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Posts posted by Mechos

  1. If you are romancing or married to Vette, the option will not show up. Breaking up with Vette while dating will make the option show up. If your married.... well.... there's no way to get that choice.


    Ah! Thank you! I'm at the point in the conversation where Vette is asking 'you chose me? Seriously?'. Do you happen to know if you can re-start the romance with Vette after that point, if you turn her down, or no?

  2. Howdy, all.


    Now, during beta, I remember a lot of people mentioning that Light Jaesa's last conversation, there was an option for male SW's to say 'we should have children', or something similar.


    However, I've reached her final conversation, and even at 10,000/10,000, it's not showing up. Is this a bug, or an intended feature? If intended, I'm sad, I was rather looking forward to it, as it was the closest one could come to a LS Jaesa romance.


    Any help would be appreciated!

  3. Well, while I think the idea of 'ship as a house' is fine, it requires more customization. And there's something of an elephant in the room regarding ships.


    Now, bear with me a moment. I'm of the opinion they're going to be forced to have to either give us personal capital ships (Probably something like a Thranta-class or Terminus-class), and leave the huge dreadnaughts for guild capital ships.


    Why do I think this? A simple question of space. They're planning to give us more companions as time goes on. However, at level 50, nearly every room in my vessel is full to the brim. To accomodate for more companions, they're going to have to give us more space to put them in, which thus logically leads to the necessary conclusion that we'll be getting larger ships at some point.


    Now, this in mind, I would argue that combining personal capital ships with player customization would fulfill the needs of the 'player housing' crowd quite adequately, as long as the ships are big enough, and the customization is in-depth.

  4. I think there's something to be said for the idea that the Empire (and not just the Empire, but the Sith too!) of this era become the Republic/Jedi of the next era.


    Let's look at the next big era that we know a lot about post-TOR era. The Brotherhood of Darkness vs. the Army of Light. Now, the thing that strikes you (particularly about the Jedi Order) about the Army of Light is... they don't seem to have any similarities with the order of -this- era. They don't use the same hierarchy and structure, they have Jedi that lead armies and command their own fleets and ships.


    Not only that, but they use one particular title: Jedi Lord. Why, one might be mistaken for thinking that the Army of Light under Lord Hoth is... basically, Sith that follow the Jedi Code and wield the Light Side. Which is exactly what I think they are.


    Let's go on a little theorycrafting romp, shall we?


    The Empire wins this war. Not a total victory, wiping the Republic from galactic history. But I believe the Empire conquers most if not all of the known galaxy, and the Jedi and Republic flee to the fringes of space.


    However, this leaves things open for the Sith to do what Sith do: With the Republic and Jedi annihilated, with their victory assured and the Sith Empire ruling the galaxy, the Sith begin in-fighting for who gets to be king of the universe. The Emperor is already out of the picture, so now it becomes a battle royale amongst the Sith, with the Empire continuing as it always has.


    Eventually, however, a victor emerges: The Light Side Sith (you can learn about 'em during a Sith Warrior story). They ally with the remnants of the Republic and Jedi, and use that to take over the galaxy... and eventually merge the two entities together. So the Empire and Sith win, the LS Sith win the ensuing political machinations, and mix the Republic/Jedi and Empire/Sith together into one.


    This answers the question of Sith-styled ship designs appearing in the Republic, their use of the symbol, and most imortantly, the fact that the Army of Light era Jedi Order are basically LS Sith in their trappings.


    Least, that's what I'd do.

  5. How did you get the dark-sider thing?


    NOTE i ahve done teh foundry a grand total of once....however I have read that the rebuplics have a FP to free Revan....so why would he be a dark sider?


    His final words are an exact quotation of Darth Malak. "And in the end, as the darkness takes me..."


    Things like that. Plus, y'know, the fact that he was planning (and nearly did) to commit genocide of billions of beings.


    As for Wookieepedia... I wouldn't be trusting of that. Considering it is fan-edited, yeah?

  6. Also, didn't Naga Sadow already have a lightsaber? I remember finding 'Naga Sadow's Poison Lightsaber' in the Tomb of Naga Sadow back in KOTOR, so I don't think that's really a big issue.


    Now, as to whether that's really Naga Sadow's corpse, that's a bit more arguable. It could be argued that it is, and that it isn't; there's plausible scenarios for both, without requiring a retcon.


    1) It isn't, and is perhaps one of his subordinates or a rival that 'stole' his tomb, or Naga Sadow built his tomb out of a pre-existing one (which makes sense, considering there was a Rakatan Star Map in it. Which reminds me, where the heck -is- that thing? Since they're damn near indestructable, and regenerate from any damage).


    2) It is, which means that somebody probably re-buried him there after his demise, which wouldn't seem so far-fetched. I mean, who's to say some Sith cultist or infiltrator (a-la Master Ovair) couldn't have re-buried the bones and body of Naga Sadow in his tomb. A gesture of honour, or somesuch.


    There, that took me 5 minutes and I've already answered your dilemma in two easy solutions. Simple, huh?

  7. Yeah, from what's shown in-game, the Sith hierarchy (at least in the upper echelons) goes as follows:


    Emperor > Emperor's Wrath (The penultimate Sith) > Dark Council > Everyone else.


    Sith Warrior spoilers below:



    Those saying that the Sith Warrior doesn't have power are factually wrong, particularly in the case of a light-side Sith Warrior. Your entire story as a LS SW is that you've been gathering allies and friends across the galaxy, from Overseer Tremel to Darth Vowrawn.


    And in the end, you take down a Dark Council member, and through proper Sith fashion, 'inherit' his powerbase. This only adds to your already-sizeable one.


    And, as a final point. The Emperor's Wrath -does- have authority over the council. After all, at the ending speech, the Emperor's Wrath can say that the status quo will not stand, and that he -will- be instituting changes. Not using flowery words, not using the Emperor's name to invoke his authority. He simply says that they will have to change, by his authority.


    So yeah. Sith Warrior is basically the 2nd most powerful Sith in the Empire. And the most powerful one just got bumped off by the Jedi Knight, and is in recovery.


  8. In the latest build right before you deal the death blow, he sort of teleports somewhere. Still a bad ending, but he is definitiely not dead.


    Eh, it's not a teleportation. That's the thing. He -explodes-. Into lightning. Just like Palpatine did, when he was chucked down the reactor core.


    Not to mention, his dialogue pretty much confirms that he's 100% dead as a doornail. And died a dark-sider, at that.

  9. What really needs to be changed, is to make social points scale up based on the level of the content you're doing with it. I'm fine with 2-8 points for -introductory- stuff, but having it that way even as you get up is just ridiculous. You need -thousands- to rank up, and most dungeons/flashpoints only have one or two conversations in them, netting an average of barely 30-35 points.


    What they need to do is having social points scale up. So, say, for level 10 stuff (BT), you get the usual 2-8. For level 20 (Athiss/Hammer Station), you get 4-16. 30, you get 8-32. Things like that, until you start earning 100+ at max level.


    As it stands, Social Points mean one of two things: You have to group up -constantly-, thus losing control over your own story choices. Or B, you have to grind the heck out of Black Talon or the Esseles, since they're the Flashpoints that provide the most social points.


    It's definitely something that needs -addressing-, not removing.

  10. The problem is, 'neutral' in-game isn't neutral. It's insane, psychotic. Schizophrenic.


    One moment you're petting kittens, then you're eating them for breakfast without remorse, then five minutes later breaking down in tears. You're trying to arbitrarily balance 'points' in some eternal equation, which ends up meaning you have no principles, no ethics or morals, and you wind up utterly and completely inconsistent.


    The only way to do 'grey' properly is to make it a three-tiered system, with Light, Grey, and Dark points. But they haven't gone that route, so I'm not so sure they'll ever put in neutral gear.

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