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Posts posted by Loqtus

  1. The only reason I can see why they wouldnt have a seperate Legacy name for republic and IMPs is that in the future they plan to allow players to change allegiances based on how they have played the game with theirs light and dark side choices.
  2. This legacy system is ******** where is the info about it!


    I have been following this game for awhile now and I have not heard anything about it! Can anyone link me to where its explained on this site I have looked but cant find it anywhere it doesnt help that there is no search function. I had to go to another website to find out anything about it. Nothing under game info or game systems about it!!!




    I didnt know that it would be shared for ALL characters regardless of faction! I just picked a name I thought was suited to my Sith character but I do not want it for my Jedi there should be a choice to opt out of the legacy system especially when at the moment it serves no purpose! Or a ability to change it!!! OR at least some information explaining it on the GODDAMN WEBSITE!!!


    I love the role playing aspect of this game I want my Sith to be evil and have a evil sounding name and I want my Jedi to be good and have good sounding name and never shall the two meet but now there is a connection between the two that I REALLY do not want and cannot change.


    I have asked customer sevice if they could please reset it so I could choose a more neutral name and they said no.


    I am so pissed right now!


    This is the lastest in a growing list of disappointments for this game (ie space combat on rails, no item purchase conformation, no australian servers till at least March, limited character customisation just to name a few)

    None of which are by themselves a major issue but when added altogether they are making me question if I will continue to play!


    And before all the fanboys get in my *** about this thread let me just say that I am a fanboy too I pre ordered my CE months in advance and participated in beta weekend and early access but Bio-ware is making it hard for me to continue to love this game.


    I dont mean to whine I am just frustrated and really disappointed at this latest development and need to vent it. I know its my fault for picking the wrong name but I think Bio-ware has not explained this system very well at all.

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