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Posts posted by Kitsei

  1. Issue continues - at the following places:


    1. Tries to patch for ~3-5 minutes then says "this application has encountered an unspecified error. Please try this patch again."

    2. Freezes at fidget spinner stage after login but before patch.

    3. Freezes at fidget spinner stage before character select.

    4. Reaches character select but will allow only starter-planet characters in and claims it needs to download the rest of the game, but remains at 00.0% download indefinitely whether logging in to a level 1 or not (CAN log in to a level 1)

    5. Reaches character select but bounces back to server select claiming connectivity issues.


    This has been going on for a couple days, on an off, it took me thirty minutes with >10 attempts to log in this morning...which is better than yesterday, sadly (most time consumed trying restarts, seeing if it will do anything during fidget spinner screens.)


    Tried the following things:

    1. Restarting computer

    2. Different computer

    3. Different account (also tried with different computer)

    4. Resetting router (also with different computers, different accounts)

    5. Running a mobile hotspot with cellular data plan for connection

    6. Deleting and reinstalling entire game


    Issue persists through all of the above, this is extremely irritating. If I do manage to login, there are no connectivity issues and server latency is at its normal levels but every time I switch characters risk a disconnect to server and it all starts over again.

  2. Still getting this here...few hours ago it started with login service unavailable, now it just hangs and spins before getting to character select. It will sit there for over an hour with nothing. Tried closing/restarting, restarting computer, etc...nothing.
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