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Posts posted by DarthVauhs

  1. Yes, Marauder need a knockback or a stun but w/e.


    Nah were fine. Just don't go down any dark alleys alone. Be sure you always have your group of friends anywhere you go...




    edit: I was gonna post the 30 hours of footage I have of me leaping into battle, getting my target to 65%, watching them get healed to full, then me dieing in three hits. It's really bad, just me doing that over and over and over and over. Of course I tried every build I could think of with every rot I could think of with about 20% give or take in leeway on outcomes. I probably wouldn't be able to get laid if I posted it though. So i'm broke from respec, frustrated from dieing so much etc.


    Not that it matter, i'm just one person.

  2. There is no useless ability given to marauders EVERYTHING has a use, just not everything can always be used. People remove skills from their bars and use an incomplete class then QQ about it being underpowered when they are simply a terrible player.


    And that is where the problem lies. When you have so many abilities that they wont all fit on the hotbars provided then there is a problem.

  3. Hello there level 50 Marauder here; it appears that you seem mad with this class because you do not know how to use it, when it comes down to Warzones I am always top because I throw out the most damage and even in huttball I am godly because I cannot be slown down. Infact 1v1 I can beat any class, I can shut them down and damage them faster than any other class.


    Rather than explain how to win, seeing as it would be a waste of my time, let me shorten it with, your doing it wrong.


    Respec, rethink, stop being a whiney child and learn how to play the class.


    That is all.




    +1 The class just takes skill to play well.

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