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Posts posted by Jaidyn_Kraden

  1. I find that with the advent of the 1.2 I am giving some very serious thought to re-speccing my healer and going back to my old full DPS spec. I've gone from feeling heroic and helpful to weak and helpless. That pretty much sums it all up. To be brutally honest, while it was difficult in pre 1.2 for a DPS to defeat a healer, at least it made us feel like we were making a difference. Right now? I feel like I'm a hindrance to my team, because a single DPS can easily overpower me - causing me to die very frequently - and often before I even have a chance to help anyone on the field. In theory, I should be able to hold my own - and used to - until 1.2 came along. It seems to me, that Bioware has gone from one extreme into another with this patch - and that is never good.


    Oh well. Maybe one of these days they'll get it right. A happy medium would be good...for starters.

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