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Posts posted by yangclover

  1. another question


    bioware should know mmo is a social system.

    you can make some rule , let the choice to player

    we need more space to make our own story.

    let player interactive , like PVP, like raid ,like open world pvp

    when you make some decide, you should analyse the effect from economic vision.

    why mmo more difficult than solo geme,you should think.


    (why dont you make us learn scheme from quest award custom set , dont want to player to gamble,

    we can judge the risk, you just let us can do it. so many quest award custom set sell in gtn.)

  2. LIGHT/DARK level ,why we need it now, now award is a joke.


    bioware should let us change side through dark /light level.


    if you dark level reach V ,you can change your side from republic to impire.

    if you light level reach v,you can chage your side from impire to republic.


    this will be very interesting ,and bioware can make some epic quest to finish the side change.

  3. how can we save swtor

    i love it ,but the pvp is entirely fail.


    how can bioware change it.


    so many cc ,resolve is a joke, imblanance class


    boring illium



    we need true open world.


    root can increse resolve


    increse basic health,nerf the set

  4. Originally Posted by psysention

    it's just gear fight in this game.. whoever has the gear hits 4k 5k crits with 18-24k hp.. whoever dun have gear has 12k-15k hp with 1.5k-3k crits.. there is no balance not to mention CC fest. resolve is a joke, you don't need a system like resolve, just add debuff to character and that character can't be CC'ed for certain amount of time..

  5. jedi knight /jedi sage have the same health.


    what are you doing bioware. you develop so many nice RPG, you should know warrior's health need more than mage's health.


    50 jedi knight only 2500 basic health, and 13000 pvp set condition bouns, what a joke.


    warrior should 12D* health and mage should 4d* mage . fotgot D&d RULE



    if all the same health


    how can you balance the DEF class and damage class.


    give me an answer.



    basic health should 60% , set bouns 40%

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