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Posts posted by squitsquat

  1. The Marauder does need a buff. For being the "hardest/most complex" class to play our damage is piss poor.


    Why can a Sniper take out 70% of your health in 2 hits yet we have to go through this giant cycle of skills just to start even pumping out any damage, why do we only have 1-2 reliable defensive skills?


    If we are indeed the hardest class to play, we need to actually be rewarded for that, a marauder should be able to single handedly carry his team in a warzone when played to his highest potential.


    Every other class is easier to play yet does more damage than us. How come we don't get any 6k crits for using our entire rotation, why do we HAVE to go into Rage to put out any burst. We have to use multiple skills, multiple times to do damage yet almost every other class can use one or two skills and deal twice as much damage.


    So ok, maybe we don't have high damage, maybe we have good tankiness. Oh wait, no, being focused by more than one person is gonna get us killed. "But what about our 3-4 defensive cooldowns?!?!" Oh you mean how we only have 1 MAYBE 2 reliable cooldowns.


    Saber ward is on a 3 minute cooldown so you can scratch that.


    Undying rage is on a 90 second cooldown so you can scratch that too.


    Force Camo is on a 45 second cooldown so it is pretty reliable but since every class has either a) Huge Range or b) some gigantic leap, unless we find some nifty little hiding spot they can simply get right back ontop of us.


    CoP has either a 1 minute to 30 second cooldown so it is also relatively reliable.


    Ok well, maybe we have good CC since we have sub par damage and survival. Oh wait, no again


    We have a 2-3 second snare which is decent and Crippling slash. With the god awful input delay and bugs, Force choke doesn't actually do anything and our disrupt is a pain to time correctly, also to get Force Crush we HAVE to go into Rage.


    So for being the hardest class to play we get:

    Piss Poor damage for the required effort

    No real reliable defensive cooldowns

    Minimal CC

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