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Posts posted by quex

  1. anyone know a way to fix the problem where my group can see my on the raid damage dealt, but i cant see me or them?


    I have the exactly same problem. My raid group can see my info (damage, healing etc) but i am not getting any data from other raid members. The personal tab is working properly but the all raid tabs (healing, damage) are blank. I know i am properly connected since my info is displayed for my guildies.

  2. As we all know finding ppl for flashpoints requires a lot of time and effort. Since most of the recriting happends in the fleet I have to spend 20+ min just standing in the fleet shouting LFG/LFM. I would prefer to spend this time questing/doing warzones etc. Is it possible to join republic fleet general chat chanel (or other fleet chat channels) while being on another planet? I know /cjoin command allows you to join channels but I cannot find out the name of the general chat channel for the fleet, tried different names (like "general - fleet" etc.) but with no sucess. Since there is no LFG tool this would really help ppl trying to find a team for a flashpoint.
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