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Posts posted by IcemanJP

  1. Show me the 2 stuns that fill up the resolve bar .. in WZ you constantly stunned/mezzed/knockdown .. if it were only slow/knockback interupt i wouldnt care, but an pvp game were you have to stand still all Skills locked out, so you cant do anything beside watching your health bar go down ... is just .... no i dont say it :)


    Most CCs in this game are on short CD with the ONLY breaker you have on a 3min CD.

  2. And again another thread about it .. its so hard in an mmo to be social .. you need a tool to do your work .. i hope Bioware wont listen to the whiney none social ppl, like other games did.


    why would you need a World wide LFG channel .. Heroics you can search ppl on your planet for ... Flashpoints go to Fleet and search em .. easy like that ... no tool/channel needed for it.

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