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Posts posted by rzzq

  1. Love these late night guilds running in full premades, talking like there is some sort of quality skill in beating a pug with a premade. Nice job cherry poops and meat eaters. I guess you feel like a big boy now gg. Kill the server more
  2. To developers, don't use this game for your next resume, you have killed it with you lack of attention to players or should I say customers which you lack understanding that you're here because we support your paycheck. Servers are dead with no merge in sight. We log on and wait way to long to pvp or get any flashpoints, what a waste. DPS scale is out of balance, consistently roll out FOTM's. But hey your quick to get typos fixed in the patches.....GFG :eek:
  3. Less and less people are pvp'ing now, sometimes it takes 45-60 mins for a pop to happen.... I've noticed a trend on certain servers you get a few PvP guilds that do nothing but make up 4 man premades and ruin all the fun for people who just want jump into a quick warzone... What happens is you can go against a fully geared out premade who's on vent/mumble/team speak and they pretty much just own everyone...


    Bioware you need to add a PUG only warzone option, this will level the playing field more and allow people to just have fun.... If not, less and less people are going to pvp due to frustration with the situation..


    Agreed, to many zerg guilds are killing wz's. with full premades queue syncing. The fact that you can just switch sides based on who is winning is another issue why wz's are crap. Waffles and sheep. Pretty sure we won't see it changed, since Bioware is ran by EA which in turn wants money and nothing more. So, they will follow what the kids want.

  4. "Olib: With the introduction of ranked 4v4 and PvP seasons, “yolo” ranked has become fairly successful. From player feedback, it seems this success is mostly reward-driven (e.g. seasonal rewards). However, grouped ranked PvP remains unpopular, with the group ranked population too low for spontaneous pops. Players need to have a know-how in the PvP community to try and get a match going. This is a threshold making grouped ranked less accessible to a larger public and it seems arenas having 4v4 instead of 8v8 has not solved anything here.


    Do you agree with this assessment? Are there any plans or do you have any ideas on how to address this issue?


    Alex: Your assessment that ranked PvP is a relatively unpopular part of the game is very accurate. To your point, solo ranked is more favored. Though the removal of 8v8’s was an unpopular decision, it has led to dramatically higher participation in ranked PvP; but it’s not where we want it to be, and there are certainly things that we can explore doing.


    Larger server populations that produced better, more competitive feeling matches would be a start. Simplified PvP gear progression that allowed players to compete on skill rather than time-sunk could increase volumes. Improved guild features that supported stronger communities of PvP players could also help. There are two main question categories that we have to answer:


    What are our goals? (What do we want Ranked PvP to look like, who should it appeal to, and generally, what is it that we want to accomplish) and

    How likely are we to achieve them? (How do we balance the likelihood of improving the situation, what are the realistic upsides in terms of breadth and depth of engagement and how do these priorities tie into our other development considerations).



    Get rid of the fact that these people can be waffles and flop to the winning side. Imp or pub dont allow both on the same server. What a concept. DPS is out of hand at this point in this game, you guys put in changes to the biggest complaints. Unbalanced game = unbalanced classes and sides

  5. With so many Elitist guilds on the imp side for PVP, I am curious why you stay imp and not switch for a real challenge on the pub side. EZmode? I would think, if your guild was as good as you thought it was, it would make sense? Seems as though all the sheep roll to imp side. Yes this is a qq, flame, whine, crap talk and anything else.... Looking truly for a quality answer. I would like to see meet or cherry try and roll pub and see how they stand then. This server is unbalanced period.:(
  6. Great... but we dont care who you are and what your roles in bioware are.


    If you have no information regarding the future of this game, the patch notes, a short list of "things that are going live within next 30 days" or "things that will be going live within next 60 days", the entire introduction is exactly as this post - worthless.


    I kind of agree with this, we have been waiting way to long holding out way to long for this game to start, content is coming but yet so many bugs. I will say bugs are a lot fewer than the past but PVP alone just to me is stagnant. On our server we may see 40 at peak, maybe 1/4 players left in game. When we get a WZ we play rep v rep. This in turn breed a lot of hate for each other on the same side.


    I love the game but "when a large part of students fail in a class, the teacher should reevaluate the lesson plan".


    I truly hope the game can stay alive. SWG was in this same boat...

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