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Everything posted by Celwinn

  1. Don't get me wrong. That would be a good thing. I was just pointing out they won't admit to nerfing it and just blame it on being a bug. This is EA (and now I guess Broadsword). They don't care about disappointing players lol. All they see is $$. Which sucks, because next week, I was thinking about dropping a good amount of money to buy CC. Looks like that money will go elsewhere.
  2. What sucks is that if the blowback is big enough, they will just come out and say it's a "bug" and they will hotfix it.
  3. Sadly yeah. Broadsword and EA don't care about the game. They just want a quick buck
  4. I've been subbed since Dec 1 2023 and I have no free transfers?
  5. I think that's a bad thing. 5 favourite slots for your server (Not sure if it's faction-specific) are asking for monetization, which is what we are getting. If it were 5 slots per character, I think that would've been better. Your GTN toon would favourite something your RP toon wouldn't (Just using that as an example)
  6. Same. I was hoping that Broadsword would throw a bone with 5 more favourite slots free before selling them. Guess not
  7. Buy slots makes sense for monitization. 99% of people will buy extra GTN slots and not favourite slots. I'm just hoping they aren't monitizing favourite slots now. Favourite slots are quick links to something you like on the GTN. For instance, you might like a certain dye color but don't the credits. So you favourite it, and when you have the funds, you can instantly find it. It's a good way to keep tabs on hot selling items on the market. Broadsword gave us 5 to start and I know people were asking for more.
  8. Really hoping we can purchase additional favourite slots with credits and CC and it's not just another money grab.
  9. Until they tell us the amount, we don't know. We can assume, but until they officially say something, it's unknown
  10. Except, other strongholds allow credits or CC to unlock rooms. This one has 3 rooms that is only unlockable by CC, which is why the question is vaild
  11. For the record, I'm not against having sub rewards for unlocking rooms for the SH. What I'm against is not having the option for the F2P track in getting the same options, which is why I proposed the Tokens idea. Sub players will get the rooms free on the sub track and can use tokens for something else and the F2P track gets the option to buy them.
  12. Since the SH seems to be the focal point of the GS, why is the F2P track having less content? Armor/transmogs are one thing, but a SH? Why not give the option for F2P track to buy the rooms with Galactic Tokens? (3 tokens per room for example)
  13. So why not have the sub track free but allow F2P track buy the rooms with the Galactic Season Tokens (Or whatever they are called). It gives both tracks something and doesn't cut content for anyone. (I know some people will say SHs are optional content and doesn't affect your game but people like different things)
  14. More likely they will increase it 😛
  15. So f2p gets 3 less rooms? or do they have an option to buy them later? and Does it only take CC to unlock? or both CC and credits?
  16. So when I made the server, there was no public Shae server, however it came to my attention there was one quietly being made. In order to have one server where all Shaeians can converse, we decided to merge together. The server linked in the OP is shutting down tomorrow but the new server is: https://discord.gg/9pjwqf2X
  17. Never ran a Discord server. Will take a bit to get it organized
  18. I would have but wasn't sure if there was one already made
  19. Not sure how difficult this would be to create/program but would it be possible to have a mail icon on the character page for characters who have new mail? (Like how WoW has it)
  20. Has anyone created a specific discord server for Shae Vizla? If not, I did create one. It's barebones atm Edit: Sounds like there isn't an official Discord Server for it. Come in and meet fellow Shae players. https://discord.gg/9pjwqf2X
  21. Did they buff this heroic? Does it scale with your ilvl now? 336 gear, level 50 companion yet I'm still barely getting through fights, though I think I should be doing better.
  22. Hello, I'm wondering if there is an RP community on SV, and if there is a possible discord for the server itself
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