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Posts posted by Algeroth

  1. I was thinking of making a character for each crafting prof. I already have:


    warrior - biochem

    bounty hunter - armormech

    inquisitor - artifice

    agent - cybertech


    My plan was to make a smuggler with armstech since they have the +5 crit but then I started wondering if I can make imperial weapons with a republic character? So is it possible or should I switch that skill to one of my imperials?


    Also I read that Trooper is good for armormech so I might switch that skill too, IF I can still craft imperial armor parts and not just rebulic armor part.

  2. It says in the description: "which makes the next Force Lightning used uninterruptible and immune to pushback"


    In my head that sounds like it can't be interrupted by moves like force push, overload or any other knockbacks but whenever I use it people tend to do just that.


    What exactly do they mean then?

  3. Right now I have 400 biochem on my other 3 alts and use rakata stuff for pvp since that's my main occupation in this game, but I started my forth alt yesterday and was thinking of some of the changes I've hear in 1.2


    Is it worth to drop biochem and pick up say armormech, cybertech and syntweaving now that you can switch mods around? I'll be using BM/rated WH armor since that's the best gear I can get.

  4. Depend what you enjoy, if you like to pvp then go for it so you'll have fun while waiting


    If you don't enjoy wz ungeared then just play your main or grind another alt


    I enjoy pvp and wz but I know it's hell as ungeared 50... guess I'll start my op healer since they're gonna be kickass in 1.2

  5. I hear ya ,re passing, i usually do , but sometimes fumble .

    My biggest frustration is those 2 elevating devices each side of centre, is it possible to determine direction? I have approached backwards ,spun in mid air , but seem to end up every place i dont want too,


    They have a patern, you just don't see it, besides only noobs use the vent when there are ramps or someone to pass to.

  6. Logic fail. If Jugg isn't meant to do damage, why give them damage specs and say they are capable of damage? Powertech is amazing damage, they can tank probably better than Jug. Assassins do great burst damage, and they can tank. Merc does probably overpowered damage, then can heal. Sorcs? No comment necessary. Why is the Jugg the only class that's not allowed to do damage?


    Furthermore, if Juggs can't do good damage, then it's a balance issue that will need addressing (we're getting new abilities in 1.2). As you can clearly see from the OP, we're clearly capable of doing massive damage, so it's not that.


    I never said jug couldn't do damage, I simply said there are better classes suited for the task.


    If you have the best damage mitigration (yes even better than PT) then why not use that to support your team and let the classes that are good at doing damage do their support for the team?

  7. better file a ticket against BW, tell them to correct the "Role: Tank, Damage" description entry in the class selection screen for Juggernaut/Guardian. while you're at it, also tell them that they don't know what they're doing with the class.


    "pick a jug then go damage when there are alot better suited classes for that purpose."


    Reading comprehension is hard, I know, but try to keep up.

  8. While I agree with you that indeed merc or sorc can pull better numbers, can you say that Healing or damage is the main purpose of Sorcs? Or whats the main purpose of mercs?

    Having the ability to chose doesnt make the class A TANKING class, imo, it just gives you the option to do so.

    Just like you, i roll Vengeance and other than switching to and from soresu/shien, i don't see a point in any other tanking thingy when I can, like you, offer MASSIVE protection and still some very respectable single target dps.

    IMHO the classes that have taunt (jug, PT, sin) are intended to be the tanking class, if they don't do the role they're intended to do they're gimping their team.


    You're free to play your jug however you want, not gonna dictate how you play your game, I just find it wierd that you'd pick a jug then go damage when there are alot better suited classes for that purpose.

  9. So, you're saying that the Juggernaut advanced class is just a tanking AC? That the Vengeance tree or Rage Tree isnt viable? Or maybe that you can't switch from shii-cho/shien to soresu?

    Are you saying every Jugg should go immortal to guard people?

    That IS the main purpose of the class. Sure you can go for the damage tree but why not pick sorc or merc that does that alot better?


    I roll in Vengeance spec myself with soresu form and I average around 200-250k damage and 300k protection if I activly swithc guard to people that's being focused, in return I get the medics gratitude so they heal me and keep me alive.

  10. yepppp


    Get ball. Pull, Force Speed, Pull, Force Speed, Pull, Force Speed, Pull, Force Speed, Pull, Force Speed


    One powertech on the other team grapple to the fire, chain broken.

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