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Posts posted by Suzakuxp

  1. Great post OP!


    I think adding in a section about equipment and re-modding the current tier pieces e.g. get X amount of acc and then start remodding anything that takes you over X amount for better dps. Also a list of stats to prioritise e.g. Willpower > Power > Crit > Surge > Acc (not sure if this is correct priority for stats).


    Looking forward to your tanking guide when you get round to making it.



  2. Even though Darkness is much better than both Deception and Madness, I don't understand why BioWare would nerf Darkness instead of buffing Deception and Madness. Darkness isn't particularly over powered, it's that the other two specs are both slightly underpowered and I won't be happy if they nerf Darkness in 1.2.


    I currently play 31/0/10 for both PvP and PvE (as a tank not dps) and I don't see it how it is fair if my performance gets nerfed because it's easier to nerf 1 spec than buff 2.


    I'm looking forward to changes coming in 1.2 and I really hope that BW go the right way in balancing out the 3 specs.

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