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Posts posted by Loricey

  1. While I agree that Soa definitely has its share of annoying bugs, nearly every one I've encountered can be dealt with and should not interfere with the boss being killed. My guild spent 11 hours trying to kill NiM Soa before we got our first kill on 8man. During that time, we learned how to deal with his bugs and have been one-shotting him since.


    To OP- Like others have said, the boss despawning in the last phase can be corrected by having someone taunt during each mind trap.


    Regarding pillars not hitting the boss- We have had attempts where he gets hit by the pillar, goes through the animation of getting hit, but does not lose his shield. Because of this, the biggest thing I can emphasize is being consistent throughout his last phase. He will most likely enrage if he misses a pillar, but that does not mean he cannot be killed. Soa's enrage on 8m NiM is a complete joke and is barely different than his non-enraged state. If your raid is wiping as he enrages, it is because you are not dealing with the other mechanics properly (lightning balls, breaking mind traps, not getting hit by pillars, etc.).


    I hope most of these bugs are fixed soon but making a post complaining he is impossible to kill isn't the way to approach Soa. Good luck!

  2. Suggestion for the bonus boss.


    Rename the 3 adds that drop to Alpha, Brava, Charlie or something to that effect.


    Trying to plan CC's accordingly is a facepalm at best. Always end up getting 1 mob CC'd twice.


    I've been clearing HM Kaon Under Siege since it was released and actually enjoy the variety of the trash and the Bonus boss mechanics. The bonus boss is pretty healing / dps intensive but easily killed with the correct CC's. If you are having trouble with 1 mob getting 2 CC's, try assigning a rough area for CC's (1 person CC's left, 1 person CC's right, kill the middle add). We also started using our 4s stun on the add before our 1min CC to ensure nobody was on the wrong mob. Using that, nobody should ever overlap CC's on the same mob. Good luck to anyone who is having difficulty with this!

  3. I have spent a bit of time searching the forums and did not see this issue on the known bug list. If there is another thread talking about this, please direct me to it. I have noticed on Ilum that quite a few players on my server (Infinity Gate) have been typing "/stuck" after they die to teleport to where they died at full health. This poses a problem on any battle that isn't completely one-sided, as anyone who uses this will be able to stay in the action nearly 100% of the time without spending any time running back. Is this a known glitch or is it working as intended? It is a bit depressing to kill 4-5 people in a row to have them immediately teleport back to the action at full health (making wiping the opposing group extremely difficult). Also, is it worth reporting the players I observe doing this behavior? Thanks!
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