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Posts posted by beefyandbeef

  1. The gree event medcenter, with the taxi, vendors, quick travel, and quests, interesting is lacking a mailbox?? :rak_confused:


    Is this on purpose? If so, why?


    I had recently put items on the GTN, and I am unable to get to a mailbox, and I'm to lazy to leave the area...



    Please fix this!!! :jawa_frown::jawa_frown::jawa_frown::jawa_frown:

  2. I would recommend buying the 180 days subscription plan as every month you save a dollar..



    90 day subscription plan: 13.99 for each month for 3 months


    180 day subscription plan : 12.99 for each month for 6 months

  3. I have every ability of mine keybinded using f1 through f12, 1 through 10, W R T Y A S D F G H ]


    I leave out q and e for strafing


    f1 through f12 is for cooldowns and abilities I rarely use


    1 through 10 are my TOP abilities


    ] is my Out of Combat Healing


    W R T Y A S D F G and H are my remaining abilities that I use fairly often but not my top, for example: off heals, interrupt, small AoE, Taunt, and other stuff like that


    May be a stretch for you but it works fine for me in ranked warzones!

  4. IMO, The Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer Madness is by FAR the most class to play...


    I have played every class and advanced class one for each side, and The SI Sorcerer is on the top...


    You cannot beat force lightning'ing people in the face, contantly streaming a wave of force lighting gives you the feeling of pure raw power. Also, I find it quite amusing(as a dark side SI) to shock whiny babies during conversations.:rolleyes:


    Not only is it super awesome to kill major bosses or hunt down a ghost and ind it, but I find myself just killing trash mobs for fun for the feeling of power!


    :rak_01: Heck! I even went to Korriban as a level 40 just to lightning the heck out of the mobs there :rak_01:


    Well that's my two cents...

  5. 7/10; it`s a nice tribute to Linux too...^^

    My Jugger is called Raghex


    hmmm, Raghex, I don't know... Sounds pretty cool, but I am not a fan of the "rag" in the beginning...


    I'd give it a 7/10


    Now for me..

    Zar'oc Sith Sorcerer

    Blodhgarm Sith Juggernaut

  6. Bro, I have the same problem...


    Heck, look at my sig! I'm addicted to making new characters, I've been playing since launch and still only have 1 50, and only had one other finish act 2...


    Yesterday I made a Jedi Knight in hopes of making him a sentinel, but I already have a lvl 18 sentinel and I have a 25 Juggernaut, so despite having both advanced classes beyond 15, I still made another one.:rolleyes:


    So what I had to do is just tell myself I'm an idiot if I keep making new guys, and I just commit to one guy for 5-7, then commit to another...


    Well, that's my two cents.


    Good Luck! ;)

  7. There are many AWESOME species in the Star Wars universe but some of my faves would be:

    Kel Dor- Awesome, just awesome. I mean that face mask thingy, SICK.


    Kaleesh- Pretty similar to the Kel Dor but 10 TIMES COOLER.


    Nautolan- Pretty cool, maybe I like them just because of Kit Fisto.


    Bothan- Pretty awesome, ok, but not amazing.


    Taung- Pure BOSS.


    Yuuzhan Vong- SICK

  8. I am a tank and I PvP. I eventually got Battlemaster but then I wanted to do a flashpoint.


    So i join a flashpoint,(don'ty remember which one, it was the one were the guy gets attacked by the plagued rakghoul.) and one DPS is like, "oh boy, hes got battlemaster" It was going fine, I was tanking fine, and we were going through pretty fast and smoothly, then I make 1 mistake.


    The dude is ALL over me, he going crazy saying like WHAT THE HECK DUDE! YOUR SO STUPID! YOU SHOULDN'T BE DOING FLASHPOINT!


    He then tries to vote kick me and all, thankfully he ended up being kicked after he exploded into a rage fit.

    Then we finished the flashpoint and it was all good...


    Am I really not supposed to do HMs with BM and I shouldn't have tried in the first place, or was he overreacting?



  9. Sorcs scale very poorly with gear- so at level 50 you get left behind in the dust.


    Sorcs get better faster in levels- while many classes don't get decent until later levels- so pre-50 pvp with mid/low levels a sorc is pretty good.


    Also- low levels mean nothing. I've topped damage and healing meters on all 8 ACs before level 20- pre50 players are simply put, bad.


    I've gotten as much as 50% more kills and damage than the second place person as a mara, sniper, PT and even commando pre50... and let me tell you, commandos blow.


    Level 50 is a completely different game- you'll start to get used to sins being near immune to your CC while locking you down, and of course to juggs who can do the same and mara who can destroy you in seconds while root locking you with ease. And that's just 1v1- get into teams and everyone will focus you, and with two people on you you're not only dead- you're not going to move or get anything off before you die.



    So, what I'm saying is- enjoy pre50 pvp for as long as you can.


    -If you are good, you can do well at 50 as a sorc (and right now with the bubble stun, a lightning/corruption healer hybrid actually is quite fun and balanced- though marauder whining will get that nerfed soon enough)- and it's not like madness is bad for just playing, you just are not going to do enough damage to get objectives like any other damage class can, and you're very easily shut out by any healer who's mildly talented (I play corruption/lightning- I haven't met a dps sorc of any spec in months who made me feel threatened).


    But, you can still of course do well- just, if you can play a sorc well, you can play almost any other class even better.


    Alright, I guess I see when I get to 50.:rolleyes:

    But until then, I will enjoy pwning noobs.

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