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Posts posted by Virtus-Kerensky

  1. The problems plaguing the game existed LONG before the guild summit. I knew a guild master who went there. They returned very disappointed because his talks with the dev's led him to believe that BW just doesn't have a clue. It's not even a matter of not having time to develop their idea's. BW just straight up didn't know what it was really doing.


    Issues players are still asking for and complaining about today have been raised by players since closed beta over a year ago.

  2. Yes to this idea. I agree it's surprising that BW pushes for playing alts so much yet gives no support for building a community across those characters. I liked how in Final Fantasy XI you could join any city faction, play any class all while still keeping your friends list/ignore list/ guild mates.


    It really killed my enjoyment of the game trying to play republic and not having my crazy guild chat with me. The most effective and simple solution I think is just make community stuff like guilds/friends list ect all account based and not character based.

  3. I remember hearing one dev on an other MMO when asked why he thinks so many MMO's fail and he explained that with any MMO that is supported by public investors, when they screw up launch the investors first instinct is to cut their losses. So then the MMO dev's become incapable of pushing out fixes needed in time. Then the players become frustrated by the dev's slow progress and leave.


    Seems like exactly what's happening here. Lots of employes being let go. Version updates taking longer then originally expected and said updates are getting lighter and thinner.

  4. Two and a half weeks left on my subscription and no I wont be re-subscribing. I can't even bring myself to level in this game for some reason. Class quests are good... but the rest? No thank you -would pay extra if I could skip them and have my class story level me up to 50 lol


    lol I agree. I'd pay extra on the subscription if it let me level exclusively on class quests. I thought legacy perks would let me skip the dull world quests but sadly it just doesn't. Very disappointed at how legacy perks were handled. Big reason for quitting.

  5. Low level tanking for PuGs is painful at the least. No AoE taunts, only one single target taunt and one weak AoE dps move = no ability to hold hate across multiple enemies. The number of enemies attacking groups in low level content is the same as in endgame but tanks lack the tools to actually do anything about it at low levels. I've also seen tanks being trashed talked at endgame relentlessly. All of this I'm sure discourages more tanks which hurts the overall games population.


    I've always been praised for being an effective tank in other MMO's. But now going into TOR tanking and getting trashed while expecting me to hold hate against 6 enemies with one weak AoE move and one single target taunt, both on their cool downs, while dps spam their AoE's just makes me want to throw in the towel. And while my tank is still low level, as a healer in endgame, the way I've seen some tanks be treated does not motivate me to hurry my own tank to the endgame scene at all.

  6. I think it had to do with the fact that they weren't planning to actually have an LFG tool so soon post launch. The tools bare bones design and bugs show it was a rushed job. I think they honestly expected spamming general chat to be more effective and the servers more densely populated so they reduced the group size to 4 players to make it easier to get started. There are MMO's out there that haven gotten by for years and years, to this very day with no LFG tool of any kind.


    I remember pre-launch many people praising the idea of 4 man groups because it made it so much easier to form full groups. Now the game is stuck with a terrible tank+healer / Dps ratio in groups due to lack of foresight. Probably too late to redesign dungeons.

  7. Oh yes! All those hardcore Ops-teams. Eight or sixteen players who really cut the cheese the right way. All you need are some 'subs'. But the point is: Maybe the 'subs' aren't so happy about being a sub. And then there are the players who came to the guild a little later and never get into the team on 'Ops-night' because they don't have enough 'gear'. But the Ops-team never organizes a story mode ops for them to learn about it or catch up in gear level. So they find some place else where they can have that opportunity. And then the moment comes when a member or two from the Ops-team just doesn't want to kill pixels anymore and suddenly there is no one to take his/her place.

    So you go to the forum and tell everybody that the game sucks big time. Could the developers please get off their big behinds and find us another member?


    I'm not saying that the game doesn't have problems but in a shrinking economy the companies with the worst business model are usually the ones to go down the drain first.


    This! Is exactly what happened with my guild. A handful of the more hardcore raiders formed their own group and set gear requirements for anyone else who wanted in. I couldn't meet those requirements so I was left out. I got bored with nothing to do so I moved away. Now thanks for the PvP recruit token I finally got geared up, thanks to LFG tool I'm decked out in full columi and better gear, but the guilds raid group had since fallen apart. Last "ops night" group couldn't even get enough people to show up for a story mode run.


    If only Bioware had these two things ready to go at launch it might be a different story. Sadly my guild of nearly 100 active members has been reduced to single digits. Even if TOR eventually gets fixed to the point that people expected it to be at launch, I don't think the majority of those who left are ever coming back. Like AoC the fixes are all coming too little too late to really make the difference.

  8. I purchased 6 months, after closed beta I really was enjoying this game and saw myself being here for the long haul. Now my time is up next month but I've decided to cancel already sadly. Most of my guild which started off over 100 players strong has fallen into the single digits. I like a great many others felt "burned out" after hitting the level cap.


    I've tried to continue believing in the game because during closed beta I really did have such an amazing time. Post launch just wasn't the same though. My main problems were lack of socializing while leveling and repeating world quests was just too boring. I thought 1.3 would fix those issues so I came back and have been playing more the past few weeks then I have the past 3 months. But alas it just isn't good enough. Even as a tank I spend hours waiting in queue while leveling. And even after I earned enough credits to buy every single legacy perk my legacy level allowed for both of my alts, the boost is unnoticeable. I'm still forced to spam every world quest just like before.


    Now lots of people say the complainers are just spoiled by WoW. I actually never subscribed to WoW or spend more then a handful of hours on it. But I still feel exhausted when trying to level because of the repetitive game play, even when playing on the republic side which I haven't finished once yet.


    1.3 was their last chance for me. But the LFG just doesn't work as well as I'd hope. Their refusal to embrace cross server tech and the benefits I constantly hear about it, along with other decisions I've seen them make since closed beta. Such as the original Mod system many considered genius & unique design which they threw away. The legacy perks feeling more like a slap in the face than an actual bonus, with their exuberant cost/requirements and their negligible effect. Acting like the Legacy system is the best innovation to MMO's since ever. All caused me to lose faith in Bioware.


    I've been playing for about a year now since closed beta, I've been waiting not just for updates but for them to get their act together and my patience has at last run out. I'll be moving along with what remains of my guild to GW2 and personally am looking forward to Final Fantasy XIV 2.0. Even though FF XIV launch was a huge bomb (believe me, I was there.) Their new director and team at least had the guts to admit when they screwed up and worked to make it up to the fans. Looking forward to giving them my subscription money now.

  9. I felt there was no grind in TOR either at first. While this actually is the least grindy MMO I've played, and it is true that grinds are synonymous with MMOs. But when you reach lvl 50, it's like slamming into a brick wall. The recent LFG has breathed new life into endgame, but it like the 1-50 story line only lasts so long.


    Also, the lackluster game play is an other huge reason why so many people leave feeling burnt out and call it grindy. The storyline does a good job of covering up the fact that's there's basically one type of game play, run through tight corridors and wiping out everything in sight. While obviously every MMO has "Go here and kill them" quests, SWTOR takes it to the extreme game play wise. No matter what you do or how you want to play there is an excessive amount of hacking and slashing in everything you do. There's no living breathing world to get lost in. Just the next series of hallways and rooms.


    There was a great article on Masssively.com. Can't find it now but it talked about how SWTOR needed more role play features to let players just relax and enjoy the scenery while still playing. Like day/night cycles to change up the environments, side activities to waste away hours in regularly. Reasons and purpose to linger around and revisit the older worlds regularly and not just for 5 - 10 mins for a class quest. Instead were shoved in one direction like cattle, slaughtering untold scores of helpless idiots trying to take on the galaxies more powerful with pistols while holding perfectly still. The storyline only hide the uninspired game play for so long after you reach the level cap.


    Even though I haven't fully experienced the republic story lines I just can't find the motivation to see them through no matter how often I log in. I'm just so burned by the repetitive game play and log out in an hour or two. I think that's why so many people leave the game even before they finish most of the content. I doubt those 100+ servers turned to ghost towns only after EVERY ONE on them completed both factions content and conquered every hard mode flashpoint plus both operations. More likely they just got tired of repeating the same game play style that I've become burned out on before they could even be bothered to see the content through to the end.


    It's sad because I really did love this game at first. My first climb to 50 and closed beta were the some of the most fun I've ever had in any MMO. But like a bright flame it inevitably fizzles out.

  10. This is the easiest most casual friendly endgame gear grind I've ever seen. There is absolutely no reason you can't get loaded up in 136+ rating gear easily doing only a handful of runs each week. A Hardcore raider can get loaded within 2-3 weeks. Even a family man who only has time for one raid a night only once or twice a week can easily get geared up in a month or two. It's not like their adding new content THAT fast.
  11. I would diffidently like a legacy update that let's use share/use commands for different characters through the legacy window. I would go a step further, imagine playing one class through it's story line, and having your lvl 50 main queue for LFG hard modes? Or have an other character queue in war zones.


    For example, say you have a 50 imp and are currently lvling 2 alts, one rep and a second imp. You could play through the rep story line that you haven't experienced yet. All the while keep your imp alt in the queue for warzones and flashpoints so you don't have to bother repeating the world quests and lvl both alts classes effectively, all the while leaving your 50 in an other LFG for OPs, since those take way longer to get started.

  12. 5 million credits for PvP terminal on personal ships! Your plea has been answered!


    Funny thing is I remember there being PvP terminals inside personal ships in beta, and on every world. Really annoying they trashed them all and slapped just one on the fleet station. I understand they did it though to force more traffic into the fleets. Still annoying though.

  13. I guess I deserve the sarcastic responses considering how facetious I was about posing the question, but I was actually serious.


    Obtaining Level 50 Legacy is no walk in the park and I think it shows a certain dedication to the game, a commitment in time not dissimilar to what it would take to obtain the highest-level rewards for the PvP or PvE paths.


    So, it seems to me just a little weird that the largest voice over project in all entertainment history, the MMO that brought contextual story to the genre only rewords players if they play the game like WoW.


    I wouldn't even consider reaching lvl 50 legacy an achievement since literally almost everything you do in the game gives you progress towards it. Play long enough and it's impossible not to slam into it sooner or later.

    If it's taken you just over 6 months to reach legacy 50. That's nothing in the grand scheme of MMO's. Try taking 8-12 months just to level one class to the level cap in an old school MMO, where only like 2% of the exp to get to the cap was earned solo.


    There are MMO's out there that required players to organize and manage dozens of other players for years, LITERALLY YEARS just to score one single uber piece of gear. Legacy 50, is nothing to write home about.

  14. Endgame LFG has been effective and fun. I wish operations would trigger more often but it's a minor issue. LFG while lvling though is a whole other issue. Even as a tank it doesn't go off for hours. Also while it hasn't been a problem for me yet, I am very worried of loot drama ruining runs in the future. I hope they actually fix it soon.
  15. There's quite a few stuff told about the game that never made it to launch. One thing that really hurt losing was "Companion Kits". They said if you wanted a companion to tank you gave them a tanking kit and bam! Instant companion tank, same for healer and dps, regardless of the character so you could use any buddy you wanted and not feel restricted.


    Now they force each companion to play certain roles and my agent is stuck relying on Kaliyo even though I want to play with the others but she's my only tank and my operative takes beating with all the sturdiness of wet paper. :jawa_mad:


    I also remember them saying loot bags would take the drama out of endgame loot. So much for that idea....

  16. I'm surprised people don't bother to at least pick up recruit pvp gear since it's free as soon as their lvl 50. Recruit did the job just fine for me and now I'm loaded up with endgame PvE gear after a handful of hard modes and KP ops cleared. There's really no reason for anyone to not be geared for endgame as soon as their 50 now.
  17. Sadly, this issue has been plaguing MMO's for ages and this exact point was complained about way back in early closed Beta as well. It's really surprising to me that with so many players having so many creative idea's to solve the problem countless players have complained about in countless MMO's, why does it still persist?
  18. Yes, all for this. An other MMO I played had the same system called "Level Sync" and it did wonders for finding groups and bringing players together. I was surprised at how they went through the trouble of making this system for PvP yet didn't do anything similar for PvE.
  19. It is an annoying bug. My last group we had a party of 3 inside a flashpoint and I hit the queue up looking for a dps to fill us up. Instead we got a second healer who the queue placed as a dps. Even though he said he specifically unchecked dps and queued only as a healer. So awkward, I'm too nice to kick people out as soon as they join. Luckily we finished the flashpoint, even though it was a hard mode.


    Still wish this issue is resolved sooner then later, too many complaints going around with people being placed in the wrong roles. I don't see why the tool can't just look at peoples skill tree's and with a little dose of common sense see which tree's have the most points invested in and by default assume that player wants to play the most invested tree's role.

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