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Posts posted by Irase

  1. No, you want cunning. Look closer at the bonus info in your character sheet and compare cunning to aim. Cunning gives a massively larger boost. Aim gives a minor one. Negligible.


    Not really, They both give the bonus damage at 5:1.

    For instance, my new agent, he has

    139 Aim, it gives 27.7 bonus damage. 139/27.7 = 5.018

    1623 Cunning, it gives 324.7 bonus damage. 1623/324.7 = 4.998

    They are about the same. Do the math then tell me, if AIM is same as Cunning.

  2. Hi guys,


    First, I am new to agent. now read the question below.

    If you go to your character window, you can see that AIM gives Bonus damage and critical chance to agent. Does this mean I can use AIM instead of Cunning in my armor/weapon?



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