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Posts posted by HeavensAgent

  1. And you pointed them out? And EXPLAINED where you disagreed?
    Everything involving what you claim will happen in the future. So essentially everything you said; I didn't know I would be expected to point out the obvious. I'm certainly not going to engage in a discussion over assumptions that lack merit, either.
  2. I have played WoW for six years. I know perfectly how to place an item to get it enchanted or so. The guys specifically gave me directions to get the item deleted.
    What were those directions, then? What you've stated thus far demonstrates no harm was intended. Experience in past games means nothing, especially if that past game was WoW.
  3. Like the guy above me said, go out drinking for a couple hours.
    Do not listen to them! :mon_trap:


    They plot to take advantage of your resulting drunken state to convince you to liquidate all your character's possessions and donate the credits to their charity, the Orphaned Ewok War Fund.

  4. It also says the MAXIMUM you can have is 8. They have not said weather there would be alternative destinations assigned. Given the way this whole kerfuffle has been run I would not expect any alternative.


    The end result if you run out of space, on all the destination servers chosen for you by BW, is that you will have to chose and those that are left after you chose will be deleted because they can not be merged when forced moves happen. It is best that you make the choice and manage your character's belongings rather than BW making the decision for you WHEN the servers are consolidated. You can HOPE for the "promised" increase in character slots, but I wouldn't bother. Manage your expectations and minimize your losses.

    You are making a LOT of assumptions here.
  5. So if i had record 100 or a 1000 times that it takes over 40 RE to learn a new schematic would you believe that its not 20%? Most likely not because BW is your God and can't make a mistake.
    I started doing this [keeping track of my RE results]. Stopped at around 650 items. My overall percentage of successes was 26.7%.


    I would say you are suffering a streak of bad luck. Steer clear of Vegas.

  6. On my server, I made the horrible mistake of asking in general chat for ''how you can augment your gear ?''


    Someone deliberately made me delete my helm. I placed it on the table, and it simply vanished.


    200k credits joke. I hope the little rat had his fun

    If you were told to place the helmet on the table, the individual was not attempting to do you harm. That is exactly how you do it, and even the correct terminology use. The fault lies with you, as you did not understand what this meant.


    The individual was being honest and helpful. They didn't do anything wrong.

  7. thats not really to much of a bonus compaired to the other races. humans are suposed to be the most common race in the star wars galaxy, i guess it will only be in npc form. cuz there bonus only makes your comamions like you better and you can get you companion to love you by running bt like 20 times in a row if you learn the correct responses
    Presence has nothing to do with affection. It makes your companions perform better in the game. They are generally stronger with higher Perception, resulting in noticeably more damage and healing, holding more threat, and surviving more damage,
  8. Finally, even if they keep working on it, they said the old set bonus will never work on orange item. So, there always will be some armor slightly better than orange item. Twist it the way you want, say set bonus are BS on many class, etc, it's still something you loose.
    Kind of irrelevant, as it's the old armor sets that suffers this issue; the current tier does not suffer this issue, nor will future tiers. As a result this will become increasingly less of an issue over time.
  9. I think it was Tharan Cedrax, and while it COULD have been a companion gear, itsn't it possible to find it somewhere else? Most of the content in this game is re-used at different places.
    Unfortunately most of the companion-specific item model/skin combinations are unique, and cannot be obtained elsewhere.
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