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Posts posted by Paelonic

  1. Hey guys, I was just looking at our skill calc trying to optimize the heals in PVP with this patch, as we all know it's been a rough one for Combat Medics, I'm thinking about trying this out - http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800dfRModfdkaZMZbcb.1


    I was wondering if speccing enough into Assault for the Parallactic Combat Stims was worth losing the 3% bonus to crits and extra aim, doing this would obviously drop some of our overall healing but up the ammo management to where it's at least somewhat viable, while giving us some more Endurance (3%) along the way.



  2. That's all good, but why should we keep paying when the things we looked forward to in this patch are not implemented. I don't care about legacy, I don't care about the new ops.


    Sure, changing the UI - great, but that should have been in the game from the start.

    A new WZ, that will be fun for 3 days.


    Apart from the UI and the WZ - the only thing was ranked wz and 8 man pvp teams.


    Until this is implementet correctly, I chose not to pay for the game as I find nothing in the current game tempting enough to play it.


    Yes, I had great fun lvling up my Assassin and one Jugg alt, quest line was great (for a singleplayer game), but at 50 the only thing I care about is PVP, and after grinding WZ and WZ for BM gear, I don't want to keep doing that for another month (or so) until RWZ are released and I have no interest in playing other classes, so I do not want to add another alt.


    I might return once this is released unless some other game catches me interest and don't let me down.


    Of course, the developers are disappointed as well, but why shouldn't we complain? We are paying customers, we have the right to complain. If this game was a "single payment" game, then sure they can do what ever they want, but now we pay monthly and then I feel we have the right to complain or even stop paying the monthly fee if we (the consumer) feel that the company are not delivering the things we want in the game (especially when pulling said items 8 hours before patch-downtime).


    Edit: And yes, I have unsubbed, 5 days left on the account.



    THIS! I have grinded out the best possible gear.. Getting prepared for RWZ'S.. In a PVP heavy guild.. We have all waited out this patch JUST for the rateds.. And they tell us hours before the patch drops it's not going to be implemented, I know people have re-subbed just for the RWZ's.. And personally that was the only thing keeping me here. I'll try out the patch/new raid.. But I won't be here much longer.

  3. True but wait till those non-forum readers login to 1.2 to find the missing feature. Plus, guild leaders have been stuggling to keep their pvprs subbed with the promise of 8man premades. I really feel bad for all pvp tilted guild leaders. This crap now falls into their lap to do damage contol.


    Any guild leaders want to chime in with your strategy on how to deal with this?


    I'm one of the main officers in a PVP guild. We're the best guild on our server.. Of course it's a pretty low pop but regardless we're good players.


    After hearing this I know couple of other people that have un-subbed.. The only thing we can do is motivate them to get the war hero gear before rateds hit (Everyone else will have it) And we'll just casually raid probably too.. Unfortunately we're all burned out of chaining wz's but, at least there's actual gear upgrades now.

  4. I'm honestly at this point completely curious as to what the PVP team is thinking. The Ilum Daily's are gone now right? So there's NO incentive to go there anymore (if there was much before) so basically we're forced to stick with 4 man queues after being told that we would have rateds in 1.2.


    I'm all for releasing a finished product but you tell us hours before.. And then tell us you're "hopeful" it'll be before 1.3!? Sorry Bioware I'm done.

  5. I play a combat medic and often run premades with my guildies. The best way to do it is interrupt (I can't as a combat medic) or just LOS them, they'll end up getting annoyed chasing you around and give up and attack someone else. Learn mobility! It's kind've a key point in PVP, and something mercs/commados lack.
  6. Agreed, and i am a healer.


    Worst even yet is that something mustve gone REALLY ****IN wrong with the patch

    How the hell can you (Bioware) promote a playstyle where two healers cant out heal one dps.

    The entire day has been a *********** slaughter fest, one sith warrior can absolutly demolish ANY other person.


    What is your class?


    I can easily out heal 2 dps on me at one time, I think it just depends on what class/gear you are/have.


    Also to the OP, I haven't logged on today yet but that's really disappointing if you only get credit by killing blows..

  7. I'm really excited about this. People seem to just always be negative about everything.


    I'm pumped for legacy, and really interested in how exactly it's going to work..


    Rated war zones are going to be amazing (My opinion is bias because I'm in a really good pvp guild)


    The UI changes will be the best though, I CAN MOVE STUFF.


    Edit: Although I'm not sure how I feel about Jedi's using trooper skills, and the other way around.. MEH.

  8. I have a lv50 Merc Bounty Hunter. He has to squat down and bend over to fire what for Troopers is a Grav Round, and the BH version of Full Auto has him crossing his arms "gangsta style" and firing both his blasters in a position that would make it physically impossible for EITHER of them to hit anything directly in front of him.


    You mean you don't like the gangsta style bounty hunter?


    I kid, totally agree with your whole post, I like the animations.. Not the delay.

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