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Posts posted by HeavensAgent

  1. When we were told the developers will not offer the ability to change character species, I made plans to reroll my Trooper as a Twi'lek. New server, new start. Much happiness, and finally the character I've wanted all along.


    So yes, I would definitely reroll a character based on appearance.

  2. Endgame should simply be in the open world, …. how cool would it be to get a message on your communicator that the Empire just landed a giant war droid off outside of the senate tower and all that wanted to help save the day could just show up and be rewarded for their efforts…..guilds groups or solo players alike could just show up and play together ….now that’s Massive.
    Generally not a viable option. What you describe here is exactly what was done in City of Heroes. It seems novel at first, but ultimately you end up with a massive war droid camping the entrance to the Senate Tower, no one interested in banding together to defeat it.
  3. Again, trust me when I say the developers of MMO's are missing a huge chance to increase the longevity of their cash flow by making the end game so hugely of limits for soloits.
    My advise would be offering solutions, rather than simply giving voice to a well-known problem. If you want something to be done, specify what you want accomplished. How should the developers provide solo players content that will hold their attention?
  4. First and foremost: Leave your empty server. Take the offered free transfer. You have no reason to remain behind.


    Second, if you insist on remaining on an empty server pick up Slicing and stop advancing other crew skills. Without a viable market, no other crew skill will improve your income.


    Run lower-level repeatable Heroics. These are essentially pre-50 dailies. Decent reward for their level, and by the time you can solo them you should not be receiving any experience. Similarly, you can farm the mobs from these areas. Once again, you'll be too high to receive experience but their credit and item drops are somewhat superior.


    And no, a speeder is no necessary for Tat or Alderaan. Or Balmorra. Or Quesh. You'll want one for Hoth, though.



    But really, the best advice i can offer is transfer to a populated server.

  5. Is it just me or did you read the loot table answer and have your head explode?


    Maybe I am just tired, but wow, by the third senetence I felt like I was taking the SAT or something.

    It's a technical response for an intricate automated system. No surprise there. I'm extremely thankful they chose to answer it, and it's proving very useful to my current in-game research project.
  6. The original poster has a valid complaint. The way Bioware marketed the CE store lead many to believe that we would see updates often to the vendor. Stop using juvenile arguments to defend Bioware.
    That's not what was marketed though ...
  7. For a good guild, you have to look on your specific server. Asking on the General boards is inappropriate and unlikely to get you a truthful response.


    Once you find your guild, ask them how to proceed. Many guilds have a system in place for gearing their new 50s quickly.

  8. Actually, you shouldn't be able to heal a flagged ally at all if you're not. This subject has been covered too many times in several MMOs to debate this, and the best way that made the most people happy is to not be able to do it at all unless you voluntarily go PvP flagged, too.
    I agree. That's why I advocate a general setting toggle.
  9. I personally don't enjoy looking like this (when I first saw it I thought it was an April fool's joke):


    ...which happens to be the same as the 5 other bounty hunters in the raid. Or the 100 other bounty hunters on the fleet.

    Then don't wear it. Strip the mods and put them in something else. The lack of a set bonus is not going to "gimp" your character; if appearance holds that much meaning to you, the loss of the set bonus is a small thing.
  10. Have to disagree. That second or two of time that ~theoretically~ could happen is completely worth the trade-off of a player knowing that they won't be flagged for PVP unless they want to. Remember, this is for a PVE server. :) And your hypothetical system... isn't that just what the PVP flag being off is supposed to do?
    Except that some do want to jump in at that opportune moment. A toggle would allow those interested in doing this to do so, and allow those who do not want to inadvertently flag to ensure it never happens.


    And there's nothing theoretical about the 1-2 second window. I can change the tide of a PvP fight.

  11. I'm not sure I follow you. How would this put a strain on Jung Ma's population? No one, at least in this thread, is requesting a transfer from Jung Ma to a West Coast PvP server. If you have already gone, this thread does not pertain to you. This is about the remaining players on Ajunta Pall who have not transferred because Jung Ma is unsuitable.
    Some of those who have already transferred will complain, because they were specifically told they have only a single option. Bioware would then have to allow return transfers or face cancelled accounts, either of which damages Jung Ma. Additionally, the stable population the developers hope to create on Jung Ma includes those that have currently chosen to remain on Ajunta Pall. You will be moved at some point, likely as soon as the developers manage to offer us additional character slots per server. It's pretty obvious the eventual goal is to eliminate the source servers.
  12. If i haven't clicked "yes" on a "Do you want to be flagged for PvP?" pop up then I shouldn't get flagged for PvP ever.
    A popup is impractical for this purpose. If someone wanted to step in to assist another player engaged in PvP, the battle could easily be over in the time it takes to mouse over and click "Yes." PvP play is extremely fast paced, and a heal or buff at a given moment can mean the difference between a win or a loss.


    Any automated system needs to allow interested players to step in at these opportune moments. For this reason a general toggle setting is probably the better option. If set normally, the game would function as it does now. If the initial setting were changed it would prevent a player from engaging in any activity that would otherwise flag them for PvP.

  13. Dye systems are horrid and unnecessary. I'm so glad SWTOR does not have one.


    I truly don't understand the issue. Is SWTOR's gear customization as expansive as that of other games? No. Does it need to be? Again, no.



    There is actually a lot of variety in equipment appearance, with new options added in each update. At the same time, the options we have available do a fairly good job of maintaining the general aesthetic of the classes' inspirations. Ultimately, I cannot view the original post as anything more than impatience and an unwillingness to work for what is desired.

  14. What's the point? MMOs change all the time, so this will be outdated by November, and completely useless by 2013.
    Not really. The game content may change, but this product does not reflect the game content. It reflects the background lore, which does not change, and is likely to include information not previously revealed. Additionally, your recommendation to use wiki and game sites instead in invalid. Where do you think such sites obtain their information? Until the encyclopedia is released, and for some time after, the references you name will not include its content. Additionally, even when those references are fully updated they will not reveal the entirety of its content, as that would represent an infringement of copyright law that would not go ignored.
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