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Posts posted by Mando

  1. Just curious if anyone has actually played through the game in first person, as in all the way zoomed in. I realize how terribly impractical it is for an MMO but from the few times I've done it I've found the environments to be much more immersive and the characters around me seem more alive. This would obviously be a single player experience, and I admit I haven't really tried it for more than a minute or two at a time but I was wondering if anyone else has played the game this way and what their experiences were like?
  2. Do we know yet how the KotFE expansion will change the level 1-50 questing process? Because if it is going to add any content whatsoever, I want to wait until then to start a big play through of the game. I've seen rumors that it will make the class quests edgier and more mature, or let us have more choices in our stories like killing certain companions and stuff like that. Is any of this true? Or is KotFE only changing the leveling process for 1-50 and not modifying any story content?
  3. Thanks a lot for helping to get things organized with me. Love the help. Probably would be best to separate groups by times of availability. I can be on from 5-10 pm EST most weekdays. Weekends will vary depending on if I work then, but I'm usually active.
  4. My vote would have to be to eliminate Republic-Empire; to divide us this early on will make collaboration harder, teams less flexible, and will make us much more likely to fall under and fail. There are other ways to have fun rivalries and competitiveness without the risks and limitations that come with being cross-faction.


    Very good, if one of the options doesn't receive a vote then we'll just go ahead and do that one.

  5. Awesome, we have a great number! So how are we doing this, are we doing two teams of 4? (or one of 3 until shadowdemon confirms or we find someone else). Or are we changing our organization?


    Also, are we going to just have people do whatever class they want and allow for repeats, or did you guys want to have each one of the 8 of us take a different Advanced Class? Either way I totally call Smuggler or Imperial Agent :jawa_cool: Oh and if we are doing two teams we should figure out who is with who, and if we do the AC thing then we can match up people based on the classes they choose.


    I think it is a solid number to get started with. We'll use us 8 for now, and if we're going fine like I expect to, we will look to expanding our number. I'm ready to get focused and make this happen. I still like 2 teams of 4, I am pretty sure shadowdemon will help us in this, we speak often in game and he is a good RPer when he and I do events. So... for our two groups, we can do:






    It's a tough call, I think all of them would be fun... If we did one of each faction it might be harder to communicate... But imagnine the RP rivalries we could have. We need to narrow it down though. So, all 8 of us are going to cast a vote ELIMINATING one of the three. Whichever one gets the most votes will be eliminated, and we will then have a new vote to decide what factions our two groups will be.


    I would love to re-roll as a Jedi Sentinel, therefore I will cast my eliminating vote on.... Empire-Empire.


    I will keep track of the votes on the first post.


    The polls are now... Open.

  6. If there are any spots open in the roster i would gladly join i have said all of my details in the previous post whoever if the GMT time interferes and i can not join i understand.


    Alright, if you think you could be active enough to help I'm sure it will be fine. Just know that most of us are 5-8 hours behind you so I don't want you to have to change your schedule to stay active with us. If you think it will work out, I will add you.


    sonofbelz contacted me and is willing to help! I haven't spoken to shadowdemon about it yet but we see each other all the time in-game. If he is willing to start this I think we're ready to get started.

  7. If you are still looking for new people to join in I would certainly be honored to be allowed to join I live in EST, and am pretty active throughout the day, and I have no preference on with faction.


    I'd love to have you on our team, I'll add you to the roster.


    Also, as for faction, I'm fine with either. Just don't want to do an Agent...

  8. Alright, for organization purposes, this is who is active (active meaning they have posted or contacted me in the last 14 days):









    It's safe to say we have 6 active RPers still willing to do this. If I missed over you, please post here if you wish to be added to that list. Let's take who we have now, form new groups, assign new roles etc. Roster has been updated with only us, if we have 8 helping and active members in may be in our best interest to start a new thread and form a guild. I'd like you to confirm your spot here, any post after this one will do and I'll write you down as"in" and we can start some good, hard, heavy roleplaying.

  9. so im getting pretty confused.


    So what is happening?


    are we joining groups or are we making new ones? we making a guild???


    Those whose groups have gone inactive but still want to RP are forming a new group together to replace the dead ones. If we have 2 actively functioning groups, I will form a guild.

  10. A guild is starting to look more promising, though at the moment we only have about 6 pretty active members here. I'll wait a bit, if we get 2 groups here actively RPing I might form a guild for us. If your group has died out, let's get together those who still want to do this and replace that group with us. I am willing to lead a new group if we get 3 more people wanting to join.


    I would be willling to join however i am new to RP. I am an EU player so another group of EU players would be good for me. Im normally on from 15:30-22:00 GMT weekdays and from 13:15-23:30 weekends. Im willing to play as a consular or smuggler on rep side and a warrior or agent on imp side. If there are any spots open i would gladly accept.


    I'd be happy to organize an EU group if there is the interest for one.

  11. Hello there, just wanted to give you all an update. Looks like a couple members of my group have gone missing. Shadowdemon and I have begun our own adventure together though, we've RPed once and hope to really get going here soon. If you'd like to get another group together, I'd be willing to help. I may even participate in one if it works out.
  12. Looking to upgrade so I can play on high settings with shadows. I have an AMD Athlon II X3 435 Processor, 6 GB RAM and the ATI Raedon HD 4200.


    Want to either buy the AMD Radeon HD 6670 1GB GDDR5 or AMD Radeon HD6670 2GB GDDR3? Which one is better?


    More specifically:


    MSI AMD Radeon HD 6670 1GB GDDR5


    Mfr Part Number: R6670-MD1GD5

    Chipset: AMD Radeon HD 6670

    Engine Clock:800 MHz

    Video Memory:1GB GDDR5

    Memory Clock:4000 MHz

    Memory Interface:128-bit

    Bus:PCI-Express 2.1 x16

    RAMDAC:400 MHz

    Max. Resolution:2560 x 1600



    XFX AMD Radeon HD 6670 2GB GDDR3


    Mfr Part Number: HD667XCNF3

    Chipset: AMD Radeon HD 6670

    Engine Clock: 800 MHz

    Video Memory: 2GB GDDR3

    Memory Clock: 1300 MHz

    Memory Interface: 128-bit

    Bus: PCI-Express 2.1 x16

    Stream Processors: 480

    RAMDAC: 400 MHz

    Max. Resolution: 2560 x 1600

  13. Try disabling Bloom. If that doesn't do it, go to the task manager and right click on the two swtor.exe process and Set Priority to "High" or "Above Normal." I have a HD 7850 and I was getting <30 FPS in all settings (maxed and lowest) but after setting the priority to high my FPS improved dramatically.


    This, I have a lower end computer, but my FPS increased by 15 by doing that.

  14. Group 3 update:


    Lord Alycaa - Sith Inquisitor (Human) - Sorceror

    Apprentice Spiix - Sith Warrior (Human) - Juggernaut

    Volkas - Bounty Hunter (Cyborg) - Powertech

    Brento (full name Takib'ren'toroun) - Imperial Agent (Chiss) - Operative


    After finishing some business on Korriban and Hutta, they met on Vaiken Spacedock and took a priority transport to Dromund Kaas, where Moff Blanchess contacted them by hollocommunicator and assigned them to work together as a "temporary" task force.




    We decided that using the "Four Temperaments" was a good starting point for personalities. Initially, Agent Brento had doubts about the big, heavily armed thug Volkas. However, after a few adventures the former has taken quite a liking to the latter's snarky character even if he must outwardly maintain the composed attitude of an Intelligence agent.


    I'll post an in-character story tomorrow after getting some sleep :D


    Very good! Look forward to your next post then.


    GROUP 1: Also good to RP today.

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