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Posts posted by Dacooker

  1. Wowowowowow competence would dictate that this patch would have been implemented with the weekly maintenance downtime that occurred on the 7th.


    Instead incompetence would dictate shutting down the servers to implement a patch 48 hours after a scheduled server maintenance downtime.


    The force is weak here......

  2. Overall I'm ok with it. It does need some work though


    First they said the game could run on lower grade pc's with onboard video. Yet mid grade pc's with graphics cards melt running the game. I had upgraded to a $1600 PC.


    Basic utilities lacking ie: Simple word search auction house, cross server LFG, cross server warzones, chat bubbles.


    Too many loading screens....


    And no server transfers!

  3. I have two jedi sentinels. It was fun and exciting at prelaunch to play one, I decided to roll another, but on a different server. Just kidding, I had to re roll because there is no server transfers available, and no one plays at the time I play on my server.


    So I rerolled so I may raid, once I get to 50 again. Awesome



    So how many classes do you have two of? Imperial and republic counterparts don't count.

  4. So I preordered, and got deployed to a specific guild and server for launch. I leveled my main character I want to raid on, and started a alt on this server.


    My work schedule changed, so I can no longer raid with my intentional guild, or even able to form groups to run HM's at the time I get off work.


    My question is to the developers:


    How are you going to rectify this situation, I'm probably not the only one looking for answers. It would be nice if you offered server transfers, but you don't. It would be nice if you had cross server LFG tool, but you don't.


    The only way I can see to fix this is re roll my main on a higher populated server, IMO thats crazy talk.


    Why should I or other paying customers have to go through leveling the same character on another server? We shouldn't, we won't.


    I love this game, but it's gets boring fast. I'm considering unsubscribing.


    On a side note, you've implemented a lot of low key to non issue bugs in the game, yet you've yet to address 'Server Transfers".


    It's time to step up to the plate and answer, or now that you have 1.7 subs it doesn't matter.

  5. ok enough already with the comparisons to desktop computer temps.


    ITS A LAPTOP as denoted by the qm at the end of the model number not to mention the fact intel have never made a desktop i7 2670qm.


    clearly many here have no idea what the cpu even is or how cooling works.


    liquid cooling is not a viable option so stop pretending it's something the OP can use and stop thinking it's cool as well, it's utterly pointless unless your doing high end rendering of and judging by some posts with it i would imagine you wouldn't even know how to stress your cpu to that degree anyway to fully utilise a cooling solution like that.


    the lowest end i7 mobile and i could be wrong starts at 1.8ghz then uses turbo tech to push to 2.8ghz as it is a laptop so power saving is used instead of high clock rates all the time.


    and no it's not a quad core it's a dual core with hyperthreading 2 physical cores and 2 virtual.


    there are 2 posts in this entire thread of any value to the OP, one regarding the use of warranty and one prior to it cover many things about air flow.


    OP the only responce to read is the one regarding the warranty, if your worried then go see the reseller and consult with them and see if it's an issue, alternativly geta cooling pad and see if you can't improve it yourself, in any case pick up the cooling pad to give your laptop that extra lease at life, despite everything laptops don't really respond well to excessive heat over long periods of time a cooling pad will help you there.


    no one cares if your i7 2600k with a coolermaster blah blah only gets to 40 deg...it's completly irrelevent.



    are you mad?

  6. You cannot compare the two games.


    But if you must compare this.


    When WOW first came out, the max raid size was 40 people.


    Compare that to SWTOR, just after release you'll be hard pressed to find more than 40 people on a given planet.


    The server populations supported better community when WOW released.


    SWTOR instead implemented a million servers, so now everyone is playing spread out. LFG is now to impossible.


    I love swtor, but it's not WOW

  7. I don't understand why people keep saying this. The fix in the patch was always meant to just fix the bug so future people don't get it, not the people who have already been screwed by it.


    If I understand you correctly, since I already had the dialogue with her, and choose the darkside option. I will have no more opportunities to have dialogue with her.

  8. lol hahahahahahahahah poor man it's even worse then not having the invite xD i feel sorry for you


    haha I know right! The worst thing is there's absolutely no customer service. Sigh. Oh well, I guess leveling is out of the question.

  9. I pre-ordered on the 23 of august, probably be ultra lucky if i got in tomorrow. Here i was thinking 14th for sure, now not so much.


    Yah man I hear you. I redeemed on the 22nd. I figured I wouldn't get in on day one, but definitely on day two. I'm thinking Aug 21st with be the cut off tomorrow. For me that's tragic, lol.

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