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Posts posted by Arasys

  1. hahaha...



    Soon (™)



    You know, I've been playing since Pre-launch and quit months ago but watching you people constantly paraphrasing your own words around Soon (™) is something beyond credibility.


    But... "Nope. Here is a few comms. And a pet. This should hold you over another couple of months"...


    For months, I've blasted the haters of this game because I love it so much...but I'm finally starting to crack. I'm beginning to get real impatient.


    Don't worry, a lot of people have been doing the same and then giving up. I remember, when first hardcore players started whining about lack of end game and etc. in the first month, a lot of people told them to go to wow as if they knew any better. Look now, you'll mostly see fans and people who regret for paying a single penny for this game. People still expect things from bioware .. and that amazes me considering how people don't even care to realize wth is going on.


    A lot of people blame community, but this one that at least posts about the missing elements in the game before quitting. For months people literally spammed the forums to report bugs and then with many deleted threads a lot of people found out that bw doesn't really care for in-game reports and just copy paste the already-written "hmm okay we'll take a look at it" messages.


    I've never seen such a frustrating gaming company before, it is almost like they are scientifically testing the customer psychology.. Awesome job BW, I wonder... if we will ever have a chance to play a decent SW MMO after your failure.

  3. I disagree. I think people just want new multiplayer games on a regular basis. People are getting bored of games in general a lot faster now since there are so many out there.


    really ?? is that why there are still people playing the first MMOs like UO and AC1 ? Don't make up reasons, just accept the fact that SWTOR failed big time, and it is admitted by EA. Oh and, never blame the customer for a ****** meal. Ever heard of over-marketing a bad product ? People get frustrated and feel cheated by companies. That's why disappointment turns into hate. Before you come up with such conclusions, learn to search threads from different pages on these forums. You will see why this "precious" game failed, they deserved this for continuously lying to people with fake promises. Cannot be happier lol.

  4. Why is it that BioWare seemingly made the SWTOR forums more fun than the game itself? Please tell me why? :(


    In the forums at least we have real Open World PvP. We got the Criticizers (aka haters) vs. the Defenders (aka fanbois) vs. CommunitySupport (the account that locks all reported threads). The threads are filled with a variety of content and there's tons of endgame to go around.


    And at least the TOFN chat keeps breaking. That's good because that's the only situation in which we'll receive communication from BioWare... ever... and it'll let us all know there are still employees inside BioWare Austin.


    BioWare, please improve your game. I'm trying to love it as much as possible, but most of the time I spend on the forums would actually be devoted to the game if it had what the forums had.


    Oh, and by the way, you guys lied in some parts in

    video thus causing this image to be created and highly accurate. :o



    Awesome post and I agree, forums are far more entertaining than the game itself.

  5. But Ultima Online, Everquest and Asherons Call, the first MMOs, are still alive.


    Point is, we have nothing to worry about. TOR isn't dying and isn't going anywhere.



    Are you kidding or being sarcastic ?


    UO is still one of the top games with (imo) widest range of sandbox options, those who love sandbox elements & RP are still playing it ( including me). Besides, even after EA purchased UO, since game has solid systems, of course it will not easily die because no matter how "good" you get in that game, there's always something to do.


    Asheron's Call is by far my favorite MMO, and by comparing SWTOR with it I realized how SWTOR feels super static. Think of AC's map, dynamism, sandbox elements and furthermore; even after all those years that game still has live events every month, with new updates. Did they change the graphics ? no . Are they really working hard to please their loyal customers ? Absolutely. This is also one of the major differences, here Devs knew they were going to get lots of negative feedback and it probably scared them, but closing your eyes and running away from such loyal player base is not acceptable.


    Continuing with the same example, why do you think AC 2 failed ? I think It was more like SWTOR compared to AC 1. In other words, the game was not really dynamic and had no depth.


    If you really enjoy the game, I am happy for you but if you look around you'll see the game is almost in coma now. I have been playing MMOs since 1999, and must say I have never seen such lack of management in any mmos.

  6. i wonder what a lot of experienced mmo players were thinking while stubbornly investing into this game no matter how bw "handled" the problems. wasn't it obvious enough ? you don't have to have mba to realize what's going on ..


    as a lot of people predicted during pre-launch, this is exactly what a lot of hardcore players thought would happen 6 months after game's launch. well, most of us didn't listen, even insulted those people on forums like today's fanbois.

  7. If you have anything smart to say about this post, then feel free to comment if you are going to insult it and defend this game no matter what like a child please keep it to yourself


    I made this my signature, thank you.



    There is also


    LOL he was only in charge of combat, I gota laugh how things get so blown out, next he will be the President of Singapore.../facepalm

    He was in incharge of ONE part of the game....


    Errm... It's star WARS.. you see, today in theme park mmos especially like SWTOR, combat is basically the main aspect of the game. But I guess you were mostly dancing during HMs..

  8. I like how that is all you got from that long post.


    The minute they get fanatic i stop arguing with them because as you can see they tend to hate those who disagree. I could've approach with a similar attitude but there's no point. I guess they can get over their fanatism when numbers are announced in August ( well, free trials are on the way though..) .


    Chat bubbles were only a single example from many but fanboy rage is making it difficult for some people. I've reported many bugs including item display bugs to map glitches.. But you see i have to be a hater because i am not happy with the game.. How come you are so blind ? Go check some different pages on the forums, different sources..

    All I can say is blindly defending will not help the game. But if that's how some people satisfy their sad ego, i guess we can only be sorry for them. There are even those who feel like they rather own the forums and can decide on who should post here, haha.. I will no longer check these forums. Enjoy the game.

  9. Nice contribution. I'll take your forum sig as you being a blind hater and not actually interested in the success of this game.


    I simply don't care what you think, but if it's going to make you feel better I made at least 12 people buy the game, keep their subscriptions for at least 4 months, reported several bugs, and in fact ( if you check the Sith Inq. forums ) I posted a lot about a few specific bugs. Then I got really mad when CS didn't care and when I witnessed how BW started censoring peoples' thoughts. Like OP, I was very happy with the game for months then I realized what's going on. I supported BW since early days of Baldur's Gate 1 ( when the company was called Black Isle ) and I don't even want to mention how much I wanted to enjoy a star wars MMO. I gave up, quit the game and check the forums once in awhile to see what's going on. One last thing, I started playing in pre-launch.


    At this point it is somewhat impossible to remedy some of the problems, because one of the biggest obstacles for game's improvement is the game's engine. Do you think BW really didn't try adding chat bubbles ? lol. Please check the previous pages like 50th, 110th, or I don't know. You will see what happened. I know I probably sounded like a hater there, I understand that but.. 1 to 1.3 million ? really ?



    Edit : if you guys are enjoying the game, I am very happy for you. Hope you guys can keep the game alive.



    There, are you done with the strawmanning, false accusations, and general pointless personal attacks?


    No I am simply amazed how players are trying to silence other players here, sorry if I missed your post(!). And no I am not strawmanning, but put me in your place, I am simply one of the many here. You should be the one questioning your posts if more than one people are asking the same question to you ! I am not saying "stop liking or defending the game !" here.

    I don't care if you are an employee or not.


    When people silence others, there's no way the player base can give an objective feedback.

  11. Yes, because since my experience isn't negative and reflects bad on BioWare, and is not filled with hyperbole and QQ it obviously means that my experience is less valid than those... others. Amirite?


    I truly wish my experience wasn't negative nor boring. But if you think I am qqi'ng then you might reconsider what you just posted since it appears as if you are the only one with valid points everytime I read your posts here . It's all qq when people criticize right? Oh and Jeramie, I remember how people asked if you were an employee or not and how within few seconds all those posts got erased.. So ..yeah..keep playing your game. Enjoy while it lasts with two digits K player base ROFL !

  12. They sure are. I've had live discussions with CRs about several bugs I've reported ingame. I guess that can only happen if they read it, right? ;)



    Of course you had ( you know what I mean.. )


    Hmm let me see... Is there a reason why forums are full of bug reports and frustration, along with posts showing how CS people just copy paste standardized answers in the game then never care or simply censored by BW ? If in game reporting was working why all these people including me post bugs on the forums ?

    You see.. the very same people also happen to indicate that they received nothing but automated messages or their reports were simply erased ??


    Oh hey Jeramie by the way, I want to ask you.. can you ask your friends why it's taking sooo long for them to fix even the tiniest bugs like Rakata Forcemaster's Chestpiece's display bug ?




    An example of Bioware's censorship. This is a deliberate attempt by Bioware to quiet the people who are so unsatisfied with their game that they cancel their subscription. I might be one of those people in the not so distant future if certain issues are not resolved.


    Why could people post on the forums before the game were released openly without purchasing the game. Suddenly the community is censored. In other words Bioware doesn't want to listen to your opinion unless you pay them their monthly fee. Should not the simple purchase of the game be enough to post on the forums? We purchased the product but Bioware will not allow us to participate in the forums unless with pay them a monthly fee. I never thought I would see captialism used to censor the customer, but Bioware is on the frontier of censorship it seems. Why not. We all know that everything is working as intended anyways!!!


    Anyways good job censoring people Bioware. I am ashamed that I once respected the founders of Bioware. Obviously their success has made them lose touch with reality or stop caring about their product. Bioware should be ashamed of censoring people who purchased their game on the forums. That is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen an MMO do and I go back to the beginning. I can't believe Bioware is going to censor their players who purchased the game by allowing read only access for non-subscribing members. Shame shame Bioware.


    I have the right to post this since I pay. Sadly enough before the game came out ANYONE could post. Now you can only post if you pay us our monthly fee even though you bought the game. Good job listening to your customers Bioware.



    This is a very nice written post in my opinion.

  13. personally I think the game and Bioware are in serious trouble


    I used to love bioware, i hate them now and i will never be buying an EA/Bioware game again, they've lost a very loyal customer because they've consistently and constantly ignored the community, starting with beta testers and continued with the retail customers.



    This is exactly how I feel and I felt bad for bringing my friends, and defending both the company swtor. There was a months long continuous let down. The way they handled the problems and reacted to such supportive community made me question my views. Then after all my guild members left and how Bioware constantly ignored the feedback even during beta test..



    I quit Skyrim for this game, and after I quit SWTOR I started playing it again. It took me only a few seconds to realize one of the major lacking elements in the game : dynamism. That lead me to think, if SWTOR is built this poorly then how come could I have hope for the game ? I transferred yesterday from Darth Sion, the fleet was full and I was sitting in the fleet with my shiny end game gear for minutes. Like I guessed before the transfers, the population DID NOT solve the "so what ?" feeling in the game. Like the rest of my guild I was done with the game. Now I will go ahead and delete my characters and never buy a single BW game ever.


    buh'bye. Hope to see you guys in another Star Wars mmo.

  14. Content is one of the things these guys are doing right, if you're complaining about the rate of content in this game then you must be new to MMO's.


    In WoW if you get content twice a year then it's big news. I wont even talk about rift or older games like swg/eq.


    Welcome to MMO's you pay $15 to play, that's how it works and you knew this before you bought the game.


    I guess you are new to MMOs considering how you are forgetting/not knowing both UO and Asheron's Call 1 had monthly world events for years, and I bet they still do.


    and if content is "right" how come I got geared in less than a month by only spending 2 hours a week ? Only 2 hours of raiding in 2~3 weeks is too short for a casual player.

  15. Oh yeah, real fantastic, every successful game does major server merges and looks at f2p models. :)


    I also read the comments, no one believes what BW says now. I can't blame them. But dear fanboy ( you know who you are ) check this comment :


    " MMO_Doubter

    Calling everyone who expresses a negative opinion a "hater" isn't exactly rational. "

  16. I fail to see how they destroyed anything, again people are taking the article as "THEY ARE DOING IT NOW!" When that isn't the case, they are LOOKING at it. They haven't decided anything.


    It doesn't really matter, I don't want to sound like a doomsayer but you see only 65,061 people are playing ( http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=449144 ) and they sold 2.3 million copies.


    2.3 million vs 65 000 sounds wrong for an mmo ( not to mention $200 million investment )


    if you check different threads or previous forum pages you will see a lot.

  17. Development on this game has been entirely too slow and unresponsive to what players want.


    Promises about character customization have not been kept. Promises about continual events or additions to the story have not been kept.


    The planets are terrible: static, useless NPCs, complete design on rails where you go from A to B to C to D with no room to explore.


    Server mergers are being called transfers even though there's no real choice but to move to a designated server.


    Game performance even on a brand new top of the line computer is totally unacceptable. The game is incapable of supporting an appropriate number of players in a crowded area.


    The fleet as a central hub is a terrible design choice - breaking people into a series of tunnels in a cold, lifeless gathering point.


    The game is lifeless in every way, and has none of the races or feel of the Star Wars universe. A new completely made-up planet is being added instead of places that players actually want to explore - not that there is exploration in this game.


    This game for some reason really bothers me. With other games that've disappointed me I could imagine exactly why certain bad choices were made. Here it feels like bad choices were made even though they had all the money and talent in the world and one of the best intellectual property franchises to work with (Star Wars). The developers feel arrogant and not very honest about the development process.



    I totally agree with you. They are also delusional, they think negative criticism = trolling, that's why mods delete a lot of posts and even threads every single day. Those who defend this game with a blind sight and or their insults are okay for mods since they are "defending the cause". Yet when it's the players who paid the same money and want the game to improve, therefore criticize are "bad" and their posts should be deleted according to them. I don't get this and they even dare to lie and say " hey we accept both positive and negative comments however we are going to continue being a failure and lock this thread because blabla.." Wth is this ? Can they even stand us using the forums ?


    I've even seen someone insulting and openly typing racist insults in the general chat a week ago. I reported him and then started asking why. You know.. the player replied, he was simply wondering if any officer in the game would care to do something because he too quit the game and just wanted to see what he has been paying for. At the end my report was erased as if I have never reported him in the first place. Meaning they didn't care.


    When it comes to WOW, I always disliked the community but didn't really care, but here community is trying to be mostly supportive but BW team doesn't care and even silences its customers.


    this game is beyond bad for me because the team behind the game is actually the responsible for all this and the way they are trying to silence their customers by deleting their posts is UNACCEPTABLE.


    They have no respect.

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