to bring the pain and take objectives because of stealth, Operative


    I personally chose Operative.

  4. Well bioware you have made an exceptional game in all regards but I am not yet sold on pvp and here is why.


    The bolster system is flawed there is no way in hell level 50 players should be pitted against level 10s.


    I am currently a level 30 guardian and me and a level 10 trooper supposedly bolstered went to take on a level 50 not only did this healer out heal our dps but also dispatched both of us as well.


    I have also seen countless instances where one team has had 2 or 3 50s and the other none. This has resulted in the one with more 50s gaining an advantage: at least with brackets this advantage was limited somewhat.


    The other issue with bolster is it completely devalues the time people put into gearing up their character, gear means nothing unless your a level 50.


    Ok so next topic: cc and pushbacks.


    What on earth were you thinking? As a melee class i spend my time jumping to engage someone only to be cc'd pushbacked, slowed and to make matters worse I do not see any evidence of immunity.


    No one should have to watch their character spasm for 15-20 seconds because some inquisitors decide to spam their cc so i would suggest either granting diminishing returns or thinking of some other way to make pvp a little less about who can cc the most.


    I have also noticed a few imbalances within the classes themselves:


    agents seem to be able to spam some kind of knife attack dealing 1.5k hits easily every few seconds. I have had a agent repeatedly hit me with this after ccing me long enough to wipe the floor with me. Now this might be ok if i was supposed to be a caster but i am meant to be a tank so i am meant to be able to take a certain amount of punishment: being taken out in such a short amount of time does not make me feel very tanky.


    As a guardian I am completely fine with the lack of damage i do: I am a tank so i take the damage not deal it however the problem is i do not seem to be able to take much dmg in pvp. Maybe this is due to me only being level 30 but if your going to bolster me to take on 50s i expect to be able to fulfill the role i am meant for; not as well as the 50 but not so bad that i die in 10-15 seconds.


    There is also the issue of pvp warzones being an absolute nightmare to play in, my skills seem to lag as if i was suffering 500ms when in fact i am on around 60ms.


    This issue never happens outside of pvp, i have even tested it around a large group of players to see if that was causing the issues but no it only happens when i am in a pvp warzone.


    So to conclude:


    Reevaluate bolster because this is going to annoy new players and rerollers a lot.


    Look at cc because i honestly believe this is getting out of hand


    If someone is speccd as a tank then make them feel like a tank.......as it stands i dont think i have ever felt there to be an advantage to being one in that it seems some none tanking classes can actually take near enough the damage i can take before i become kibble for the hutts pet.


    Please investigate to see if there is some kind of performance issue linked to warzones because the lack of performance compared to pve is a nightmare


    Agents are fine how they are, stop QQing.

  5. Been playing almost nonstop since I got in on Thursday, level 26 concealment operative now. I wasn't in any betas so that's been my only experience. I think the class needs some very serious work. It's not that I think it's all that weak, it's just very confused and starts extremely slow.


    It's clearly a melee class later on, but until laceration is unlocked it's not so obvious since there's only two melee skills to use on CD. During that period you really don't know what you should be doing with the class. Hidden Strike needs to be moved down to like level 16 IMO to both help with their identity and to help with increased enemy strength in that range.


    Vibroknives don't feel like a weapon. They feel like an accessory. An operative always has a blaster out, and I've yet to find a single moddable vibroknife. There's also no basic vibroknife attack, I don't see why at level 10 operatives don't get one, "Rifle Shot" at point blank right after a Shiv and Lacerate seems kind of off to me. Rifles tend not to be good melee range weapons in a real world setting. If you go concealment you should have a knife in your hand and you should be stabbing people with it as often as possible, but this would mean BW would have to give unique models for different knives instead of them all looking identical.


    Last thing I think they need is some sort of melee AoE. Frag Grenade is decent but the knockback is a pain for a melee character. Carbine Burst is a joke IMO, it's a ranged attack but as concealment you need to be in melee to get the tac advantage to use it, at which point it becomes very difficult to use because of it's narrow cone, or you need to kill a weak enemy but killing weak enemies is the whole point of AoEs. Another type of grenade would be fine here, honestly the Corrosive Grenade from Lethality sounds like it would work well. Other options I've thought of are like a napalm grenade, a bomb of some sort perhaps with a setup time (but can be setup in stealth), or like a vibroknife overload that releases an electricity pulse or chain. It would help if it could be used from stealth with an advantage, as an opener, again for class identity.


    So to sum up, like I said in my opening I don't feel the class is weak, except I tend to rely on my companion for AoE. It just doesn't feel right overall, it feels like you are doing something wrong as you play because the vibroknife idea feels tacked on. At lower levels you can't do much with the knife, then at higher levels you still run around with a blaster in your hand even if you don't fire it that often. Honestly I think the whole idea should be scrapped, convert all the knife skills into similar functioning rifle shots, remove the vibroknife equipment type and let agents equip power generators in that slot, or just go the scattergun route like scoundrel. I think it's too late for that though, so I hope they make the vibroknife idea work better in the future.



    I agree, I find it a little odd that I am holding my blaster rifle out right after I use shiv, I would rather be holding my knife than holding a blaster. If I use mele attacks I should have my knife out until I decide to use a ranged attack and the same if I used a ranged attack.

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