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Posts posted by moman

  1. Just posted the following in another thread but it relates to this.






    Depends what your aim is I guess. Here's my two cents.


    I'm not about personal score or points, I'm more about the bigger picture and winning. What I love about the PT and I what use it for is controlling the battlefield. At least in tank spec you're naturally harder to kill so you can keep numerous people busy. The PT is good for moving around the battlefield pretty nicely and you have options to control people individually.


    I also opt to guard since it seems that many people are incompetent to do so and the PT allows me keep people off nodes until backup arrives.

  2. Depends what your aim is I guess. Here's my two cents.


    I'm not about personal score or points, I'm more about the bigger picture and winning. What I love about the PT and I what use it for is controlling the battlefield. At least in tank spec you're naturally harder to kill so you can keep numerous people busy. The PT is good for moving around the battlefield pretty nicely and you have options to control people individually.


    I also opt to guard since it seems that many people are incompetent to do so and the PT allows me keep people off nodes until backup arrives.

  3. No, it's not a rhetorical question. I gave up on pve a long time ago since pug team after pug team barely have any idea of even the most basic concept of their class or role.


    Just today:


    1. Maelstrom prison, final boss fight. Me and 3 melee's, I explain that they need to los right away and not stand in the middle. Wipe 3 times in a row because they just stand in the middle and get sniped.


    2. Athiss HM, I'm running heals. 1/3 of the way of a dps sage is throwing out heals and saying that they are both dps and heals because "their gear allows them to." Tank runs into every other mob half dead and dies 5-6 times.


    I feel I like I need to find a new MMO that is more raw so it weeds out the basic button mashing players.

  4. Thanks for the info. I've tried alacrity on other toons, but it seems like you gotta stack a lot of it to see any real effect. Surprised she said less power. I thought power was the new thing.
  5. I hate to say it, but do what I did and re-roll. My mando was my first toon and I waited for the first two years of the game for it to not suck so much. Four years later and there are still threads about how bad the class is. I rolled smug and wished I had done so sooner.


    Mando and merc are great pve, but cannot hack in pvp like the other classes.


    I honestly feel it the frankenstein class and one of the last to be created; where BW needed to make one more class, so they hobbled together a bunch of crap and slapped a name on it.

  6. I dusted off my sorc and am trying healing on it for the first time. Currently I'm running with the Force-mystic's set, 9 main stat augs and 2 power augs. I have 3 aug spaces left but cannot decide what I should put there. Thoughts?
  7. I played a mando since launch and it's legit half of what got me into this game. But with 3.0, I said enough was enough and shelved it for a smuggler instead. I was one of the idiots that was loyal to the class. I kept telling myself that if I hung on long enough, things would get better. But nope.


    I still enjoy things from the market because I'm into RP and such, but I only spend the 'free' comms I get each month.


    swtor is a nice game for leveling and PVE immersion, but when it comes to end game and PVP, BW has no ******* clue.


    I'm going to dust off my alts and finish all the story arcs, then I'm outta here. I should have jumped on the WoW bandwagon years ago.

  8. Any healer in 4v4 is going to have a hard time due to lack of space to move around in. At least you're not trying to do the grind on a mando....I did and it sucked.


    You need to focus on 'healing through survivability.' I recently dropped my mando after playing it since launch due to lack of escapes and such. I played an op for a few months and loved it, so I rolled a Scoundrel as my new main, due to how much you can move around and THAT's what you need to cash in on. It's a matter of you being able to move away from the enemy while keeping the enemy from advancing on you.


    For your spec for example, put a point into Surrender so it turns into an un-root. Another point that gives you 2 seconds of Dodge when you use disp act.


    I even got Cybertech on my new toon and I use the Cartel Waste Grenades that's an AOE slow. It's only good for 10m and has a 3 min cool down, but it can make a difference. Heck, even in regs i'll throw one into a pile of the enemy since so many people in this game are melee types. Hope that gives you some things to think about.


    tl;dr focus on being able to move around.

  9. So what is the latest on healer stats as far as crit, surge and power go? I used to hit the soft cap for crit and surge (I think it was something like 35/75). The thing now seems to be keep crit at 25%, then stacking surge and power?


    For augs, I'm running primary and 2 Power. Do I need to change anything with that?

  10. So what is the latest on healer stats as far as crit, surge and power go? I used to hit the soft cap for crit and surge (I think it was something like 35/75). The thing now seems to be keep crit at 25%, then stacking surge and power?


    For augs, I'm running primary and 2 Power. Do I need to change anything with that?

  11. Since launch, I've often debated the merits of Cybertech for pvp. I'm sure one could get use out of things like freeze and DoT grenades. Or as a healer, it may add some nice CC to open world pvp. Has anyone used it much for pvp? Do you think it's worth grinding out?
  12. Eh, I fully support premades. MMO's are about community and people. Everyone gives kudo points to top raiding guilds, because they get their **** together and are organized, yet when it happens in pvp, people ball their eyes out. On the Bastion, imps tend to rule pvp, but it's fun getting into a pub premade, rolling them, and feeling joy and giggles (toss in some sparkles and ponies for added effect) as imp rage quit wz's.
  13. If you want to get into high end pvp, then I'd say go for full brute. Besides, once you have it and if you're doing regular 8 person pvp, you may have an upper hand on people who have less gear. I'm on a pvp server and enjoy open world pvp, but since I'm a mando healer, I need every edge I can get. Don't forget to fully augment your gear.
  14. A down and dirty version:


    My main is a commando healer and yes, it can be fun to use in raids, but I gave up pvp healing with it, since it's an easy class to shutdown and people know this, so they love killing mandos.


    The Op is the best all around class imo. While I had to very watchful of my energy with my commando, I never really went below 75% energy on my op. It tends to focus more on HoT healing. Also great for pvp, since you have a lot of mobility and can heal on the fly. And being able to stealth as a healer is never a bad thing.


    Just started getting into the Sorc, but after toying around a bit in both pvp and pve, I can't wait to really get this class rolling. You have a variety of heals (channel, HoTs, etc.) and you can beat the large healing AoE pool.

  15. Meh, this is an overall trend I've noticed more and more in the past few years. With swtor, even though I do a bit of end game stuff, I honestly have more fun rolling alts, because then it's more about having fun and not having to deal with people as much. Best of both worlds in a sense.
  16. I'm a Trooper who is thinking about gearing up Tanno. Obviously I would go with Super commando gear, but in that, should I make any adjustments? I might toss on a few augs as well: Absorption or Defense (how many of each?)?
  17. Most key things are covered by the other posters.


    What I notice in a lot of tanks is good degree of tweaky-ness. Yes, DPS are most notable for their tweak, but some for whatever reason, many tanks have a GO GO GO mentality and it can get annoying. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for busting through ops, since there is a time vs. reward factor, but why is a tank starting combat when I, the healer, am behind them and out of range? A few seconds does not hurt me, but as with any role, there is a certain rhythm that must be maintained. I like to save my CD's for emergencies, not for playing catch up.


    I know I'm beating a dead horse with this, but adds on a healer is really annoying.


    tl:dr general situational awareness, use radar, pan the camera behind you to make sure group is together.

  18. I like this idea and support it. For the longest time, I made it a point of honor to stay to the end of a match, only leaving if it was REAL bad. However, these past few weeks, I have become more and more tired of the stupidity and selfishness. I did what I had to do to get my full brute set and now I'm finishing up gearing up some comps, then I'm taking a long break from pvp. It's just too painful anymore. Especially as healer. To bring up our most sacred creed: you can't heal stupid (or at least, one tends to get tired of it).


    I've pvp'd since launch and I have come to the conclusion that most pvpers are in the wz for their own sake and not that of team, and as much as I hate to admit, the nature of this has started turning me in that direction. So yes, I'll stay for a crappy wz I know I am going to lose, as long as there is something in it for personally at the end (such as 100 comms).

  19. One of the finest moments in Star Wars Galaxies was the chance for Bounty Hunters to actually Hunt. Unlike the generic crap we have here with 'Bounty contract week' where everyone can do this quest...but wait..its called 'Bounty Hunt'...


    Personally, this should only be for Bounty Hunters. Don't like the idea, roll one.


    Back to SWG - As a Bounty Hunter, a target (Jedi/Sith) if seen in a major space port would have their DNA placed on a Bounty terminal. The price would reflect how much of a challenge that target could be. The targets name was never seen but the faction was. Personally, I never hunted my own faction but others could.


    Once your probe droids returned the target location(which could also be in space), you went off to try and kill them without being seen. Most Jedi were in groups grinding, and they kept a look out. Jedi also had a house near by to run off to if things got too hot.


    For the poster who said about kill trading - never happened. The Hunter wanted his money and XP, the Jedi didnt want to lose their rankings. Battles were fun, the chase was brilliant and it was a total thrill. Much better than visiting generic NPC, stuffing drink down NPC...stupid slap fight - rush off to beacon in the middle of nowhere and without any relevance, summon target, have another slap fight...rinse and repeat until bored.


    But SWTOR is too Carebear Sims esq to have anything like this now.


    I think this should be for any class. I am /signing for this thread. SWG was the first MMO I ever played. I had very little idea what the the heck I was doing, even less of an idea about PVP, but I messed around with the BH and although I never once killed my target, I still had SO much fun with it. Nothing can beat the thrill of tracking your pray across the galaxy; finally thinking you have located the planet they are on, only to land and discover that they left.

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