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Posts posted by Fizil

  1. The problem with the whole PT is that certain things HAD TO HAPPEN because if they did not then the "history" of the OT would be broken.


    Padme had to be out of the picture in order for Luke and Leia to be sent to their foster/adoptive parents. Having Padme live (in exile or whatever) was not an option again because of OT and EU "history". So she died of a broken heart. Not the best writing but I can accept it.


    Except that is wrong. In the OT, Leia lived with her real mother when she was very young. There is a WHOLE SCENE about it in RotJ. So the whole 'Padme dying of a broken heart right after giving birth' thing already breaks continuity.

  2. I swear, did some of you people complain about South Park not actually being representative of WoW game mechanics on its WoW episode. This wasn't a freakin documentary, it was an episode of a sitcom.
  3. I didn't read through every page, so someone may have already made this point, but I'll repeat it if so since the last few pages seem to be the same arguments from the first few pages: 1v1, in terms of pure offensive combat power, a dark sider will generally be more "powerful" than a light sider. This is because offensive combat power is by its very nature AGGRESIVE and benefits from tapping into the dark side. Being highly aggressive is anathema to a Jedi, as it is a path to the dark side.


    The Jedi always end up winning because the Sith always stab themselves in the back. More generally an enlightened society where everyone looks out for the best interests of not just themselves, but the whole, is stronger than a society where everyone is just in it for their own power. A particular individual in that second society might be more powerful than anyone in the first, but as a whole the first is stronger than the second.


    Darth Bane recognized this, that is one of the reasons he instituted the Rule of Two. He saw that in the war between Sith and Jedi, the Jedi would always win because they would always be stronger as a group than any group of Sith. The Sith came to power again not through a grand clash of civilizations such as we see in TOR, but by becoming a sort of poison that silently and invisibly eats the Republic from the inside out.


    Although most people, including Lucas, don't see it this way, even the fall of Palpatine is a manifestation of this, the Sith Lord Vader turning on his master to save his son. I've never really seen this as some sort of redemptive act, despite what Lucas says. It is in many ways a selfish act, any Jedi who was not Vaders son, if put in Luke's position would not have caused Vader to turn on the Emperor. He didn't return to the Light in my view so much as choose his family over his master. The Mafia isn't any less evil just because they value family. Yeah yeah yeah, he got a Light Side Force Ghost at the end so I'm wrong, whatever, I find this part of the plot fairly absurd.

  4. Okay, why does the Evil Empire exist in the first place then?


    Why does the galaxy the movies take place in exist? Sure we can play this game if you want, but you are just being difficult because you have no real response. It doesn't really matter to the plot of the OT how or why the Empire came into existence, just as it isn't important to the plot why that particular galaxy came into existence. The motivations of the Trade Federation IS important to the coherence of TPM's plot, and the lack of exposition on those motivations are one of the many reasons why TPM's plot lacks coherence.

  5. Trade Federation was formed by Palpatine, using them as a scapegoat to cover his real deeds the blockade made the current chancellor of the time(Finis Valorum) look like an idiot and Padme blamed him for her people's suffering(he was already losing power), over time during the senate meeting Finis was ruined and removed from office and this is where Palpatine stepped in and took over as Chancellor. Then by EP 2(would assume Dooku had something to do with it) made the trade federation into having a droid army, which the geononsis's with their droid factories help them build the vast droid army(along with other corporations who would side with them.)


    From there this is where the Clones come in, thus starting the Clone Wars and the future of Palpatine's Empire.


    And you have, right there, summarized why the prequels sucks.


    Why did the rebellion exist: Evil totalitarian empire we see in the movies

    Why did Trade Federation exist: Seniors Thesis pulling from various sources outside the movies.

  6. RedLettermedia is completely stupid and is waved around by haters whenever this kind of topic comes up.

    Every point made in that review can be mirrored by something equally as stupid in the original series.


    Please enlighten us.


    eta: There are certainly stupid things in the OT, but overall each movie was well done. My personal pet peeve in Ep IV is the SD gunner scene, "Hold your fire! There are no life signs." It is stupid as hell, and serves no purpose. We don't need to see why the escape pod wasn't shot down, especially when the reason why is stupid.

  7. The whole '40-man gatekeeper' thing is true. However what everyone seems to be missing is that since removing that game makes everything easier...... You have to make the actual mechanics MUCH harder (usually not an option, fewer people also leaves less room for complex mechanics) OR produce new content MUCH FASTER.


    This is where TOR has failed right now. They have produced an endgame much easier than even the current WoW endgame, but are not producing new content fast enough to hold peoples interest. If there were some alternative content for people doing Ops this might not be a problem, but Bioware decided not to innovate at all in their endgame, it is an exact carbon copy of WoW circa 2007 style endgame.

  8. Changes are definitely going to be made to the UI in response to initial feedback we received after the patch was deployed. (Very little feedback was received on the PTS Forum before the patch was deployed to the live servers, otherwise changes may have been made before the patch's deployment.)


    The primary purpose of this poll is to get more accurate numbers on player sentiment. Threads are very helpful for us to get an immediate idea of areas that need attention, but accurate numbers as opposed to post counts help us present a more accurate picture of those affected (threads/post counts can easily be inflated by multiple posts from the same person, opposing points of view, and so on).


    If you'd like to give us constructive feedback on changes to the UI and the global cooldown animations, we'd welcome that in this thread. Discussions about the poll or other aspects of development aren't appropriate.


    There were several threads about this on the PTS Forums. The reason you don't see a lot of activity there is that HARDLY ANYONE PLAYS ON THE PTS. You need to add character transfers ASAP to fix that. No one wants to level up an alt on a server with no one on it. Those of us who HAVE done so, and post feedback, just get ignored. The only things that get attention are things that are controversial because of the patch notes, not because of what people have experienced on the PTS.

  9. Who the hell buys credits? I really don't see how credit farmers can survive in this game. Players get SOOOO many credits, and have NOTHING to spend them on at 50.


    I've gotten almost no spam since the game started, and I think I know why. It isn't because Bioware is awesome at shutting them down, it is because most have discovered they cannot make a profit selling credits in this game.

  10. <rant>


    72 player raids were too large

    40 player raids were too large

    25 player raids were too large

    10 player raids were too large


    ..... now 8 player raids are too large.


    Seriously, anyone who says "My guild isn't big enough to do 8-man content" needs some sense smacked into them, go recruit 4 people.




    Back on topic, I would love to see Nightmare Mode Flashpoints IF they did more than increase damge done/damage needed to not hit enrage timers. Mix it up with the fight mechanics. Maybe let some Rakata drop, but I would prefer to see some COOL items drop. Relics with cool clickie effects (Loved my Super Monkey Ball trinket in WoW). Interesting weapons with cool proc effects, special speeders, ship enhancements, etc...etc...


    This would make NM Flashpoints a step up for Columi geared players, while still providing Rakata geared players with a reason to do them.

  11. So....why are you playing this "story driven MMO", again?


    Because I like it. I know this will utterly SHOCK the fanboys, but it is possible to like something and STILL be critical of aspects of it!!!


    Here are the things I seriously don't like about the game:


    1. I don't like the illusory choices you are given: if the game is going to force me down a certain path, just do it, don't hide it behind dialogue choices.

    2. I don't like that the endgame is turning out to be a carbon copy of WoW's endgame, simply an endless gear grind through tier after tier of raids. I will be even more disappointed if we see the first expansion following in the footsteps of WoWs mistake of completely obsoleting previous content.


    Now, as far as my first complaint goes, I certainly understand if people disagree with me. After all, generally questing in MMOs is just a concealed grind, and I don't have much of a problem with that, so I can certainly see people not having a problem with a completely linear story being "concealed" behind a bunch of "choices". To each their own, it is simply a complaint I have about the way the game plays out, and I would like to see more impactful choices in the future.


    I can also understand that other people might like the Everquest/WoW/Rift/etc.... style endgame with the endless gear grind. Once again, to each their own, but I would prefer the game evolve through increased "breadth" at the top, rather than increased "height".


    None of these complaints mean I "hate" the game. Right now it still holds my interest fairly well, and like the other critics on the board, I will continue to criticize the things I think should be different in the hopes that the developers will change things in the future to KEEP my interest. If they don't, and I eventually lose interest in the game, then at that point my sub will lapse and I'll move on to something else. But, int the meantime, we all have the right to make our opinions heard, to point out not only the things we like, but the things we don't like, and hope that unlike the fanboys who will not countenance anything bad said about the game they have attached themselves to, the developers will hear the criticism, and if they think they are valid, move to correct the flaws.

  12. Please, I played maybe 4 hours a day on weekdays, and 8 hours a day on the weekend when the game came out, and I was 50 over a week and change. I did every quest I could (if I couldn't find a group for a GROUP 4 before I left the planet those might get left in the dust). I didn't space bar dialogue. I did every Flashpoint at a level appropriate time at least once (this actually SLOWED me down, due to having to spam Fleet chat for groups, over and over and over). I maxed out my Crew Skills before hitting 50.


    The only exception to any of the above, is that I skipped a lot of Balmorra I think. That was just because I had significantly outleveled Balmorra by the time I even reached it, so I just did the Planet Chain, and my Class Chain before leaving.


    Anyone who has been playing 3-4 hours a day since the game was released and still isn't 50 is just neglecting to mention that they spend 2 of those hours just standing around on the Fleet while alt-tab'd doing something else.

  13. Why? When the book is about your character and you have the ability to change the fate its much better than reading a book. There are lots of asian RPGs that gives you that epic story.


    Except you don't. TOR only gives you the illusion of choice, so your ability to change fate in the game is just an illusion as well.


    I've been player a JK alt for a little while now. And I can be a complete *** to Kira, saying she shouldn't be allowed to remain with me or be a Jedi Knight left and right, and she will STILL be there. If the council asks for my advice on what to do with her, and I answer the right thing, they take my advice, if I answer the wrong thing they ignore my advice.


    Everything significant choice you make in this game is an ILLUSION. You follow the exact same story no matter WHAT choices you make.




    For instance, in the IA story line you can choose to side with Jadus at the end of Act I. What effect does this decision have on Acts II and III? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! A little flavor text here and there, but the actual path the story line is taking doesn't change in the slightest.


    Going even further into the story. Why can't I join the Star Cabal? Certainly my Agent is given many reasons to hate the Empire and Imperial Intelligence, and many opportunities to say so if that is the attitude you want the character to have. However NO MATTER WHAT, all Imperial Agents end up with the same End of Act III state.




    Of course I understand why they do this: Unlike in a single player game where you can have branching storylines leading to different endings, an MMO is designed to continue indefinitely, and every content update adding new multi-path content would result in an exponential explosion in content that needs producing with each update.


    However when I don't actually have a choice, I would much prefer that I not be presented with what looks like one. If I am just watching a static story, just show me the damn story. You don't see Final Fantasy XIII asking me to chose Lightning's dialogue in the cutscenes.

  14. You would just be mashed into a puddle of goo.


    At the risk of answering a joke post seriously.......


    Velocity doesn't "mash" things, acceleration does. That is why when you accelerate in your car you are pushed into your seat, but once you are at a constant speed you are not.


    More importantly "lightspeed" in SW is sci-fi magic, it doesn't follow the normal laws of physics so who the hell cares.

  15. I think a lot of the nerd-rage against the prequels is so intense because they aren't just bad Star Wars, they are bad movies. Look at the new Star Trek film, that was bad Star Trek, but it was a great movie. Thus, fans forgave the fact that is was a just a basic action flick, because it was a good one. On the other hand many of the TNG Star Trek movies suffer from the same problem the Prequels had: They were bad Star Trek AND bad movies.
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