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Posts posted by JPOSR

  1. For the love of God return the flamethrower to Mercs, its the most iconic weapon of the BH.

    Taking it away was as stupids as taking lightsabers from Jedi or Sith, no to mention to those that used flame in the rotation.

    Give it back already!!!


  2. This galactic command system is the most worthless pile of **** ever.

    Endless grinding thru command levels to recieve crates full of useless trash (comp gifts, and items i cant even wipe my *** with).

    Barely got any gear at all, most of it just desintegrate to get to the next level, just to get more trash. Tottaly useless.

    Bring the old system back or the game busts!!

  3. The added effect of ‘Lightning Barrier/Telekinetic Defence' which buffs a sorcerer/sage’ ‘Static Barrier/Telekinetic is disgustingly bright. As in it’s extremely bright to the point it hurts the eyes.


    I believe this needs to be toned down, unless they’re supposed to look like a lightning supernova that’s about to maelstrom all over the place in a sticky lightning mess - it shouldn't be this bright.


    And before someone jumps in, white knight cape fluttering in their smuggy wind. No, I will not change the utility. For a Dps madness sorcerer, this utility is extremely valuable for the DoT damage it provides. You can nibble on my boots for even suggesting I 'avoid' the utility.


    My baby sorcerer looks like a lightning marble of rage. http://prntscr.com/dgfk6q. He's so unimpressed.

    My sage is equally unimpressed with this development. http://image.prntscr.com/image/29ca8a05b46a45f885f58dfae2a732ef.png


    I second that.

  4. Explain me please, why should I keep my subscription if my server is dead and I cant even play warzones, flashpoints, operations etc. Every TOFN player should be allowed to move on another server for free. Otherwise there is no reason to play :mad:


    Cheap Character Tranfs are coming with 5.0, 90CC region. 1000CC Continent

  5. Hmm interesting, seeing as when I asked they told me to just check the website, forums, dev tracker, & twitter...

    Troll maybe?? :rolleyes:


    Im not trolling just passing along the info I was given. If you believe or not thats your problem.

  6. Well that's one way to screw over the Force Using Classes.


    You say that cuz Athena-Nike only takes nof force classes as exemple. but it coul work for Force classes in a similar way. I´ve met with Juggs that would like to use saber staff and vibrostaff, as well some shadows that would like to use vibrosword or sorcs thta would like to use saberstaff too.

    If well implemented it could be very interesting legacy feature.

  7. I would very much like to purchase the Summer Pass, its a really nice deal, but currently im sub.

    Problem is my current sub ends July5, 4 days after Summer Pass promotion is over.

    Why cant i buy the Summer Pass? I want to, but "just because" im sub i cant?

    Guess im going f2p after July5 insted of new sub of SP. You loss BioEA!!

  8. I'm still waiting on dual spec. I want it. Others want it.


    Some people may think it's no longer needed, but that doesn't change the fact that it has been over a year since the devs said they would have it in. Then they changed their minds. Then later, nothing.


    Many, many MMO's have dual-spec already. Why don't we? We have the respecs, we have the market, and the appearance changer. Dual Spec would help instance queues and allow players to have PvP specs AND Dungeon/Raid specs.


    I want Dual Spec and I want it now! *holds up protest sign!* :mad:


    Yes plz! Field respec sucks. It blows my GUI bars everytime i change it. It USCKS!!



  9. I think an update to legacy is in order, perhaps bring the rumored global datacron unlock to the game. I remember datacrons being unlocked for all characters when one character found them all was something that was discussed when legacy first launched, I think I speak for a majority of players when I say we would like that.


    A fine sugestion. Second on that.

  10. Please, let us report these credit sellers & put them on ignore in a single click. It's really a pain as is with the number of spammers that we have any more.


    EDIT: Oh, and make the ignore list legacy wide.



    Second on that idd.

  11. Some1 probably already posted about this but ill do it anyway.

    Its imperative we have a dual spec feature like in WoW.

    With the toggle of a simple button have the habilitie of switching Spec and Gear.


    I feel a real need for this feature since with my opertative i play healer in PvE and DPS in PvP.

    Best regards

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