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Posts posted by Eommer

  1. Hi Swtor and Bioware,


    In the hope to contribute to the game, I would like to share my experience after 3-4 weeks of playing the game again after 4.5 years break.




    • New content expansion: Great job with expansion and main storylines. It's such a pleasure to enjoy the storyline content. I'm glad to see old characters back in the main storyline.
    • Customization matters: really cool job here, especially on the bazaar items. For example, I'm so happy to finally play using Darth Malgus armor and the lightsaber.
    • Advanced classes: amazing, even though I personally don't need them since I have all the classes
    • Sharing craft resources between all chars: /salute
    • Choosing which gear you loot based on the discipline: /salute
    • New warzones maps. yay!




    • Gear progression: Very confusing. There are too many currencies/tokens and vendors.
      It can be subjective but I feel that the old system was easy to grasp. Now, I find myself constantly going to google to discover where do I get this type of token/matrix/stabilizer? Also, solo, veteran, master? In short: Less is more and I really think we could simplify the system here!.
    • Space Battles: It seems that not much changed. I don't see new ship models (one maybe?) and the customization could get some sugar. Ships models, especially on the Empire side, look all the same, especially the Strike Fighters.
    • Space Battles mechanics:
      • It still does not feel like a fighter-simulator. Controlling the ship it's a weird mouse-elasticity-camera experience. I really don't feel that I'm flying the ship. It's fun, but I can't really immerse.
      • No first-person and cockpit view.
      • No real chaffs / countermeasures - The barrel-roll (key 3) skills just do not add for me.
      • Except for a few ships, you actually don't control your shield. For instance, you can't say to your droid: put 70% in the front and 30% in the back.
      • In short, I do a lot of space PVP on SWG Legends, and the experience there is far better for me. Maybe we could inspire there a bit.

      [*] The aspect ratio bug for wide-monitors still exists. It took me days to fix and I wrote the solution here if you are interested.

  2. So, basically, the simplest answer is just to use Fullscreen (Windowed)?


    Well, if I understood you correctly, you are asking about the Optional step. In that case, yes just leave it as it is, fullscreen, and play the game. I prefer Windowed for personal reasons. Also, if I had done a preventive restart most probably I could have avoided the blue screen.


    Ps: I believe this procedure will work with other monitors too as well AMD graphics. You just need to find the right menu to create a virtual resolution.

  3. Hi Community,


    I'm just writing to help others. So this problem is still happening in Apr 2022. Basically, after matching the resolution from windows and the game, the game looks too stretched with the wrong aspect ratio. The fun part, this problem was not happening with my old laptop with the same monitor.


    For reference, I'm using Windows 11 and my computer is an Alienware m15 r6 with Nvidia 3070 and my monitor is a msi optix mpg341cqr 3440x1440 - 144hz. Everything is fully updated. It is worth mentioning, that I believe this procedure will work with other monitors too, as well AMD graphics. You just need to find the right menu to create a virtual resolution.


    So, how did I fix it?


    Basically, after two long days, I did what one of the answers in this post suggested.


    In short, so you don't have to click on the link, you need to:


    - Start the game and configure it to run with the expected native resolution, refresh rate, and full-screen mode. In my case, resolution 3440x1440, refresh rate 144hz, and frame 200. Apply and close the game after that.


    - Go to Nvidia Control Panel -> Display -> Change resolution. Click on the button 'Customize', then 'Create Custom Resolution'.


    - Use these exact values: Horizontal pixels: 5160, Vertical lines: 2160, Refresh rate: 60Hz. It's very important you get these numbers right. Everything else as default. Then, apply, apply until you get it done. Of course, everything on your desktop is going to look very weird/small at this point.


    - Start the game again and everything should be fine.


    - You can now close the game once more, go back to your Nvidia Control Panel (or Windows), and set the resolution back to the native values.


    Optional step:


    You can go back to the game and use 'Fullscreen (windowed)' if you like it. The problem was that when I did that, my Windows crashed to the blue screen. After the forced restart, everything was normal and I could continue to play in 'Fullscreen (windowed)' mode. weird, but it worked. So, I did not test, but my advice is just to restart the Windows first before changing to Windowed - that may avoid the bluescreen.



    Best of luck to all and Bioware, please fix this issue.

  4. Rewards "Bound" to character its pretty stupid.


    I got a Lightsaber to my new Operative, I cant even equip to unlock to all characters with cartel coins. My friend got a doublelightsaber with his Mercenary.


    The rewards should be at least bound on equip not bound on pickup.


    I dont think bioward thought right.


    I'm done with this event. Makes no sense. and like a said before: "I like to enjoy everything in the game that Im paying so I start this new char just to try this new event even tough I already have 11 lvl 65 and I few pretty stupid when bioware kind force me lvl up another one. but first things first.


    Bound? serious?

  5. So, I make a Operative to try this event and to my surprise after hit lvl 25 I got few items that are all Bound.


    I got a Jedi Armor and a LIGHTSABER Bound. My operative will not use a Lightsaber and I cant even send to my others characters. Serious?


    I like to enjoy everything in the game that Im paying so I start this new char just to try this new event even tought I already have 13 lvl 65 and I few pretty stupid when bioware kind force me lvl up another one. but first things first. all rewards will be random and bound?

  6. Except to all the subs that got it that would disagree. They CAN'T offer this stuff again, because if they did who the hell is going to believe their future offerings? They'll have similar stuff in the future. Just be subbed when it comes out.


    well, i dont agree. you got that by FREE and early that everybody. I'm asking to give to the players a second chance (NOT BY FREE) but paying like said 2500 cc. Do you really think that's unfair?


    you = early access / free (14,xx as sub)

    me = 1 year after / 2500 cc (14,00 as sub plus 20,xx for 2400cc)


    that advantage its not enough for you?

  7. I bet at some point he will end up on the cartel market.


    I know many here say: NOOOO you was not a sub at the right time, its not fair.

    well, I understand. but try to see this in my point of view:


    I'm playing this game since beta. I have 11 characters all lvl 65, Im a sub and few times I bought extra CC for some vanity item. So, I guess Im really loyal player right?


    unfortunately, real life stuffs got me by that time and I was away from the game for 5-6 months and I lost that companion. oh, well...



    I really think "everybody" should get a second chance, you already got that Companion early, thats good enough. I really dont see a problem to add that guy in CM for like 2000cc when this KOTFE finish.

  8. I finish that with 208 augment armor and pvp ear/implants/relics. I dont even click on those kotto station. companions rank 10-15.


    It's kind hard if you are just trying to go there, press random buttons and still get away alive. boss will not die just because you wnat to dps quickly. stick with the strategy and boss will die at some point.


    go to dulfy.net watch the videos, read the guide, and try over and over and over and you will figure out. when you realize how to do it, its like EUREKA its not that hard. You even feel a little stupid. (I did)


    if you die more then 3 times to the same boss, you doing something very wrong. take a break, grab some water, watch more videos on youtube and you will figure out.


    persist!!! good luck

  9. set humor on again (in case you didn't notice)


    I love Senya. unfortunately the game didnt let me romance her so I'm aiming for the daughter now!



    set humor off again


    I like Senya, she is very strong, special in personality. And she already defeat Vaylin in 1 vs 1, so yeah, she is strong.

    I feel sorry for Senya. Im really looking forward to see whats going to happen with her. Stand against your own children, man, thats a dilemma.


    We have to remember that Star Wars made this huge success because this Family drama. So yes, I like how bioware is doing this KOTFE.


    right now, the only person I really would love to kill is Valkorian, I hate that guy.

  10. Most of us are joking it was not meant to be serious.


    humor on again:

    when she said: You've got a crush on me!

    I was: YEEEESSS!


    just to freakout the girls here even more: I will not even start talking about her beautiful mother!!! OH Senya, I tried to romance with her sooo bad.

    humor off


    exactly, some people are taking this too serious. its a fantasy world so in "here" people are allowed like/dislike bad/good guys/girls that they will never hang out in real life.


    i just think she is a strong character with alot possibilities to the game's producers and I was trying to make a point with humor.

  11. What ever compliments my new sith empire


    i know right?


    I see many girls piss with boys here because "we" like bad girls. Thats kind unfair because in real life, most girl ALWAYS have fetish for the "bad" guys too. so dont judge us soo quickly please


    joke aside again, I see Vaylin betraying Arcann for sure. If you pay attention to the dialogues she can hardly stand it next to him. its very clear to me that she "let" Arcann in the power right now because she's waiting for the right moment to reveal some dark plan. I hope her mother can bring some sense to her (maybe it's already too late for that). She knows everything about Arcann plans, so she could bring a HUGE advantage to the Alliance intelligence.


    still, if that happens, I really wanna see a really good Story to support that and not just a lazy explanation.

  12. Then your alt may want to hope that my sorcerer never meets him as she will convince everyone that it would be best to lock him up in a dark side psycho ward for the safety of everyone. :p


    If my Sith finds you worthy, he wil CONVINCE you to join him, if not he will kill you :D


    now, joke aside, one of his moments was in Shadow of Revan. you remember when you have many choices to act behind the republic back? like: you want to redirect the cannons to republic fleet? YEEEESSSS (evil laugh)

  13. what is such a big deal of having a male force user? There are quite a few males that ladies can romance. I don't really care about whether they are force or not. Not a big deal.


    Theres one Lord Scourge, Jedi Warrior Companion. I think bioware will bring him at some point. Hes pretty bad ***. In Jedi Warrior Story Class he is the Emperor Wrath at some point and hes not all psycho. He can control the Dark Side very well without turning crazy. In fact he is very reasonable.



  14. Because the story presented hasn't allowed you character the chance to display that personality as all the deaths you've had a choice to cause can be justified for the alliance. And it doesn't matter if your character has the same personality as Vaylin, it would be even more strange that anyone stays with the Outlander when they basically sign the alliance's death warrant.


    You and I disagree with the following: You understand that the alliance is a noble place full of altruism. I understand that most do have such a motivation, but many, including my Evil/Psycho Sith, like Vaylin, are there for their own interests and to reach them they have a common goal to take the Arcann's throne.


    How many here kill many innocents with kaliyo few chaps ago? Koth even left the alliance because he was piss but many others agree with that... so thats how i see the alliance: "common goal".


    still, i respect your opinion. but i dont see why Vaylin couldnt betray Arcann and come to Alliance even momentarily.

  15. Because it would be the Skadge situation all over again. It requires your character being a complete moron for allowing VAYLIN (The same idiotic psycopath who destroyed the reactor and risked flushing a ton of her own resources down the toilet, just because she was too azy to follow the wounded Outlander into a situation where she was at a huge advantage) into the alliance. Unless you're suggesting she has changed by this point, then it is much less stupid.


    you are missing my point, she is insane for sure, but as my character. Im pretty sure many others players are full Dark Side that KILL EVERYBODY without any good reason while they was playing the story class. So my character is a crazy phyco,megalomaniac and he is the Alliance leader. why?


    my sith will destroy a reactor without no problem too to gain power, become Emperor, etc, thats his personality and the game/storyline allow that.


    why he is the Alliance leader?

  16. Guys (boys) and their obsession over crazy/psycho girls. :rolleyes:


    guilty. hahaha j/k


    So im not sure if "the Alliance is only about being good that Vaylin cant join" makes sense. In my point of view, most people in the Alliance are fighting against tiranny but many has their only personal reasons good/selfish/evil


    my main character is a full ***!#$@ dark side that kill for any good reason and now he is the alliance leader. so, why Vaylin cant join?


    the alliance doesnt necessarily means "good". theres many times that you can answer like: I will return the Empire! or I just want to kill Arcann, etc etc.


    Im pretty sure many people are playing their story lead by revenge and not goodness...

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