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Everything posted by KathiosLorano

  1. I agree they should add armor sets to honor both Carrie Fisher and James Earl Jones.
  2. It’s all RNG now. Hope you get lucky to not get something you already have.
  3. Would love to see Korriban, Tython, Dantooine, Ziost, Ilum.
  4. I don’t think there is. Not 100% sure if there will be more to Season 5.
  5. SF and SS aren’t on cloud server yet.
  6. I’d recommend joining the Starforge RP Discord or SWTOR discord server. You will see more guild advertisements in those servers than here on the SF forum.
  7. I would love to see this as well! I tend to spend more time on my ship than in my sh!
  8. For me Gus Tano, Broodmark, Skadge, Rusk.
  9. Oh I know either by credits or tokens. I hope they add Dantooine SH down the road.
  10. Yeah we will see what Broadsword does moving forward in regards of companions being added.
  11. Would love this! Was my first time doing the event on Dantooine and loved it. Hope they expand on Dantooine in the future and give a Dantooine SH.
  12. I don’t get the whole need more companions. I get some want more that want more romance options. Though guess it would be nice to have options during story.
  13. I would love more world PvP. That was what made PvP fun. Like more contested areas like Outlaws Den. But I’m content with just doing WZs and Arena. Though wish ranked PvP was still a thing. I get PvP seasons are a thing now but would love to see more from a community perspective.
  14. I mean you already have like 100 companions. I don’t get why people are angry over this. I don’t mind not having a companion. Maybe the next galactic season will. I guess people expect a new companion each season.
  15. I may if interest arises. Though I’m sure I can find a few on Starforge that would love to help with it.
  16. Would be nice if Outlaw’s Den was used more. I’d be on board if someone came up with an event that uses that location for world PvP or dueling.
  17. Yeah good luck with this suggestion. Broadsword and the SWTOR devs will not add dueling on the fleet. It will disrupt RP. You can always go to DK/Coruscant/Korriban/Tython. Perhaps a dueling tournament in Outlaw Den on Tatooine. I would love to see more world PvP. Perhaps it will come dunno. But good luck with this.
  18. I would love to see the economy improved. Maybe GTN rework. Not sure how but needs improvements. Would also like to see improvements to PvP. Granted I enjoy PvP. Though can see improvements maybe in matchmaking. I’d love to see rank PvP return. For pve I would love to see more story and returning companions in the future.
  19. I’m interested to see how this does. Hopefully moving to a cloud server will help with server stability and reduce lag some.
  20. I don’t think it is on Cartel Market anymore. So odds are it’s not on GTN. May get lucky someone may have one in their cargo hold.
  21. I get this error too. There is a temporary fix but it keeps occurring. I hope BW fixes this. It is highly frustrating.
  22. Had the same issue again. Switched language in launcher to see if it fixes it.
  23. My game works fine now. But thanks if it happens again may try this!
  24. Switching language in launcher and restarting solved my bug. Thanks to Swtorista!
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