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Posts posted by Bashal

  1. There are a lot of players who pvp to compete against the ultimate mmo opponent - other players. We enjoy pvp for its own sake. Gear rewards are not why we do pvp. Titles to mark our progress (and for bragging rights) are all a lot of us need. Keep creating more interesting WZs and fix Ilum ASAP. Please ignore the whining twinks and munchkins who are always chasing the next shiny thing - you can't make them happy anyway.
  2. This really is an almost game breaking bug for people with limited time. I don't have unlimited time to grind warzones each night in hopes that a win MIGHT count toward my 3-win daily. When I win, I really need those wins to count. I can't imagine how pissed the poor Republic players must be over this fiasco. Come on Bio, you're failing at MMO 101 stuff here guys. :mad:
  3. I really wish everyone screaming "nerf this and that!" would just quit the game. The rest of us will be enjoying PvP just the way it is years from now long after everyone has forgotten about what you thought was broke.
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