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Posts posted by beefyandbeef

  1. SliceYa is my warrior


    Bro, you totally skipped me and didn't even rate....


    My juggernaut is called Darth Rastlyn Vindictus and my mara is Avrelus Vindictus


    And you didn't rate either! This is not how it works....

  2. 8/10, sounds quite good.

    Mine is Rusiafik, a randomed name that sounded decent to me


    Edit: i plan on changing it to Kongar for my free name change tomorrow.


    Eh, 5/10


    I don't think "Sith" when I hear that name, and IMO it's a mouthful...


    Alright, my turn.... I've got a sorc, Lord Zar'oc


    A Sith Warrior, Darth Blodhgarm


    And lastly another sorc, Lord Xathos

  3. I prefer to not look at things so black and white. Take Scourge for example, he said he will always be Sith, but he recognizes that there is a threat that needs the attention of more than just one person or group of people. My Sorc isn't just a "Sith," they're a person, in fact I like to think the only reason they are Sith is because they were a slave and sort of forced into it.


    Okay, well, I guess that makes since.... My black and white self doesn't have time to think that deep! :cool:

  4. It's a shame, I prefer going Lightside so far. I always have on my characters in any Star Wars game I'm given the choice. I do enjoy the Darkside (my favorite part of my Warrior was on Dromund Kaas when I told those merc/smuggler characters that I was going to kill them and eat them, haha) but with my Sorc I'm going for the whole "Reformed slave who is given the chance to inflict pain and suffering on others in revenge of what happened to me while being a servant, but doesn't" sort of thing.


    Eh, I don't know... I just feel sith should be darkside.... I mean, what powerful sith Lord is like, "Well, I can bring justice to these people that betrayed me or I can let them go... I'll let them go."

  5. Sniper is a great class, but for the quick levels it was not there compared to say Merc or a class with stealth.


    I used the Middle tree for great AOE skills, i loved them, but how ever there were times I would die too much, like on Taris, even with great AOE sometimes hate would be too much or the adds, as Sniper cannot take any dmg unless you bring your healer and I pretty much used Temple to take things down quicker, but when I was ina pickle, I was in a pickle and died...lol


    Well, you got me curious so I guess I'll roll one since the cathar just came out... Cathar sniper, who knows, could be awesome!

  6. I have a level 43 madness sorc that I am currently leveling, and I've got one word, "POWER


    I force lightning my but off, I have unlimited power... IMO, nothings cooler than shocking people to death.



    If you do roll a sorc, go darkside, you are the cruelest psychopath in the galaxy with lightning at your fingertips...

  7. My fastest toon to level was an Assault Vanguard but I can see the argument for Commando instead (range and spammable AoE). I found the Assault VG to have excellent single target burst for strongs and elites while also packing a tonne of AoE for mowing down groups and some 30m abilities for the outliers that pain Knight ACs. It doesn't really come into its own until you get Ionic Accelerator at 25 and the rotation can be a little boring for some people. Fair warning though, Commando is the one AC I've never played so I can't provide on a true comparison.

    Hmm, I leveled a tank vanguard to level 50 at launch yet I didn't feel like I was moving that fast. I am sure that the DPS is a lot faster yet I am not really interested in doing the same class...

    Sniper/Gunslinger for ranged DPS.


    Sentinel/Marauder for melee DPS.


    Most classes start coming into their own at around level 25-30, that's when you will feel a big difference among the classes. Before that, you're just some random guy/girl shooting/smakcing stuff.

    I enjoyed Gunslinger, the middle tree allows for Thermal Grenade to be tossed every other ability which burns through weaks and normals. However, their great AOE won't come until later on.


    Leveling Sentinel in Focus spec was also wonderful as Force Sweep took care of everything really quickly, and the awesome defensive cooldowns allowed me to solo lots of higher level content on each planet.

    So I've got two here that say sniper and sentinel are the best. I am leaning towards sniper due to its cover system and ranged attacks....

    Sniper is not that fast to level, in the late 30's it slows down a bit.


    I think shadow/Assassin and Merc are the fastest, as you can stealth and kill things quick and merc just plows through in the late 20's and once you get your other non mako comp it goes by quicker

    Yet you seam to say sniper is not very good?

  8. Well, hello there, brother... I appreciate you choosing not to "eradicate my [gender] distinction"; and so, 'favor returned, brother! Unfortunately for us, I doubt our hero "the big H-man" (ah, see how I just helped us take another step in our "Godwin's law" journey? oh, you're welcome ;)) would have approved of your recognition of gender, nor my admiration for the Jewish culture/race (even though I am not one; well, as far as I'm aware *ponders*) and my researched conclusion: that Germany, by forbidding German-Jewish people from owning real property (ie. land) for nearly ~2000 years, unintentionally administeried perhaps the longest running and largest man-made eugenics program in recorded human history. This "program" excluded German-Jewish people from intellectually stimulating :rolleyes: careers such as farming and collecting rent. Instead, they were given other choices: let their families starve, leave the country, get a common job (which may permit a single person to survive), or fully embrace their "barter culture" and use their wits to make enough money off of others in order to raise a nice family. The latter option of "successful competitors winning greater reproduction opportunity" pleases Mother Nature, and she rewarded the winners with (un)Natural Selection of the mind (as this was a mental competition, unnaturally imposed by man). I'm afraid my thoughts on the subject would have enraged the big H-man, suggesting that "his people" unintentionally "bred the master race", and that.. it wasn't them! :eek: Oh my! The dreadful fear he must have felt at the realization that his race may have unwittingly brought about their own marginalization. My musings would surely have led to my untimely demise. I hope that our little confessions to each other, about each of us failing to live up to our hero's standards, was a bonding moment between us and that it hasn't sullied your esteemed opinion of me, brother... :rolleyes:


    Help! The wall....of text... is FALLING ON ME!!! *swish*

  9. If political correctness was a person, I would shoot him in the face....twice...


    Political correctness is a bunch of bologna. Women, get over it! It's fine how it is!


    The word man typical refers to humans as a species... I mean, what is it now, mail carrier instead of mailman? Firefighter instead firemen, police officer instead of policeman...



    TL;DR: Who gives a crap!

  10. If you just want to blitz through solo PvE, I would go with Commando / Merc. You will have all the AOE you can handle, which will make plowing through the shedloads of trash packs at all levels go as quick as possible. You will especially appreciate the AOE damage when you hit Makeb.


    To really make the most of this, go with DPS spec and a DPS companion. Since you are experienced with other classes already, you should be able to make this work very efficiently.


    I know that the Sniper / Gunslinger also have AOE specs, but I am not that familiar with them as I have only played their healing ACs and not DPS. However, they do have the upside of having an unquestioned reputation for being at the top of the heap when it comes to sustained PvE DPS at endgame, and you might be very glad for that when it comes time to do the 50-55 gear grind.


    On the other hand, Merc / Commando can also heal, and if you at some point decide you just can't stand doing the leveling planets anymore and want to grind flashpoints instead, then you might be glad you have the option to switch to heal spec. But that doesn't make them "better" DPS classes, just DPS classes that have the option to not DPS if you want.


    Okay, yet I had a level 26 merc before 2.0 and I wasn't really feeling like I was burning through mobs. Did 2.0 make them better?

  11. So basically I just want to race to 50 with a certain class... I have taken my time with healers and tanks before and it can get pretty slow. So for me, I'm here for star wars and not the story, I have listened to the story and all, but only for the MAIN quest and not any of the little boring stuff....


    So I am basically wondering what is the BEST class to just race through the trash mobs and side quests?


    I would appreciate any comments yet I'm NOT interested to hear, "Just slow down man and enjoy the game!"

  12. What's more exciting a Sith Warrior-"Juggernaut" or a Sith Inquisitor-"Sorcerer"


    Well, I have a level 42 Sorc and a 25 Jugg and IMO, Sorc is a kazillion times better. It's a lot a fun to sith lightning the heck out of everyone. You feel so powerful!!! :jawa_smile: I have a character for every single class and advanced class at least to level 20, sorc is by far the most fun.... It makes just killing regular mobs fun, so with the other character I get bored, it feels monotonous.


    That's my two cents!:jawa_wink:

  13. And I doubt the guy who quoted it truly understands that what Orwell was talking about was something much greater than a pastime that has virtually no consequences in anyone's life.


    But then again, there are people out there who think EA is the worst company in America, because they make bad video games or because their CS is bad, so it kind of makes sense...


    I completely understand the books purpose and meaning, I was simply stated it seemed familiar to the situation now. There is obviously a deeper meaning to the book, it's an allegory, I simply thought the a part in the story seemed relevant to the topic.

  14. I believe the issue that you wanted to have addressed is that currently it states "Full access to all character creation choices." As of this moment this terminology is still correct as subscribers do have full access to those choices. We will be updating that page (along with any others that make similar references) once Game Update 2.1 goes live.




    Animal Farm anyone? They're changing the rules to how they want them.....

    Just like in Animal Farm:

    "No animal shall sleep in a bed

    Revised= no animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets"

    So subscribers are supposed to have full customization options; however, they think they can just change the rule!

    "Subscribers have full customization access

    Revised= Subscribers have more customization options then others, but we really want money so we don't care"

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